# Lovers
Lovers, explorers, empathetic to one another's value systems and mode of reasoning, make ethic and ability to self motivate

Desire to succeed, aligned principles and ethics. Similar morality. Mixed cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Necessity of using TIME.

No idleness. Challenges. Pain and pleasure. Growth and reflection. Structure and foundation. Goals an dplay for a better future.
Standards for predictability. Standards for living conditions and lifestyle.

Constantly improving. Tolerance of one another's personalities as we seek our own idiosyncratic forms of personal development.

# Journey
Journey onward, as the quest is ongoing, and the dragon not yet slain. This began early, with an early set of memories.

1. Football Stairs
2. Dream/nightmare of father's death
3. Vaccination at doctor's office

Why the football?
I was playing with my brother - the two of us tossing a football to and fro, with myself at the top of the basement stairs. We have 11 yeras between us, and I always greatly admired and sought to imitate my brother as I was convinced that he always had deep insight and embodied the pinnacle of cool. I always imagined that women would be unable to resist him.

Being at the bottom was natural for my brother to assume - given that he was older and stronger. The conesquence of this configuration was that the football was propelled upwards with great force, striking me in the face. I felt somewhat devastated and immediately abandonned our cooperative activity, running down the hall and into the kitchen, where my mother's familiar figure was present, preparing what was likely to be our supper for the evening.

With tears in my eyes, I recounted my version of the events to my reassuring mother, who liekly knew well enough not to take my complaints too seriously.

# Strength
Why Strength?

Create strength through quality of choice and example/demonstration. It propgates forth and creates a better condition for all with greater strength, the conditions of existence can be potentiated for the greatest benefit for our expereince, and this increases the rate of progress and discovery, bringing mankind towards an understanding for the nature and purpose of existence, or even the clarity to understand what precisely is most worth focusing on with the limited attr.? significant and growing portion of time that is generally attributed to the individual human experience.