We must examine different systems and compare them to find similar expressions of behaviour.
Since sound is an area that I can intuit most adeptly (at least within my frame of reference), it makes sense to use it, but not to rely on it solely.
I have had good experience in other realms as well, so there must always be a second comparison.
That said, the aspiration is to find similarities in order to canonicalize certain behaviours, and to understand that they are fundamental as an overarching law of nature
that we can find laws or be able to predict forms and expressions which manifest within a given system
and that we are able to find analogs in the other systems 
in order to prove that this behaviour which we might already have a law or accepted theory at hand to describe and predict it
may also be part of a bigger phenomenon which might be more universal
and that our understanding of this could lead to better decision making for systems from the perspective of humans