We highlighted the manner in which the human mind is prone to adapting an expectation and that it can impose a behaviour that is incongruent or even anti-thetical to its stated beliefs and values under the assumption or declaration that the behaviour will be negated at the appropriate time. Let us examine two prevalent forms of this in our current society.
The Queer activist insists that some are characterized by unnormal forms and behaviours and that this puts them into the position of being oppressed by a social structure which values normalcy. It also contends that what is imposed as normal has come to have been asserted as such by those who have the power to set norms, and that they do this to maintain their access to power.
Furthermore, it suggests that as long as oppression exists, it becomes our duty to identify queerly in order to push back against the normalizing aspects of society, since it is these normalizing aspects which are maintaining oppression.
Human beings cannot express their true nature
Enumerate all possible ways of being and propose / suggest that humans take on/perform these roles.
Humans find or realize their true nature of being.
Here, we find the double negation in the form of first having negated the mechanism by which humans couldn't express their true nature, which is done by proposing alternate ways of being that disrupt the current standards, and then later negating that process of negating - that mechanism - a double negation - which we can have faith will come to pass through historical thinking and by believing we have the true higher-level understanding of reality and humanity.
Of course, even this is rife with its own contradictions, which the gnostics don't mind, as that too drives the dialectical tensions through which they employ pressure for sociopolitical change.
Nevertheless, ass rationalist thimthem; we choose to examine them
Before eludating these, we can preface this section by highlighting the contempty of reality. At some level, any proposition is either predicated on a belief in shared reality, or a demand to reject reality / demand that reality is not yet made, as human nature has not yet been actualized.
This follows the human experience in the sense that we are in perpetual preparation, be it through skilled and structured training, or simply waiting for the time to pass. With this in mind, one can either embody an exression whereby they cannot yet commence their true life, or they perceive the preparation as true life which continuously improves the condition of reality, thereby expanding the breadth of what is possible. Reality is accepted as always becoming something more, or it is false and we have not yet seen it proven that reality should be have been brought into being.
"Drag clowns just want to entertain kids. They love to spend time with children, as did Rafi" What is the difference?
Sex education is usually given before hormonal changes occur. In that case, or in the former, it is the case that children with information about sexual behaviour (beyond simple explanations of reproduction) have that knowledge because it came from an adult
Richard Dawkins' description and argument of human delusion
This negative circumstance where subject cannot directly take its object with proper intent and capability is derived from the gnostic aspect of knowing one has been thrown into a false existence
There is some unrealized reality and instead we are thrust into a false consciousness about ourselves and the world. Those who recollect it can overcome the false consciousness. Our moral purpose should be to liberate ourselves from the oppression.
It is your duty, so that you may prove your:
"You can't just do the things you want to do, you must do the things you don't want to do"
This unrealistic way of viewing the world, or of compeling others to support your view, is evident in examinations of other current issues in the world, where impossible-to-verify inferences are chosen without hesitation so long as they appear to bind everyone more strongly to a social contract.
Taking the "COVID" era and the effects of the so-called pandemic, we see great disparity between jurisdictions regarding an alleged phenomenon which is understood to have a fairly predictable aggregate effect, so long as certain factors are considered:
Nevertheless, these factors do not allow us to easily predict mortality by jurisdiction. This causes some to examine the mitigation strategies employed by the authorities but this is foolishly sought in such a way which presumes that their reference and invocation by name corresponds with a single definition or general description. But, not only can we identify stark differences and temporal applications, but we cannot assume to understand the impact of small differences in particular strategies, as these are always against different populations. Also, how can we understand the comparison of "similar" strategies?
Furthermore, we must contend with the different nature of qualifying and maintaining death data by specific cause, through consistent means, on principle and then, also in a consistent manner vis-a-vis other jurisdictions. Getting it correctly for historically prevalent types alone is incredibly difficult, and doing the same for newly identified types (threats) presents its own challenges.
When thinking about cause of death, we generally think of a chronic and fatal disease, which sets about imposing a decline of health upon an individual over some period of time, even in cases where a fatal disease manifested rapidly/aggressively in its initial presentation (it's sometimes the case that a fatal manifestation of disease was one last iteration with some anteceding disease events, but even in caes where an initial presentation of disease is observed and/or recorded, it is impossible to verify whether there may have been a precipitating decline of health which was never accurately recorded, not to mention the understanding of causal factors (and even if autopsies were performed, they are still most accurate in understanding the final state of the person in question - we can't be assured that understanding precipitating declines of health and their associated causes is something we yet adequately understand. Perhaps with improved practice, better tools, and the necessary equipment to track and observe ever more gradual changes at the cellular level, without falling into the sort of tunnel vision which is intrinsic to a focused dimension))
Why don't we track disease at the cellular level in order to understand disease? We do and we can. Just as you do bloodwork, but there are some limitations to consider:
The temporal frame is always limited - this might change, now, but our experience with monitoring biomarkers has never been absolute, thus what we know is based on experience with something incomplete, making the concept of a complete biometric data set as something which is an evolving standard.
It's worth mentioning that reductionistic thinking might identify the most correlative component and it may, even, identify the causal component, but the phenomenon being studied may have other causal factors, requiring different tools of analysis and systems of thought. Example:
It is quite complicating to understand when some thing or concept holds a reference to some other thing or concept. This is particularly complicating when trying to understand these possile phenomena when they are alleged to be the product of culture. Culture is, however, enduring because of the manner in which key cmponents hold reference to one another, such as diet and geography.
When we approach the concept of holding reference, we are reminded of the description of Being as indeterminate immediacy. Completely void of content and differentiation. There is no detail of content that can be differentiated from any other. It is object with no reference to anything outside of itself and no content that can be differentiated.
But for the human life which has not been so fixated through a perception whereupon granularity necessarily cannot be realistically achieved, particular means of observing more granularly becomes the limit of means of convincing oneself that one has a toolset by which to see the whole world or true world.
To commit someone into a preconceived future, it is generally that the rationale follows an assertion that we are always being directed to commit to a preconceived future, and that all this direction is, unless performed according to Theory, done such as to mould and contort us so that we'll best serve the needs and diesires of the most powerful to the exclusions of our own. This is something which occurs regardless of whether it is explicitly noticed or otherwise directly ascertained, and we know this became about because of unequal social conditions. These simple animalistic survivale takes reign of peope's faculties. We know that these behaviours are ultimately animalistic because...
January 19, 2023
You see it happen every so often. An exchange with a naive passerby, or even an ideologically opposing or otherwise incongruent interlocutor who takes a moment to suspend the conflict and try and understand their conversation/informal debate partner. If that partner is "woke", they may, at this one moment, come to display or radiate an empathetic emotion.
What do we mean by woke? We mean:
The first step of that is becoming woke: Woke -> Class Conscious -> Solidarity -> Justice
What about empathy?
But this is something which, in spite of our openness and belief concerning our perception of another's experience and feeling about one's own intuition, remains unverifiable. Instead, we can consider emppathy to be:
Now that we have a more comprehensive view of wokeness, we can expand:
This is why the words divine or sacred are used so frequent:
The sacred who also believe that nothing is sacred except obedience to the collective mind.
They demand that every human must take their assigned place and role, because everything is arbitrarily (or maliciously) assigned as it is, thus the application of theory to your assignment is the first step to achieving a clean baseline. Put another way, we cannot overcome our cursed limitations unless everyone is integrated through theory. Even if it hasn't produced the ideal result thus far, what it really proves is that the challenges of those who suffer for all that isn't right in the world are even greater than anyone realized, and their consequent wisdom even more profound.
Give into the fear and moral criticism and try to exist in the more proper way through the theory which promises there is a way forward, rather than you dangerously flailing in the wind. What do you think would happen otherwise? Clearly, you have not suffered so greatly as I have and thus you are still sheltered and naive in refusing to see the light so you can chase a childish dream. The dream is two fold - you believe the excuse of ideology (capitalist, white, Christian) gives you the excuse to live and irresponsible life because you will be healed and forgiven. The capitalistic ideology causes you to believe that you can be brute who deserves no one or anything save your own ego.
Any success that you might have is clearly minilite and already doomed to be undone.
What will you have then? Don't you want me to start it all over and anew? There is only one approach that remains.
January 25, 2023
I have been blessed to have not spent all of my time in one domain. I have had the opportunity to peruse and observe minds of religious faith who embrace its traditions openly. I have also been able to see minds who mostly do not busy themselves with religious thinking, but who have a social/cultural connection to faith and who come into an instance (odd church visit) or period (Ramadan) and suddenly become affected by religious thinking. That they can fairly without friction alternate from an atheistic, material/physical worldview and frame of mind to a devout faith-based outlook of the world sounds as though they are irrational, non-sensical, weak-minded and perhaps impressionable, but I find that it is actually quite easy and perhaps the normal way in which a human mind operates.
Before we go further down into that explanation, let's establish some things we know about human neurocognition and physiology, and examine them in context of the gnostic premise.
If you exist in a false reality, every additional moment spent is a moment invested in making this false reality known and in making it more difficult to imagine anything beyond.
Whatever you do, simply continuing to exist makes the false reality worse, and that can remain true regardless of what happens.
Things are bad? Seehow awful existence is. Things are good? Make it even more difficult to realize the reality of the situation.
Priming an individual to be more likely to respond to an event, whether profound and unique, or simply the event of life, can be referred to and described with some of the following:
The described reflexive position evokes memories that, when presented with certain artifacts, will evoke the emtions that were primed/assigned to those symbols, and these emotions and a proposed dialectical explication will be accepted/rejected virtually uncritically, depending on how reflexive priming was performed.
Much of the reflexivity has been said to be affected by normalcy bias and that is very interesting because, as neutral as we'd wish for them to be, they still occur. Furthermore, this option is also nice because they are reserved - it lends toward making such events famous/infamous, but it can work even just through declaring a plurality of probable outcomes and framing them each to your advantage.
January ?, 2023
Why do they do this? Why are they not proud? Do they not recognize the logic of the systems they support? The mechanisms they so admire? Why do they always distance themselves from more modern instantiations of sociopolitical thought which use standpoint epistemology, raise critical consciousness, have updated classes and a theory about their corresponding class consciousnesses, maintain the use of the master-slave dialectic, and so on?
First of all, remember that Marxists don't create the solutions to the problems they propose to be focusing on. Everything they do, especially today, occurs through criticizing. So even by claiming to be disagreeing with them about anything makes it such that they don't want you to have power to do anything. So, for them, to harness power and cultivate anything in their favour, the only operation they perform is one of negation. They do not propose and argue in favour of, they juxtapose and deny or criticize that which they must control, supplant and obliterate.
So, if you propose that a specific instantiation of their idea is worth criticizing, and they aren't focused on or even dependant on arguing their idea in the terms of the instance you are targetting, they needn't do so: they will simply negate your thesis.
Why would they not wish to argue the abstraction at the level of logic? Because the logic is becoming from the realization which occurs as they gain control over the mechanisms that create culture, society, nature and man. What is most important is that man create reality and it only works if man creates at the level of the species.
Some of teh magically unaware Marxists are the classical unionist Marxists who believe the material conditions are imperfect until there is no poverty, and that Marxists should make such a final determination.
January 31, 2023
The idea of Praxis is that of theory and practice spiraling closer towards one-another until they are not distinguishable from one another.
There are different terms by which to express this. One might say that man cannot act as per his own true nature until he can be free to act volitionally without oppression, domination and estrangement. One could also say that one could not discover and embody the species character unless one is amongst both the species and environment (society) which allows for everyone to embody it. That is to say that this property, qualified as the correct permutation of state, is co-continuous between the environment and its participants.
One might also say that it is when one becomes co-continuous with society
Becoming co-continuous with society means that the social bonds between members of the society are fully expressed and uniform, and that there are no conflicts to be worked out in what is simply implicit open transaction where the sender and recipient are not exchanging something profoundly or technically differentiated.
If all action is perfect as a representation of theory, or all action is the creation and definition of theory, then one can say that we are referring to the actions and theory of perfect, divine expression of being. One could posit this as God or a God.
There is nothing of the action that can ever be judged. The actions themselves serve as the judgment of the world by being the lens through which to judge it. This is a theory of actualization and, if it has become co-continous, then it implies the judgment of a perfect result.
The final and complete man, if theoretically complete, should be perfect. And if it is theoretically complete, that's because it is practically complete and indistinguishable from theory. This is the endpoint of praxis.
I must admit, I have recently made the realization, seemingly in tandem with James claiming to be stressed from coming to terms with his need to re-contextualize his message through the lense of gnosticism, that though I have long been fixated on understanding religious behaviour and faith among the supposed atheists and highly educated self-proclaimed progressives, I have failed to frame the observations in succinct a way as I believe he has come upon through explaining what could be described as a gnostic mindset. That is, the belief of one's special knowledge which gives one awareness of a false reality with which we participate which must be overcome.
Wrapped in an easily represented format which explains how irrational modes of conception could have become represented as the only fully rational world view.
The gnostic mindset might be described as the motivation, whereas there process by which the gnostic corrects the world is hermetic.
By We will go about describing the gnostic mindset as it affects our world today.
Covidism as a form of gnosticism is an eye-opening framing because it explains the multitudes who have completely come to disregard the benefits of the natural state of affairs in social, biological being - exposure to one another's biology
All biological interactions presuppose that there is a viable nature that can yield positive effects. Any perceived positive effect is always serving to obscure and make more difficult the realization of the reality of suffering, particularly for those who are able to understand just what is possible/what life the world can be transformed into.
Exposure to even more harm beyond the difficulty of life is akin to evil treachery which only serves capitalist and white heteronormative interests.
Is this a recolltion to a better world/time? It doesn't appear as such at first until you realize that they always presuppose that we had less volatile pathogenic circumstances prior to now, because we allowed capitalist greed to destroy efforts to make our world safer and more stable.
If climate change causes migrations of species such as to place the world into a configuration where biological obscenity takes place, then the supposition is that a previous, undisturbed world was more harmonious and not as liable to produce pathogens which seemed to be a "biological misstep".
But what is the mistake of biological life prior to capitalism and human technological development in pursuit of market exchange? It must be something akin to humans having to decay and die, and what makes it so would be God-like qualities which indicate both that man is meant to be more and that man will be able to understand the terror of their not having the means to avoid pain. Not having the means to negate the need to become lost in such realizations.
Whether that can be due to volitional work capacity, or simply capacity for self-reflection/awareness, it's something which becomes sought in Praxis (with the attitude that any unyet understood aspects of such a pursuit will be continuously better realized through each conflict).
Just one of our remarkable talents, separating ourselves from the animals, serves to make existence utterly unbearable given the fact that we must anticipate our failure, suffering and ultimtae demise, knowing full-well that the childish exicitement and curiosity of trying something new as a child simply has been kept from us as we continuously negate those parts of our personas.
February 7, 2023
Is there separation between the various forms of mind virus running amok in society, or are they just superficially differentiated?
We are still cracking the shell of realizing the frame of mind that enables Covidism. Accept the premise that: human life will evolve through minimizing biological exposure between humans and all immunological adaptations of note
It was argued on Dyer/Lindsay/Coughlin that another way of thinking of Gnostic science, the Science, Wissenschaft Licher socializmus, vernunft, dual consciousness and all the rest is simply as that which argues in favour or in directly for collectivism.
Why is that?
Like the scientific process of history, it assumes things are inevitable and the way to prove it is to get everyone to agree that your vision of reality is the right one. It becomes guaranteed because post-modernism has given us the modality of accepting all language as synthetic in pursuit of power thus, if everyone agrees, we have the power, can curate meaning accordingly and then, finally, the collective will reflect my subjectivity into being.
Nothing I desire or declare can ever be impossible because the power of collective can generate updated meanings accordingly for it will work out in our favour regardless since the collective wishes to continue its existence and will, thus, create definitions which serve itself.
February 11, 2023
People like having things on auto pilot, but mostly because they want the freedmo to not have to do, rather than the freedom to do.
The hubris of the gnostic death cult knows no bounds. They enjoy seeing other citizens suffer at the inability to advocate for tehir children's well-being. Specifically, it just becomes an opportunity whereby they can assert to lay claim that they, by virtue of their special knowledge or proximity to power an prestige, will get to decide not only what will be done for another's child's well-being, but the very concept of well-being itself.
If one's true nature and greatest potential for living a just life are only made possible throught he conditions of collectivism, then the only pursuit or aspiration for that child becomes the bringing about of that collectivist social structure. FUrthermore, the only work that the child can perform which is not unhealthy is that of bringing about the collectivist society. It is for your well-being to dedicate your health, body and the entirety of your mind to promoting and achieving the collectivity.
The last ditch effort to finally realize particular ways of Being. Well, it's realy just the only prospect of changing the nature of reality. There is a secret type of existence that we are being prevented of being amitted into because it would mean an elevated existence. In the current format, we cannot express our true nature and it remains this way because of an entity which benefits or assumes itself to benefit from existence as it currently stands and it might even be benefitting from your suffering directly! So either everyone gets on board with changing it or they all believe all is as you say, in which case it might as well be true.
Yet more he/hims are attempting to both be part of the environment while being isolated from it. Much of this is on the presumption that there is currently a viral pathogen that is capable of remarkably unique effects leading to particualrly harmful health changes, but that is completely false.
In reality, we don't need to constrain ourselves in mutual exclusion. That is, the effects of these viral pathogens arnd their incurred health changes by humans are something which was already occurring, but man humans were not aware of it simply because we didn't have pop culture and public health messaging so obsessively saturated with morbid detail and fear-inducing warnings and recommendations.
So, now that we have established most of the arguments that COVIDISM and Queer Activism are cult religions attempting to create Totalitarian structures for the purpose of transforming reality, what is the path to the Second Enlightenment?
Directing people toward a better future must be multifaceted and account for things like momentum - we must enable development and advancement in such a way that people are challenged. People must be made to seek balance while never losing touch with a skill or capacity which causes them to lose momentum. That is, they can and should rotate their focus, but it should be done in such a way where they aren't losing touch or at lesat sight of it. On the other hand, maintaining the connection with the non-focused capacities should be maintained in such a way that they not only do not harm their performance with the focus, but even enhances the performance. This might seem like a fairytale, but we are standing on the shoulders of giants. We can already look towards the human body and understand the ways in which one focus can enhance another's focus.
Feburary 15, 2023
What is all this biological obscenity? Is it all since modern mistakes were made, or is it the original fall of man? Is it the riddle of humanity? A fractal matrix of horrors?
The mind that aims for purity and prestige vis-a-vis the collective through insight into biological endeavours and their taking place under ideal conditions might look to the past and discern the differences with respect to our biological infrastructure and compare changes by rate of time and their rate of change in relation to human moral failures.
But what is the moral ideal? Well, it is the perfection of conditions for biological balance, expression, optimization, supremacy, resolution, longevity, etc. Those with the best biological outcomes as quality of experience, longevity etc.
We cannot see those conditions nor what has prevented their being reached, but they exist as an ideal conception at different levels of abstraction, continuously being reconstructed for the particular reference through which it is being recalled, often subconsciously as a grounding factor within a higher level representation of one's life experiences.
February, 2023
Normalized patterns are fascist but its patterns must be normalized
Hates state ostensibly but demands everyone's allegiance and devotion.
Necessitate any challenge of health in order to eliminate all challenges of health
Make race essentialist to eliminate race (Mapping the Margins)
Particular from the whole. Being from negative (equal in quality universally, and absolutely equal in the abstract)
How do we come to view ourselves as abstract: There might be many moments, but not the least of which being: