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  1. # Cult of Covidians
  2. As I've said before, Covidism and Covidians are not something new. It isn't even so much that there are two types of people, and that we are dividing along a line, though that might seem a de-facto consequence. In truth, I suspect that circumstance and momentum have a lot to do with it. The question is, can being the right type of person help you overcome this circumstance, and can you fight the inertia of the momentum?
  3. We have a sense of cults. We know what it is to participate in a group function such as to come and experience the way in which your actions inform your beliefs. This is just the reality of being human, which is an extended characteristic of being in a conscious, mortal and biological form, and we work through it all the time. The difference with a cult, however, is that the cult has a strong opinion about what its members should do, are detecting whether someone is deviating from its prescribed norms, and the cult members have no tolerance for information or refutations of the cult's stated beliefs. Is that not what we see with Covidians? Aggressively so.
  4. One of the tell-tale signs is eye contact. When someone is wishing to communicate to you in search of truth, they aim to connect with you and come to a shared understanding. This is because you intend to uncover something new while confirming its veracity through your perceptual acknowledgment. The cultist, however, is participating in the belief, and any deviation might risk breaking the belief. If such a route is forbidden, the participant will naturally have an aversion to reaching an open state of critical thinking and deliberation with another.