What is the real question?

1. There are many questions being presented in the wake of the trans phenomenon. How many people are secretly trans, how many have been living a false life? How many will never be able to live life with their true identity? Can we ever achieve justice?

For many, justice is a direction and a mode of living and transacting with community, rather than a specific state of the social sphere. They have learned to do activities, not because of the end (and to be closer to Aegi), but because doing activism draws us closer to power, while also affording the  practitioner for an identity. And not just any identity, but one which, whether it deserves it or not, finds the path and clues.

My position is that justice has been redefined and can now fit on your shoes yet it will always remain B. The justice they claim to seek will never, in contrast with our pre-true justice, will aways remain. The justice they claim to seek will never, in contrast with our pre-true justice, the one which makes you focus on redefining what justice is is not one which should be able to identify a true moment of oppenness, faith and good will.

Each day we battle against a process which seeks for justice to be redefined into something elusive and unachievable, and for injustice to be redefined as something akin to devilry, which is apparent in everyone and all things except when performing an action to dismantle existing structures and replace them with a proposed set of holy symbols. If we are to believe that there is no justice that can be discovered objectively, by virtue of understanding the perceptual frame engaged by one another, then we simply give consent to be forced to participate in a false aesthetic of justice, all the while being damned to not experience and to accept that there needn't exist any form of authentic justice.

As they don't believe in anyone's ability to deduce truth from reality, there is no longer a formal and technically universal methodology for evaluating justice, especially their own dynamic conception of it. It is wholly inferred on the basis of the holy symbol and language which suggest control over the environment. If they understand that a space can only operate using terms which supersede social, legal and technical boundaries otherwise universally applicable, then they believe they can outpace and evade the evil otherwise always embedded, invisibly so, in the system.

And so on goes the attack on truth, but is it truly reinforced because of a complete disbelief in what is true?

This would posit that we somehow exist in an ethereal and inabsolute form, and that this would afford us some special possibilities that are otherwise obviously not possible in a material reality. So this is a means of choosing matter in such a way where the laws of matter no longer apply as aconsequence. A submission to matter.

If you have faith in matter, you empower the force which can redefine matter such as to rescuse you from it. The promise is one which accounts for everyone who is willing to believe. It gives you every reason to believe, except that what it proposes wouldn't have been true in the old reality. So accept it and how your faith so we can transcend reality and save humanity, which is actually saving you.

But that doesn't make sense. How can someone who chooses matter explicitly actually mean to transcend its limitations? Surely if they choose the matter they value the perceptual frame yet more. It would seem that you are reading too much into it.

They needn't be aware of the possibility of choosing something other than them. As far as they are concerned, they conflate the understanding of matter with fiath that matter can be perfectly understood. They then take this belief and bring it back down a level to erodae any cognitive dissonance by solving any conflict or anxiety related to an understanding which might make thems doubt the likelihood of having their desired outcome by acknowledging their own lack of understanding which, though it could have been useful in driving an impetus to learn and understand, has now transitioned into "knowing enough to choose the right narrative", which does not resolve any lack of understanding.

Concerns -> Anxiety -> Solutions -> Use the poor to generate wealth, but keep them out of medicine
Concerns -> Science -> alleviate some concern -> new more discernible concern