so the idea behind Kimberle Crenshaw's mapping the margins is that her theory is used as an action against marginalization

this is why she says that Critical Race Theory is a verb

she also says that it's only those in the positions of power, close to the superstructure, in control of the infrastructure of society, who are able to dialectically critique the marginalized from a higher level, and impose the ways in which their identity changes in society

and so that this is actually the tool of oppression

this is why not only should it become the tool of the oppressed, but the oppressed must insist on their identity which had been used to historically marginalize and oppress them

they need to use this to bind together, build their collective interest, represent themselves and fight back through theory to undermine a corrupt oppressive process that is borne of the manner in which society has been organized, that is the infrastructure that has been built is still serving the superstructure, and this includes the service of oppressed peoples in support of the oppressor class

racialize to fight against the dominant group that asserted they are a race antithetical or abject to the races they declared to be able to oppress