reason to be hesitant regarding the administration of vaccines first of all, there's the proposition that vaccines must be mandated, made mandatory somehow, and that this providing access of our bodies to the government that we are allowing the state to demonstrate ownership over our personhood one could say that there are exist other facets of human living that could be manipulated or controlled in some regard, by the government, because it can contribute tic safety simply allowing us to interact with one another at all is a public health risk perhaps that is why the lockdowns have been so well normalized we're coming to a place where no oen wants to even see one another, and perhaps that has been orchestrated nevertheless, we are going off course with this it's important to remember that there are few or perhaps no other means by which the government is able to violate one's personhood or the sanctity and privacy of one's body which come even close to the degree of violation resulting from forced vaccinations, mandated vaccines, mandatory vaccination first of all, it tends to be under an umbrella assumption regarding all vaccines of course the case is made for one vaccine, but the standard by which a vaccine is considered to be efficacious is the antibody response its administration yields and it might be argued that this is more relevant for some diseases than others I suppose something tha twe need a better understanding of is the degree to which antibody response prior to actual contact with a viru sis relevant and what qualitative differences might exist between a vaccine induced antibody response versus one which manifests after an experience with the live virus under normal circumstances it might be that what we believe to be very similar is actually only superficially so of course, I am theorizing furthermoer it might be worth knowing if vaccines are able to create killer lymphocytes at a predictable rate if it's an absolute effect and whether or not different lymphocyte types, derived from contact with different vaccines, having dramatically varied risk factors associated with them  nothing, bitch exit