# Oppressive Behaviours They never seem to realize that every oppressive behaviour they set into motion will elicit its effect upon them, whether directly or not. Thinking and speaking are universal needs which are necessary for any human. If we restrict these things, it is not simply tha we are ridding our society of the worst ideas, but that we will become less able to think, understand and know. Perhaps it's the case that we needn't think or understand, but then we must understand what it is to exist without thought. Surely the case is made that existence is, actually, at least insofar as a human being is concerned, nothing more than sensory, and that the belief of thought is an illusion itself. One might make the case that there are false ideas out there which can damage, sabotage and hijack the thinking process, and that very well may be true, but the fact is that the method of silencing speech in hopes of preventing the wrong type of thought is, ultimately, in a generic sense, a method of preventing and silencing thought, and so one must ask if the reason one wishes to rationalize, excuse and facilitate the mechanism of silencing thought might be because they want to silence their own thoughts.