# Marx's Unreal Realities Marxists use (old school, neo-marxists, woke marxists) use the word reality a lot. The reality of this and that. The lived realities that they live. The lived realities tied to our lived experiences. Not just a quirk - this is intrinsic to the Marxist philosophies. The word realities or reality appears in "The Politics of Education" 304 times. Marxists like to talk about reality all the time, but the question is why? They are generating a pseudo-reality. The iron law of woke projection never misses. The people who claim to be talking about reality, are talking about pseudoreality - a false reality that they construct out of language, that they use to manipulate circumstances. They then claim that they are talking about reality and everyone else is talking about a false reality understood in false consciousness: a consciousness where they don't understand the real conditions (material, cultural or structural). This is because Marxism is considered to be the only scientific study of reality: the real conditions of people's lives. The true scientific understanding of history: the unfolding of relations of man between one another. The only scientific study of history, possibly excluding Hegel (his philosophical forebearer) whom he said had become too mystical. He had the only true, actual scientific study of history: The conditions of men and of real reality. The only real reality for Marxists is Social Reality. Social Reality is understood as a materialistic reality, because material conditions - sociological materialism, not atheistic materialism (the idea that economic conditions produce the social conditions of your life - those are the lived realities of your life and if you are oppressed by those, then you understand why they're a problem, but if you benefit from them, you're probably blind to the fact of their oppression (Marxist Theory in a nutshell) ). Marx also believed that the material conditions can be transformed by envisioning another reality (later, liberation, sometimes Utopia). Envisioning an alternative reality - a new reality. A NEW reality - whether Paulo Freire or Herbert Marcuse, they talk about the construction of a new reality and that you must do the work to make that reality actual. The catechsim of the Marxist religion is Do The Work: Humanize Reality / Society / The World / Yourself / Other people. Marxist theorists talk about reality all the time because they think they're the only people who know what reality really is, how it works and how you can transform or change it. Marxists are the only people who believe, about themselves, that they not only know what reality realy is, but also know what ought to be done about it. "This material, immediately perceptible private property, is the material perceptible expression of estranged human life. Its movement, production and consumption, is the perceptible revelation of the movement of all production until now. That is, the realization of the reality of man. Religion, family, state, law, morality, science, art, etc are only particular modes of production and fall under its general law. The position transcendence of private property as the appropriate of human life is therefore the positive transcendence of all estrangement. That is to say, the return of man from religion/family/state/etc to his human, that is social, existence. Religious estrangement, as such, occurs only in the realm of consciousness - of man's inner life. But economic estrangement is that of real life - its transcendence, therefore, embraces both aspects. It is evident that the initial stage of the movement amongst the various peoples depends upon whether the true recognize dlife of the people manifests itself, more in consciousness or in the external world, is more ideal or real. Communism begins from the outset with atheism. Indeed, the atheism is still mostly an abstraction. The philanthropy of atheism is therefore, at first, only philosophical abstract philanthropy, and that of Communism is at once real and directly bent on action." The action is integral to the Marxist conception of reality. Reality is not that which is, it is that which can be made to become in the world. ```Reality does *not* indicate materiality as opposed to thought. Mental phenomena are as real as material things, but rather is to do with something moving from possibility to actuality. In dialectics, reality is a synonym for actuality.``` Hegel's Dialectical Thought on Actuality: "It is the manifestation of that which is possible" Taking something that's abstract and possible, bringing it into reality and making it concrete in reality. You imagine what's possible, you look at the negation of the challenges of the world and problematize the abstract form to make it concrete. "Philanthropy of Communism is at once real and directly bent on action. The reality is that which you suffer with, the fruit of the resulting social relations, and if you take action then you can transform reality into a new actuality that's only possible now but is not yet manifest. That's the call to action, or the catechysm, of the Marxist faith." Now, we turn back to Paulo Freire, and you hear this same thing. Marx wrote that in 1844, Paulo wrote this in 1985: "In the practice that we defend, generative words, people's words, are used in realistic problem situations, codifications, as challenges that call for asnwers from the illiterate learners. To problematize the word that comes from people means to problematize the thematic element to which it refers. This necessarily involves an analysis of reality, and reality reveals itself when we go beyond the purely sensible knowledge to the reasons behind the factors. Illiterate learners gradually begin to appreciate that as human beings. To speak is not ht esame as to utter a word." Reality reveals itself when we go beyond purely sensible knowledge to the reasons behind the factors, but htat is a Marxist analysis that says **there are these social relations that are created by these material or cultural or structural conditions. These are the true nature of reality and the thing to do with reality is to recognize it, become critically conscious to it, and to transform it** Marxist theorists talk about reality all the time because they think they're the only people who know what reality really is. That is, they're the only people who not only know what reality is, but know what ought to be done about it. They are justified in seizing the means of production, whether material, cultura, or structural means of production and of society. The lived experience is an appeal to that. The lived experience of living in these realities means the phenomenological interpretation of the lived conditions that you find yourself in - when Freire talks about codification, it means that you take the conditions that you find yourself in and you abstract from them. You problematize or make negative all those things and concretize it by bringing yourself into it - seeing yourself in that situation - that is the education program (Codification, Problematization, Decodification process) that we hear from Marx, see from Hegel. ## That which is real? - the set of social conditions - factors cause those conditions (Marxian Analysis) - What can be done to transform the possible into the actual: - Communism, Liberation, Utopia They're the only people who know what reality is and can ascertain its true nature. The only people who can take it to a better / Utopian future. The Marxist interpretation of the condition people find themselves in