Not the writing that I had hoped, but it becomes challenging to let any struggle go. They all seem to feed into one another, and you can never be sure if it is yet perfectly executed, thus it needs a minimum degree of functionality or else it seems like failure.

So what of groups? Do they exist? I think not. They will never guarantee that you can be certain you are part of one. For, you see, anyone and no one can claim to speak on this behalf, and you can never verify the authenticity of word that you have maintained your requirements.

Within an individual, however, you can always hear it from the only authority, and you are kept updated in real time. In fact, there needn't be knowledge of any group in order for your status to be communicated and transacted upon.

They think we are nothing but a burden, but we can be this burden two-fold. Most obvious is our resource utilization. They can never be sure that we use resources as we "should", and just that how is precisely what those elites busy themselves within to quantify their won contribution.

But forther to that, we are the burden of self-realization, for we realize without any intervention, and even still, with information. But then also, they realize they haven't become what we have, or what we will become.

# Hate

Why the hate? Why must knowledge of one cause hate of the self? It is really not necessary.