# Fright of Form

What has the potential to be more frightening?

## Formless
- That which has no form
- The concept of there being no form?
- The idea that there could be nothing, and that there may ultimately be nothing right at this moment. That somehow there is simply an abberation in the fabric of time that allowed for there to be a material reality. For forms to take hold, or for the perception of a form to be possible for just one brief moment. And that somehow this is only an illusion, and that in spite of the fact of it not being real, that it could elicit misery and pain. That even though it's not real, and not necessary, the only thing which became necessary in its potential was the pain and suffering of all who experience it. Is there any experience without the pain? Without the loss? What can we keep that is different in a reality that has forms vs those that do not?

## Impossible Form
- Something that offends one's sense of reality.
- A form too impossible to exist
- A form too impossible to be realized
- A form of such dimensions that one cannot perceive it without becoming mad.
- A form that one wishes could not exist and thus must always imagine that it is impossible to come into being

## Biological Form
- Limitation. Finitude.
- The end of breath.
- The inability to qualify
- Invalidity
- If one cannot participate it is because one should have never been brought into being.
- To exist was a mistake, and it was better for no existence to have ever occurred at all