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Covidism as Marxism

Property -> Health Equity (Material Conditions -> Vax Equity) It is material conditions and a lack of consciousness.

We can see how consciousness takes precedence over all else, because the only rationale for maintaining COVID measures is to assume that complete participation is itself the goal. You must do the work of becoming and creating more Marxists/Covidists.

The vaccine as material condition. Completing and perfecting the material conditions of Man. Covidism is your chance to create new man. Sustainability and Covidism are the new sensibility which bring about Social Man in Social Society.

As someone too annoying to continuously engage pointed out, the very notion of Public Health is Marxist, but this was somethign that needed more scrutiny. If we reduce the discussion to health care, as a perfectly equally distributed resource, then certainly it at least appears as socialism, which is hoped to be a standard that is upheld and made the norm, but it is yet more - The Marxist Theology is one of becoming/of Humankind being created by humanity's more conscious agents.

Transformation and Transcendence

When applying the Material Dialectic of Man completing himself to Public Health and Covidism, it is clear that there can only be one endpoint of completing man through achieving complete a state of being completely impervious any threat otherwise made available as a consequence of being a human being of biological form.

All threats consolidated, incorporated, extinguished, destroyed, or otherwise nullified.

If one were made immortal, then the standard would be met. Otherwise, though one could say that there are reasonable thresholds for an improvement, such as immunity towards viral threats, it stands to reason that there is always an assumption that one can improve the material conditions relatively to what they are now, so there is no real reason to assume that things stop once