# Trans-left critiques right-wing covidists
A MtoF trans person was talking about how the COVID era has lead to exacerbation of religious behaviour among the "right wing", and that this takes the form of those who see themselves as being in the right to refuse the vaccine, simply because they are good people. They go on to explain that these "right wingers" believe that that the fact of them being good people means that they won't become infected with COVID, or suffer disease.

this is obviously a very brittle argument all on its own, because it ignores huge swathes of "right-wing" people who have
1. taken the vaccine
2. had COVID and recovered
3. expressed that they do not expect that they won't get COVID

The trans person then, in what seems to be a moment of self-awareness, goes on to say that:
"religious thinking also occurs on the left", and that left see themselves as doing "all the right things" which might also cause them to believe they won't get covid, but that this is not a good way of thinking about it, because they might still get covid and that the reason they'll get covid is because of "right-wing" antimaskers who contaminate their environment and infect them.

It's insane to see the lack of self-awareness here, because they are attempting to demonstrate awarenesss and reflection by humbly admitting that they are liable to also fall into a pattern of "religious" thinking, by saying that they might expect to not get COVID because they've done all the RIGHT/MORAL/HOLY things (keep sanitizing!!) which should keep them safe from the EVIL infection, and that the pitfall of this "religious mindset" is that they'll be off-guard if and when they actually catch COVID.

They don't mention at all the fact that their religious mindset has lead them to assume that the reason their "holy acts" fail is because of the inherent evil of the "right wingers" who cause them to be contaminated with the devil's disease.

It's probably impossible to avoid dogmatic thinking while also assuming that there is an "other" who, by definition of their identity, will cause you harm. I do this too.