892 B

Stakeholder Capitalism


"As you can see, according to Karl Marx, Communism true and proper is the self-conscious solution to the riddle of history. Where things have to work, in reality, there is no riddle of history. The riddle of history Marx refers to is Dialectical Anthroposophy (man-centered heretical nonsense). Any claim upon a solution to that riddle is pure pretense and dangerous hubris. The true solution to the riddle of history, if should even allow even such a phrase, must begin with the outright rejection of Communism, and the dialectical framing in which the riddle is posed in the first place, including the underlying assumption that history has a purpose and, thus, a riddle to be solved."

Listen, Karl Marx said there's a riddle to history. But there's no riddle to history - this is dialectical nonsense. This is not much we should be thinking the issue