# Summary
- Thrombosis
- Intravasal clot formation
- Insufficient safety consideration by AMA
- Dissaminated Intravascular Coagulation - exhaust clotting system
- Intracranial/Cerebral blood clots
- Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
- Pfizer study suggests 52 persons under 55 would die from vaccination, when normal rate would be ~10

# Clots
- Variety of symptoms
- Vaccines taken up by vessel wall (endothelial cells)
- Spike presented at wall (facing bloodstream)
- Spikes can activate platelets
- Spike-presenting sites will be attacked by NK cells
- Repair of vessel wall will also induce clotting

# Pharmacokinetics
- Normal infection has a progression along respiratory system
- This means that the immunity will be dispersed accordingly (in spite of lymphocytes having to mature in thymus, it still is the difference when it comes to circulatory vs secretory)
- If LNP enter bloostream, there's no way out - must come into contact with vessel wall
- These will be the cells which take up the genes in quantity

# Site behaviour
- Spike protrudes along with waste product
- Spike can induce platelets to activate
- Lymphocyte notice waste signature and attack cell
- Sites likely where blood flow is most sluggish - more time for uptake