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- I have chaired data safety and monitoring boards now for over 2 dozen therapeutic products. I have been involved in 18 products coming to market, I know data and I know safety, and the FDA knows I know safety, in fact I
- We get to 50 unexplained death in the release of a product na dit
- I
- New Biologic Products
- Operation Warp Speed.
- Covid 19 was used as an opportunity to show the world
- By May, this paper, 57 authors, 17 countries, I
- Our concerns was this is a dangerous mechanism of action, we had skipped all the critical testing to understand what this is going to do long term to the human body, we had a concerning biodistribution study from Japan showing hyperconcentration of lipid particles in the ovaries, Moderna separately had shown a reduced fertility study to the EMA that was concerning, not ot the threshold that killed the program, there
- They should have excluded patients who were excluded from the clinical trials, exclusions were agreed upon by the FDA because they knew the vaccines weren
- As of January 22 we had a big problem, we had 182 deaths, the expected number of deaths 158 per year ( all vaccines combined 278 million shots per year in the US) we were over the line. And if we had a data and safety monitoring board this program would have been shut down in February for excess mortality, and it would have been reviewed. We only had 27 million people vaccinated in the United States. What happened? Nothing. No safety review. That
- What happened?
- Well, we now know that this early safety warning in this peer-reviewed publication from Jessica Rose clearly failed. Look how high those mortality numbers were by April. It clearly failed, we had Americans dying after vaccination. This was obvious, this was an obvious data signal, this is obvious, all experts agree it
- I made a presentation to the HEritage Foundation in Washington, that provides a lot of oversight to the house and the senate, as well as the agencies, and I amde this presentation. You could hear a pin drop when I was done. ANd finally, one of the former presidents of the American Medical Association said Doctor, we have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands in human history with a medicinal product, and we
- Jessica Rose in her first paper showed that the non-fatal reactions tended to be cardiovascular, neurologic and immunologic they tend to occur quickly after the shot, tight temporal relationship, and with Rose she
- We know myocarditis is another risk, the FDA agrees, the FDA and the CDC reviewed cases in June, they had 200 cases of younger individuals and they showed that 90% wer ehospitalized, it looked serious, we now have raised up to 5000 cases of myocarditis in the UNite dStates, we heard yestedat that Gavin Newsom has just mandated mandatory vaccinations for all children in California for absolutely no concern for this effect which will occur in many children that are forced into the vaccine.
- What do we know, in California, Tracy Hogan has just published this, that looking at multiple safety sources, and this is a very high quality paper, that the myocarditis is certainly very real, it
- 86% of these thousands of cases of myocarditis troponin, EKG changes, reduced left ventricular function, chest pain, early development of heart failure, require hospitalization. We know now that boys with no underlying health conditions, the chances of on eof these cardiac hospitalizations is greater than taking the risk with the natural infection alone. Look at this tight temporal relationship that occurs with shot 2 in the upper panel. The myocarditis is explosive, and it
- Without protection from pharmaceutical laws, the vaccines will do more harm, there is no doubt about it, we are in a freefall of a lawless state, the lawless state is developing the office of human researhc protections, and the US FDA right now enforcing research protectoins for subjects, everyone who takes the vaccine in the United States is in research, the fact that there is no protection for research subjects and we have no enforcement of pharmcaeutical laws is putting us in complete freefall. The vaccines are not safe on either side of the Atlantic, adn the evidence-based consulting group in the UK agrees, Dr. Tess Lawrie who leads that group, that
- I
- There are citizen petitions from phsyician groups lead by Linda Westdilla nd Peter Doshi at the British Medical Journal as well as the Nursing Group for the FDA to not approve these. And when ti came for the FDA to approve, on August 23rd did not approve Pfizer. They gave a continuation of the EUA and they conditionally approved Comirnaty with BioNTech which doesn
- Historians will record these events this is extraordinary, the person who signed the letter, Dr. Gruber. to Comirnaty, resigned 7 days later.
- This August 23rd. Well fast-forward to September 23rd, we were ready, we had six people from our circles presenting at the USFDA? 6 scientists, including Dr. Rose, Including Paul Alexander, including David Wiseman, we had an all-star team of people there, and we presented to the FDA, when Pfizer came out for boosers, and you know what came out fo that? Analyses showing death with the vaccine was greater than death just taking your chances with the infection. Hospitalizations with myocarditis is greater than being hospitalized with the respiratory infection. The vaccines aren
- So I
- And I siad listen you
- The burden of proof isn
- This is what emerged this summer. Data from the Mayo clinic, 25000 individuals, very good they know the strains, MOderna holding out at 76%, but now Pfizer at 42%. Isaraeli health minister has pfizer at 39% protection. Remember a vaccine that can
- Now it
- Now listen, on one sad day this summer I want to say 20 media people and different officials in the United States had an identical talking point that 99% of people in the hospital were unvaccinated. On th esame day. There was actually a collage, including Ron De Santis, said it. Really. Really. How do the hospitals know who si vaccinated? How do they know? Do they check the vaccine cards? Have they checked the first dose, have they checked the second dose? How do they realy know? the answer is that they don
- Don
- There
- It
- We have to focus on the people who have the problem.
- As the medical literature had become corrupt, how this will happen will be a story in medicine and to have the strength to get this over the finish line, the first paper was largely with american and italian colleagues we put together the first concepts of how we would use drugs in sequence, the second paper the seniors Zelenko I want to give credit to everyone who roiginated in tehir practice they innovated, they used clinical judgment, they used clinical approach on signals and benefits, used the precautionary principles that this is ap otentially fatal disease, we can
- We don
- They went away in shame. The idea is you
- Why should you use drugs off-label? Because the FDA tells you to do this. There
- The term I used, we
- So this guide, this guide is probably the most important guide ever produced by a society int he history of medicine. This has been donwloaded and utilized and passed around millions and millions of time, and it took Jane ORient and Lead Valid to put this together and it was used because of the complete abject failure of our public health response, we filled a gap, "WHO doesn't recommend" blah blha they could go forever before they recommend treatment, we are filling a gap an we are entitled to do that. We treat a viral infection, and handle the pandemic crisis, this is so important, it
- Bring on the Merckk drug, maybe it works, maybe it
- But it
- Since when are we going to lever freedom based on an ineffective and unsafe vaccine? My new friend, Eric Clapton, as soon as we break medical freedom then we no loner have a choice to decide what goes in our bodies, it will be an instantaneous break in social freedom, and when we break our social freedom, now we have an immediate leak to our economic freedom.
- And the whole thing crumbles. This is a real slpper slope, right now. There
- When this started from the very beginning, the commentary was they
- My experience is, others disagree, that those who are vaccinated, I think they
- We are having censorship of scientific discourse like we cannot believe, one of the modern american heroes is Ron Johnson, because of the fact that he recognized that, you know why he
- Ron Johnson
- Suspension and revocation of my license. Well you knwo what, I
- This looks like a kangaroo court if I
- There rae a lot of heroes, not just the doctors, but they
- Daystar, the Christian network, have reached 1.7 billion people. When I go on Laura Ingram, that
- 5 days after a very public court case in Central Texas, the Carol Case where a family took Baylor Scott and White to court for poor care in the ICU, and Baylor prevailed in that case and the patient was dead within 2 days, 4 days after that case, the same day Baylor announced its vaccine mandate, they put a lawsuit against me saying that I violated my terms of separation agreement, saying that I was associating with them in the media. And by doing this, Baylor is associating with me in the media, if you google Baylor and Doctor McCullough, all the top hits are the lawsuit, but my wife and I are the biggest donors the physicians to the foundation, I was a student at Baylor when I was at south westerbin 1986, before any of those people were even there, there
- If we don
- Something is going on in Australia and they
- This book, the John Hopkins symposium, they planned how they
- We feel like we
- To finish, COVID-19 is a global disaster, pathophysiological is complex, is not amenable to a single drug. Don
- Early ambulatory therapy with sequenced multidrug therapy, supported by multiple sources fo evidence, very position to risk relationship, reduces the hospitalization and death, more safely temporizes our ability to close the pandemic, lots of people help out, naturopathic doctors have had a huge impact, they