# Mother
Wow what a pickle we find ourselves in
At a time of unreason and the questioning of fundamental values, when the state of affairs is unclear and the rabid race towards choosing a path of action, or inaction, is compelled by forces beyond the faculties of one reason
and beyond the scope of what one is able to deduce from their environment, as the story of one's environment is provided externally without a capacity for one to verifytits veracity, we come to rely on our most innate and inherent understanding of the world
and this innate and understanding of the world comes from our most fundamental lessons and experience
The first teacher for these experiences, who taught of nature and the fundamental properties of reality, is mother
Mother has shown that the choice for life is the choice of nature, that to exist and accept existence is universally valid, and that it is reasonable to have courage, but never reasonable to be governed by fear

# Our Covid Response
so I've managed to get a lot done this weekend, but there are still a few essentials
I need to get the word out to people that they can't be snoozing on the issues at hand
that is to say, they need to consider the fact that their inaction is cascading into new problems yet unseen and unexperienced
If they're to ensure that the future isn't full of more suffering than they're willing to sign up for, they'll need to start actively using their logic and reasoning.. begin to think critically about the decisions they're making and the ideas they are accepting
If they really want to continue making use of lockdown measures, they'll need to at least posit as to whythey're pursuing them, and whether or not they're efficar the reasoning to which the strategy applies
it would seem that there is no reason to continue, and good reason to believe that it was the wrong method to be employing in the first place
that isn't to say that it was necessarily the wrong method to be employing, so let's take a moment to think about it more clearly
What could have been a good reason for staying home?
1. "Flatten the curve"
No seriously, what can we say about flattening the curve?
Not really a genius, and the idea of flattening the curve might be considered genius
what is it exactly
the curve expresses what metric specifically
or what set of metrics
the volume of work demanded of the medical system
the burden on society as a whole
the demand on societal infrastructure
Ultimately that represents everything as a whole
so long as we assume that there are no artificial means by which the load is increasing, that is to say, any increases of infrastructure load which aren't the consequence of choosing a foolish response to the phenomenon which is purported to be increasing the load
if the mode of operation employed is one which, by virtue of its enactment, produces an increase of load which wouldn't otherwise have been produced out of merely increasing the use of the previous mode of operation, then the area for analysis changes to one which deliberates the use of one mode of operation vs the other, rather than simply comparing the increase in the element for which these operations are being performed
So we need some structure here
I was talking about why we're reacting to the threat of the coronavirus by staying home
we want to reduce the load on our society, in terms of the use of infrastructure ie the medical facilities that are publicly available
the assumption, for hte purpose of argument, is that there is no frivolous increase in the use of infrastructure due to a poorly chosen mode of operation
rather, there is simply an increase in the load of use
we are not at capacity, and it might be argued that the reason we're not at capacity is because we're all staying home
the problem with that argument is multifaceted
first it must be considered that, when comparing different locales, it would seem that some locations were able to choose a response which is fundamentally different from that which we've chosen
and that, unless they've had dramatically more severe burden placed on medical capacity, there's reason to believe that their response might be superior, or at least, comparable in some capacity
the argument against that way of thinking is that it becomes impossible to compare two locations
There are different geographical boundaries, with different material conditions such as weather, terrain, air composition, natural waterways, biodiversity, ecoemic cycles
furthermore, there are different demographics, with different levels of income and different proportions expressed within those income levels
we can, however, still look on the fact this reasoning also argues against mimicking a model employed by any one locale, by virtue of the performance of its employment at that locale
therefore, we haven't argued for or against the idea of comparing outcomes based on different uses from different locales
and we still have to negotiate with the fact that there is a great similarity in the outcomes of most locales, with a few outliers for which there could be explanations beyond the natural behaviour of the phenomenon alone that might have lead to outcomes that are remarkable in one aspect or another