The historicist philosophies follow the fact o ftime's simgular dimension, the continued anticipability of that which has not yet or may never yet come to pass. The inability of the mind to conclusively confirm whether something that occurred could have come to be of a different path of preceding events, and so on.
The double negation is another fascinating concept which reinforces the propensities of human thinking already inherent in the human form. The mind which reflects on the reality that there is currently a state, that this state can be changed, and that this change can be sooner if made to change through deliberate intent, or that the mind does not welcome the change and sees the best outcome, in the immediate, as one where the human mind does not yet have to consider that anything must be different; if things should be different then they shall come to be without the mind having to admit error.
This means that the mind can more readily provide rationale for maintaining an unwanted behaviour or process under the assumption that the moment of its negation is imminent, though as of yet undetermined. The mind can even find rationale for instantiating and setting into motion a process antithetical to one's stated beliefs, preferences or purpose, on the basis that some form of utility is to be first granted, for its negation will yet come to pass.
As we attempt to realize ideal forms, we come to suspect that their complete absence from our world and lives serves as evidence that our world is erroneous; as evidence that hte world we are supposd to inhabit doesn't exist or has not yet been completed.
It may very well be that the world with ideal forms is also the one where we naturally live with immortality, but I digress.
The real topic at hand is that of the covidists that have become state evangelists. You see so many of them everyday, fighting to keep the fear alive. Keeping the fear above their threshold for action potential or inhibitory configuration.
You see, most things that we may characterize as a potentiated or permitted or unlocked action can also be thought of as something made possible through the imposition or removal of inhibition. The action potentials of actin/myosin crossbridges are curated through an orchestration of inhibitory processes that regulate sensitivity of sensory organ complexes which, ultimately, allow for force to be generated for which the capability already existed but was simply not being granted.
Now, with COVIDISM, the capability for totalitarian control systems is being granted through inhibition of human movement, human thought, human speech, and so on. Though critics of covidism are said to be right-wing reactionaries, it is highly subjective to claim that they are the ones reacting to a proposition for progress by denying a proposed action upon an environment whose extant operational phenomena constitute a form of neutral baseline. If anything, the vast majority of reactionary behaviour in response to proposed actions is provided by the covidists who even now react negatively to the proposition of breathing fresh air and the exchange of the infinitely rich sets of environmental signals which serve as the essential information to inform biological systems which must always be adapting.
Indeed, adaptive systems are biological systems. That is, there are no biological systems that are not adaptive systems and as we, or if we, move towards social policies that are more rule-laden and restrictive, we are, in turn, specifying more rigidly precisely what adaptations are to be permitted to tbe fantastical and imagined constraining of what is, in reality, an infinite set of adaptations.
In a sense, there is no greater precedent for narrow-minded reactionary-based thinking than those that wish to take over the process of biological evolution and replace it with a preconceived, fully-sanitized framework for the permitted structure of life on Earth/in the Universe.