I think this is just you being very gullible
I'v ebeen wanting to say this for a long time
It's not exactly just my problem, I think it's an overarching problem that affects everyone
What I'm saying is that you assume this is a problem which affects me, and is somehow encapsulated except for, perhaps, how my own behaviour or actions might affect ohters
but what I'm saying is that the problem itself is something fundamental, something related to the experience of all mankind
we all need to contend with a difficult life
there are many elements of tribulation one encounters in their life
and that's assuming that one gets a chance to live a life of appreciable length
there are some who are born into this world in an absolute chaotic state of physical pain and psychological torture
because of nothing other than the laws of physics and developmental circumstances predicated on their genes, their parents, their surroundings, their environment, their nutrition, their exposure to the material composition of those environments, and other things which can not even be fully enumerated, but I'm sure we could attempt to enumerate and reveal many more factors
and due to the combination of these things, the lifewhich is experienced, even when considering the idea that one might not yearn for that which one is not aware, but nevertheless that experience which is undertaken by the person in question, has the potential to be a harsh form of suffering, even when considering all of the aforementioned
and that isn't to say that just such a person suffers and others do not
all have experiences of suffering, because there is a biological reality which each person must contend with
they must understand that just because they exist doesn't mean they'll necessarily get to perform the actions that they wish
just because they exist doesn't mean that they'll have the chance to have offspring
that they'll have the chance to enjoy mostly healthy years
that they'll have the chance to even feel that they can put their thoughts or emotions into words, express them to another, and have it be understood
even just putting it into words is somethign many or arguably most will never adequately do, depending on your mode of empiricism
so that all must endure a form of suffering makes it difficult to contend with the reality of life, because one wasn't really gven a choice in the matter
it just began and now these challenges lurk in the future, it's impossible to avoid them except through measures which, themselves, are incredibly challenging, difficult, frightening and the thought of which easily deters most from actually performing the actions associated with them (the measures -> suicide)
so how to contend with all of this?
well, the biological circuit is at play, it is performing actions which allow for its propagation
that is to say, its continued existence
this is partly, in a basic sense, and fundamentally, a process of maintaining the neergy required to exist
simply replenishing the fuel sources utilized by cells, such that they can continue to operate harmoniously in a manner which expresses some form of behavioural equilibrium
though an organism may not have self reflectin, ro an intelligent awareness which one associates wtih a human
it might not be aware of itself, or of the differences of beings which might exist
but it still operates and performs actions and seems to be influenced by a range of biological predicates, biological manifestations which are common to all biological beings
these are neurological triggers, from nerve complexes and their relevant behaviours, to innate neuromuscular patterns which allow for continued use of organs without the requirement of a conscious effort for all of the minute operations which are associated with the use of those organs
this is augmented, especially in terms of the ability to choose to pursue it, when there is any sense of urgency
any sense of angst or difficulty of experience 
this will consequently lead to changes in the presence and expression of neurotransmitters
by presence I mean the concentration and pattern of dispersal
and by expression I mean the manner in which those neurotransmitters are utilized, and how this changes as per a variety of circumtsances
ones which extend from the body are likely to be important
for example, if the experience one naturally endures is one which, as was previously explained, especially difficult
case in point, an individual who is not able to breathe except without great effort
to the point where it would be seen as a conscious effort, though it may have been necessary since very early age
fuck you