I choose not to participate. Why? Because this initiative is being used to implement new constraints on society and societal participation, when we have historical precedent of marginalizing humans within tiers of society. That it is forbidden to discuss the ways in which this is contentious while related infrastructure is implemented through public/private partnerships with companies that have clear conflicts of interest, unlimited public funding, at the global scales, without consolidating the problems of incumbent politics relating to formulation of policies to initiate and concretize the undertaking of these infrastructure and security/classification projects, and at a tim when there has been the largest appropriation of wealth, transfer of assets, creation of new billionaires and liquidation of businesses from small to mediaum in size, and that it is all delivered and marketed in language which presupposes assisting the marginalized while promoting collectivism, and no one even bats an eye. It should be the implicit duty of anyone with a modicum of intelligence and moral substance to refuse participation, even if you are afraid of getting sick, excluded from the infrastructure of society, or made fun of by your peers. Boohoo.
Corruption issues of the past are not solved through complacency. Ignorance, failure to be critical/skeptical particularly at a time when technology is at its most advanced and psycho-social conditioning is at its most mature level of understanding. TIme to say no.
What is your standard for effective? That you can participate and that you didn't suffer a dehabilitating and permanently altering adverse effect from administration of the substance? A substance for which the state both demands that you inject it into your body while telling you over and over that it is your choice to make the meeting of your basic needs increasingly difficult. It is, taken to its logical conclusions, a "join us or die" proposition. Fuck you.