# Debunking the Debunkers

Critics of the narrative can identify the prevailing narrative through consensus and the dissemination of info from the most popular sources. It becomes difficult, however, because the narrative changes, and does not make apologies for its false predictions. It's all part of the scientific process, and those who don't keep up will have become agents of misinformation.

The fact checkers, however, need only to assert that there exist false claims and conspiracy theories. They can choose a piece of content, with a juicy keyword, and connect it to a point of contention. Another questionable Facebook video to chop down in utter glory. How wonderful it is that we have such a service which identifies false claims and refutes them! It matters not if the claim best describes the fittest criticism of the narrative. Just so long as there's one fewer pieces of inaccurate information, the war is being won incrementally, and news organizations are going above and beyond.
Oh glory, there is one less piece of misleading content out there. The war is being won incrementally. Surely this refutation cannot be used in any way to mislead! Let's be sure that absolutely everyone bears witness to it, far and wide, to send a message to those evil critics, who are all conspiracy theorists.

Surely publishing a trivial debunk could do no harm, right?

Thanks fact checkers!