# Erasing Mankind

1. Assume something is inherently wrong with human design, construct. Why?
- Mortality -> one will perish, as will all those one is fond of
- Inequality -> one sees that some have less or more
  - This is a peril of a characteristic found generally in physical systems, not just human. At the very least, biological systems or systems of biological entities.
  - Eventually, if there is nothing, we can have equality.
  - Just as matter is pulled into the BLack Hole, we eventually get pulled into our grave.
  - Death is the greatest equalizer, but how to have this before death? How to achieve equity without death?

## Redistribution

Proponents of equity claim to be in favour of selfless redistribution from the haves to the have-nots. But is this their loss? Let us ask some questions.

### Do they have wealth? Then they probably stand to gain, in some capacity:
- Praise, regard
- Professional endeavour
- Interest in particulars of new solutions
- Safety in their non-competitive pracices
- Safety to be provided for by mechanisms which solve the equity problem
- They can continue their expenditures within the realm of abstract, assuming essentials will be more guaranteed than before (expending on things which might not otherwise be expected to return value)

### But what about spending more on taxes?
Some would say that they can afford to do so, but we could take it a step further.
- They believe it benefits them in some material capacity

### But they are willing to make less!
So is anyone, actually, so long as compensation is provided in other ways:
- Security
- Relative wealth
- Free goods
- High status
- Heightened sense of more stature
- Praise, ego

### They are willing to give up their position
Is this true? This is a very contentious point to be making.
I've not seen this, myself.

### They are on a path of self destruction
Obvious or subtle?
It may simply be an aspiration to rid the world of man, as they are offended that the rest of mankind fails to recognize their struggle, or fails to act.
They force others to act out the predicates of their fantasies. In a final effort to unleash their cries, they call the world to cry in kind.

And if they perish because of it, they feel the grand conquest, and there is a sense of resolutions in bringing mankind to the rest with with them as soon as they begin the inevitable cataclysm which washes away all that they despise. Catharsis at last!

### Do They Hate Mankind, or just themselves?