why woudl anyone settle for that nosense
to spend their precious time having discussions that are doomed
where the attitudes being presented are a gross impediment to even being able to understand the purpose of the conversation
as far as I can tell, ti's always a continuous loop with the same result each time
well each time it seems as though we're beginning with the same outlook, the same expectations, the same hopes for some type of meaningful exchange
perhaps we become tired of the same interactions with the same people, perhaps it's the people, or perhaps it's the type of interactions to which we've become accustomed
we're not growing from them, they themselves are not meaningful or we're not really able to reach the level of expression and performance that is necessary to feel that we are truly living to our fullest potential
it might also be the fact that we're not uncovering knowledge which seems to come from outside our frame of reference
if something is always easily attainable then perhaps it's not very valuable?
it could also be that we're thinking it's worth sacrificing ourselves for good will
for some sort of benefit to the world, in our believe, which is in and of itself a form of "virtue signal" to the self, establishing a level of morality that might somehow make ourselves feel better about ourselves
about life and existence
in any case, we're set onto this route once again and the hope is that we'll be able to save the world and ourselves, and that this is very simple because we need simple retain the appropritae attitude and use logic and reason to deduce reality from fallacy and establish the necessary shared values in the represented matter before us
of course, whether these intentions be strongly understood, robustly supported, statically reliable and so forth is always an illusion, for any human, because without a strict system that one must somehow adhere to, we're likely to modify our understanding or perception without realizing it, maybe not even realizing it at all in retrospect either, even for the most grave and exaggerated deviations from reality or objective truth, whatever that may be
nevertheless, we start with these intentions and these modes of being, and soon we find na issue of contention which necessarily assigns us to different signs of a political spectrum
it's easy to see where it is going, almost immediately, and we begin to have a conception of why the other person might be stuck to their way of thinking
I can get our we each our own cognitive biases and that this will necessarily lead us astray, if we have these sorts of political opinions or are even subjected to a revealed differentiation of opinion on a political issue
because you already will start to wonder just to what degree the other person has delved off into understanding the issue in detail, and just how much of that desire to study and analyze it is driven by desires of other types, which we all have
so it's easy to establish a possible vector for unforgivable behaviour or thought, shall we say, and that already starts to contaminate one's perspective, and the interaction as awhole
what allows us to get past that, however, are the elements in the exchange which RESTORE trust and goodwill
and one would hope that in most situations that is done through manner and attention to details
allowing for each identified component to receive some sort of honest moment of scrutiny or, better yet, observation and analysis
to actually understand that it's possible for someone to give an honest opinion, an authentic disclosure, on something that has been at least of value enough such that you were willing to distinguish it from the noise of unlimited artifacts that might be also related to the area of concern
and this doesn't happen because of random choice, or because of the order in which something is presented in one's life, but because it was remarkable and note worthy.. there are far too many things that one could have noticed instead
but this doesn't actually mean that we're gettiing to a place where we're able to maintain that
and i feel that, though I haven't been perfect, I do at least respond or touch upon the individual things he has brought forward
especially in the sense that I'm giving an honest opinion as to why something is important or not
instead of saying "oh that's facile, that's silly and unimportant, that's not something worthy of my attention"
you actually say what is the point being considered, why is it being considered, what values might change one's opinion as to the validity of the point, the weight of it, and so forth
and then you figure out how you can explain this to the other person in a way which accurately conveys your honest opinion, and also allows them to understand your good intention in the overall development of your shared and individual understanding of the world
and of course this is no easy task, it's something which takes time, but it's a two way street and we both have to make the effort or somehow demonstrate that we would have wanted to make that effort
but as soon as the spirit of one's ego causes one to reject something being presented forward, then you start to lose your trust and faith in the process
and in one another
so then, at the very least, you identify something of import when you are having a moment of good will
you both understand that doing this is a going to allow that good will to blossom and extend beyond the moment, but into the realm of possibility and the future
and it becomes forgoten, not even mentioned
that' sfine, but at least demonstrate that you are willing to give honest thought o something else, so long as it is something which is relevant
and it's not even that, it goes beyond that because it follows a pattern of getting down to hte root bottom of the values of a particular disagreement
where the fundamental values are likely very similar, and that hte ego changes how these are being represented because of political association or personal experience
the manner in which you survive in this world, and how you need to manitain particular activities and areas of activity in order to fulfill the requirement of what you believe is entailed in your survival
but you still demonstrate, at some moment, if you actually think there is something good to be had, that you are willing to consider a view and give a careful or at least an honest and thoughtful, if quick, representation fo your feelings or your opinion
to discourage, reject, neglect and discount someone and their idea because ou consider it intellectually beneath you is bad enough, but it goes beyond that
because this gets into the fundamental reason for what I believe is the misunderstanding of the world
the idea that, in order for one to be doing good things, noe needs to be controlled
because if you really believe that others have to be controlled in order to do great, or even just good things
then it's likely that you aren't really able to do good things either
and that you have replaced your understanding that you aren't capable of this
and you have, instead, hcaracterized all people who are not yourself, as falling into this category
especially when you have a difference of opinion with that person
and therefore in this scenario, the natural thing is to assume that you are the one who must correct all others
to guide them into the correct opinion, best knowledge, and precise action that is necessary and relevant at that time
this works, or at least doesn't cause too much of a problem, for most issues
but when it comes down to the lack of gratitude about the good things one has
and to cheapen it and allow it to all go to waste
in a fashion which harms others, and destroys lives
makes it impossible for some lives to ever be restored
then you're actually risking people's pain and suffering, and even your own, for a little experiment in your ego
at that moment, if you aren't able to consider an opinion about something when it really matters, you're really doubling down on everything that might nnonsense, and you don't care because you need to continue believing it so strongly
ahh what a clusterfuck
people have problems these days and it's impossible to always know the best way to behave
so soetimes, ifs omething isn't working anymore, and you know that it has been wasteful
the choice is to stop trying to fgure out the best way to act all the time
and just choose the way to act now which will at least give you that time back, so that you can make, hopefully, enough progress to satisfy the needs of mitigating the problem whcih might arise if nothign is done to counter the risks of the now
correct the emotion