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I have chaired data safety and monitoring boards now for over 2 dozen therapeutic products. I have been involved in 18 products coming to market, I know data and I know safety, and the FDA knows I know safety, in fact I've chaired monitoring boards for the National Institute of Health, and Big Pharma. And I have made calls from such boards to shut down a program when it wasn't safe. And I can tell you that threshold is a few cases where we can't explain it. We get to 50 unexplained death in the release of a product na dit's gone. We shut it down, and we figure out went wrong. For new biologic products demand safety, it's unassailable. If you get up in front of you peers and say I am concerned about safety, it's an unassailable position. It's a moral and ethical position of a higher level than those who are going to plod forward. It was taken in the 1976 swine flu pandemic. 25 deaths, 550 cases of Guillan Barree syndrome, the comfort level was gone. They did 25% of our 225 million people in the UNited States, and that was it. The concern for safety was too great, and that was it. The deaths escalated after stopping the program, up to 52. This was the standard, and still should be the standar dtoday.

I'm going to telly ou, we are far beyond that. I will follow this outline, and make a few comments.

New Biologic Products Operation Warp Speed. Covid 19 was used as an opportunity to show the world's brilliance with respect to biotechnology, and there was great enthusiasm early in 2020 that this was it. This wsa going to be the showcase for what we can do in biotech. But I personally became concerned by the summer. I had a Window to America through the Hill, a Republican Journal, and I had had a large footprint in academic medicine, in terms of I had published in the NEJM, I hadover 650 papers in the peer-reviewed literature, but I didn't have a window for talking to America. FOrtunately, through some connections, I got a position with the Hill, and I was a regular contributor all the way right until the release of the vaccines. And throughout this, I predicted all the twists nad turns of the pandemic, because as an epidemiologist I was trying to study through the hubris of teh reporting in the media of what was going on and how this virus was moving and it was occurring in clusters we had a big problem with respect to test positive and deaths and not reporting the hospitalizations but we had a great gamble with the vaccine development because of the idea that so many shortcuts were being taken and there was a leveraging of bets on technology that was brand-new technology, and Doctor Malone told you about this, btu in short the adenoviral vector DNA vaccines, J&J and AZ, use a replication incompetent virion to inject DNA into the cells and that DNA transcribes messenger RNA, or the pfizer moderna is Messenger RNA into the cell again directly involved with protein synthesis, it interacts iwth ribosomes and then we have transfered mRNA that assembles amino acids into proteins, but what's the protein being assembled? The spike protein, 1200 amino acids loaded it is a daedly protein by itself is a deadly protein, it's a deadly protein it's the first time in human medicine where we areinjecting the vaccines and askin the human body to make a potentially lethal protein. The hope is that we make a small amount of it and it would create just enough of an immune ttest that we would confer immunity to this protein. The gambel is what if we make too much, what if we make it for too long a period of time, what if these lipid nanoparticles go to the wrong organs and don't stay in the arm and we start to produce this damaging protein that's expressed on cell surfaces, it's not supposed to be there, the body immediatly recognizes it, attacks it as being foreign, it breaks free in the circulation, circulates for 2 weeks as shown by Ogata and colleagues from Harvard, and then damages blood vessels, probably the periocytes, maybe the endothelial cells clearly it's related to thrombosis, it's related to what's called hemogluttination because it attachs to salic acid on red blood cells and it produces an unusual form of clotting, particularly int he lungs, causing desaturation, like we've never seen in any other infection. This is what we're doing with the vaccines, it is unprecedented that it's being done, it's also unprecedented that millions of americans, more than half of us, have volunteered to take the injection without asking too much about how it works. Asked unquestionably to the take the vaccine, and it didn't matter which one. So here we are today, with with half the population having taken, a smaller fraction of the world's population, have taken one of these vaccines. There's other ones, there's the Sinovac vaccine, which is a killed virus vaccine, far less effective, also has problems, there's 27 of these in development, but this idea that the vaccine was the only way that we're going to get out of this pandemic alarmed all of us

By May, this paper, 57 authors, 17 countries, I'm on the author blocok, basically said if we don't have safety mechanisms for the vaccine programs, shut them down, because it's safety safety safety

Our concerns was this is a dangerous mechanism of action, we had skipped all the critical testing to understand what this is going to do long term to the human body, we had a concerning biodistribution study from Japan showing hyperconcentration of lipid particles in the ovaries, Moderna separately had shown a reduced fertility study to the EMA that was concerning, not ot the threshold that killed the program, there's been no external advisory committees, no human ethics committes/safety monitoring board, the FDA and the CDC are the sponsors of the program, they cannot be the adjudicators of death, they cannot -> that violates every regulatory law that we know, and the CDC and FDA and the NIH work for us - they are public servants to us. They do not issue rulings to us. They do not have authorities to issue rulings to us. They should serve us, the doctor and the patient sit in the fiduciary relationship above those entities, we have the authority to make that claim. Very important.

They should have excluded patients who were excluded from the clinical trials, exclusions were agreed upon by the FDA because they knew the vaccines weren't going to work or were going to cause excessive harm in pregnant women, women of child-bearing potential, covid-recovered, those suspected of covid and positive serologies. Under no circumstances should have a human being have ever taken one of these vaccines because they weren't allowed in clinical trials. Very important. There was no effort to restrict these people from the vaccine program, in fact they were encouraged to take these vaccines with no safety data. No efforts to risk-mitigate. We can't reduce the risk until our agency tells us who's being harmed from the vaccines. We have had an overdue report card from our federal agencies. My perspective is monthly reports. I want these staffers on the stage, monthly, show ius the data. Month after month, nthing, just these billboards - needle in every arm, just take the shot. I don't care abou tthat, i want safety. There's safety inspections on the roof over your head right now, or the airplane you're going to fly in. No safety inspections? of a Novel biologic therapy that's injected into each one of us, no safety reports?

As of January 22 we had a big problem, we had 182 deaths, the expected number of deaths 158 per year ( all vaccines combined 278 million shots per year in the US) we were over the line. And if we had a data and safety monitoring board this program would have been shut down in February for excess mortality, and it would have been reviewed. We only had 27 million people vaccinated in the United States. What happened? Nothing. No safety review. That's malfeasance. That's wrongdoing by people in authority, and that's what happened. It's really uncomfortable to say that our CDC, our FDA, our NIH, whitehouse task force 1, whitehouse task force 2, president 1, president 2, senate, house, they are all implicated in this. None of them demanded or effectuated a safety report and a stop in February. They are all culpable.

What happened?

Well, we now know that this early safety warning in this peer-reviewed publication from Jessica Rose clearly failed. Look how high those mortality numbers were by April. It clearly failed, we had Americans dying after vaccination. This was obvious, this was an obvious data signal, this is obvious, all experts agree it's obvious. Now as of September 24th, tis' raised up to 15937 Americans have died. Over 250,000 Americans after the Vaccine have been hospitalized, gone to the urgent care or office visits. You can see the temporal relationship on teh bottom bar graph. You can see that sharp spike upwards. Sadly we have over 20,000 Americans that the CDC tells us are permanently disabled after the vaccine. That's bigger than some major cancer groups. The disability that we are going to see due to these vaccines will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity.

I made a presentation to the HEritage Foundation in Washington, that provides a lot of oversight to the house and the senate, as well as the agencies, and I amde this presentation. You could hear a pin drop when I was done. ANd finally, one of the former presidents of the American Medical Association said Doctor, we have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands in human history with a medicinal product, and we've had two administrations buy into it, we've had all the houses of legislation buy into it, we have the entire medical establishment buy into it, the wholel media, and no one knows hwo to stop this freight train. aNd we're all witnessing it right now, the deaths, 50% of them occur within 48 hours of the shot, 80% occur within a week. That's been in separate analyses by Rose and McLachlan, McLachlan showed by getting the data, getting a representative sample adjudicating the deaths by separate reviewers, he found that 86% of the deaths had no other explanation outside of a vaccine. Very tight temporal relationship, very tight clinical review relationship, on 2 occasions the CDC in its website in March and June floated out a one-sentence result saying that CDC and FDA reviewers had reviewed the deaths and none were related to the vaccine. Malfeasance, I can tell you, I do this work, it takes months to get all teh hospital records, to get the labs, to get the death certificates, there's no way they could have reviewed these deaths. Including the CPR that was done in the vaccine center, right htere? That wasn't related? When they make statements like that, they're the sponsors of teh program, they actually have no justification to give us a report and give us what they think. They are the sponsors, they need experts, external experts to review these and to give these reports. Those statements will go down in history as malfeasance, what McLachlan showed us is sadely who's dying are the seniors, the seniors are the ones we want to protect, yet the vaccines are lethal in some seniors. Not all, obviously we've had half of Aemrica take the vaccine, not everyone has died immediately, but it does nto matter, it's too many that have died in this fraction, and we must figure out why in some individuals the vaccines are lethal. And this analysis by Kostoff, the relationship between deaths with antural infection adn deaths with teh vaccine on the right, even though the Y axis is different, is the same. It's an age-related relationship. Kostoff calculated in this paper that because not everyone gets the respiratory infection, and because the respiratory infection is treatable and manageable, in fact one is more likely to die after the vaccine than just take their chance with foregoing the vaccine and potentially getting COVID-19. Statistically in every age group thats the case, the gamble is to gamble away from the vaccine and away from potential harm.

Jessica Rose in her first paper showed that the non-fatal reactions tended to be cardiovascular, neurologic and immunologic they tend to occur quickly after the shot, tight temporal relationship, and with Rose she's a very tight tight epidemiologist and virologist, she's made the case that we've completely fulfilled the Bradford Hill criteria for causeality. We have a dangerous mechanism fro action, we have a tight temporal relationship, we have internal consistency between death and the non-fatal events, we have external consistency because it's seen in the MHRA system and in the EUDRA EMA system. We've basically got it, we have fulfilled Hill's tenets of causality. The vaccine is causing these events. We have new categories of disease. This is vaccine-induced immune thrombocytic Purpura, look at the criteria. These are individuals who sadly after abotu 2 weeks, more likely with adenoviral vaccines develop a hemolytic aenemia, they develop thrombosis at the same time, in a variety of organs, including abdominal visceral venous outflow, we have, this is in the peer-reviewd literature now, so we dno't have to speculate on this. This paper is from hypertension which is one of the best daughter journals in ciirculation. Stage 3 hypertension in patients after mRNA-based vaccine. A marked skyrocketing of blood pressure in some individuals which is catastrophic. We've had someone in our circles in Dallas, a young man who's 42 who's had a ? dissection. Laura ingram has ha da woman in her 70s who had this who suffered intracrial hemorrhage, and she cam eon and told her story. A lto of people have hypertension, if you have hypertension and you take this vaccine this is what you're risking, we don't know who's going to have life-threatening potentially fatal hypertensive events with the vaccine.

We know myocarditis is another risk, the FDA agrees, the FDA and the CDC reviewed cases in June, they had 200 cases of younger individuals and they showed that 90% wer ehospitalized, it looked serious, we now have raised up to 5000 cases of myocarditis in the UNite dStates, we heard yestedat that Gavin Newsom has just mandated mandatory vaccinations for all children in California for absolutely no concern for this effect which will occur in many children that are forced into the vaccine.

What do we know, in California, Tracy Hogan has just published this, that looking at multiple safety sources, and this is a very high quality paper, that the myocarditis is certainly very real, it's due to the vaccine, the chances of myocarditis and hospitalization for one of tehse children is greater than being hospitalized for COVID-19. So it's much better for the children to not get vaccinated and take the risk fo the respiratory infection, this analysis supports this. What did she find out?

86% of these thousands of cases of myocarditis troponin, EKG changes, reduced left ventricular function, chest pain, early development of heart failure, require hospitalization. We know now that boys with no underlying health conditions, the chances of on eof these cardiac hospitalizations is greater than taking the risk with the natural infection alone. Look at this tight temporal relationship that occurs with shot 2 in the upper panel. The myocarditis is explosive, and it's far more in boys than in grisl, and what Hoag has analyzed from the VSAFEY and other systems, is that the rates of myocarditis is much higher thanw hat the FDA has forecasted. This has to be abundantly clear. The FDA says this causes myocarditis, don't do this. The FDA hsa tol dus this. The CDC agrees with all the data. That doesn't equal mandatory vaccination for children, it mandates just the opposite. An unbelievable relentless and unbreakable resistance to having the children vaccinated. It is simply not safe under any conditions, period.

Without protection from pharmaceutical laws, the vaccines will do more harm, there is no doubt about it, we are in a freefall of a lawless state, the lawless state is developing the office of human researhc protections, and the US FDA right now enforcing research protectoins for subjects, everyone who takes the vaccine in the United States is in research, the fact that there is no protection for research subjects and we have no enforcement of pharmcaeutical laws is putting us in complete freefall. The vaccines are not safe on either side of the Atlantic, adn the evidence-based consulting group in the UK agrees, Dr. Tess Lawrie who leads that group, that's the principle contract consulting group for the WHO has concluded an immediate halt to the vaccine program is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis undertaken to figure otu what has gone wrong with these vaccines. I'm telling you, it's clear across the world that this first generation of vaccines are not safe.

I'm not personally against vaccines, i just had onelast week for the flu. I've had every vaccine that i'm supposed to, I've gone to India I've gotten extra vaccines, I'm not against vaccines, but these vaccines multiple experts agree they're not safe. They are not safe -enough in everyone for us to do this.

There are citizen petitions from phsyician groups lead by Linda Westdilla nd Peter Doshi at the British Medical Journal as well as the Nursing Group for the FDA to not approve these. And when ti came for the FDA to approve, on August 23rd did not approve Pfizer. They gave a continuation of the EUA and they conditionally approved Comirnaty with BioNTech which doesn't exist in the United states, legally distinct, potentially medicinally distinct, with a lot of post-marketing requirements, including myocarditis, lots of disclaimers about no informatio nor safety information in pregnancy, that's not even here. We do not even have an approved vaccine in the US, yet a false talking point came out of that meeting all the way up tot eh President of the United States who announced that Pfizer was approved when it wasn't.

Historians will record these events this is extraordinary, the person who signed the letter, Dr. Gruber. to Comirnaty, resigned 7 days later.

This August 23rd. Well fast-forward to September 23rd, we were ready, we had six people from our circles presenting at the USFDA? 6 scientists, including Dr. Rose, Including Paul Alexander, including David Wiseman, we had an all-star team of people there, and we presented to the FDA, when Pfizer came out for boosers, and you know what came out fo that? Analyses showing death with the vaccine was greater than death just taking your chances with the infection. Hospitalizations with myocarditis is greater than being hospitalized with the respiratory infection. The vaccines aren't safe across the board, and you know the FDA didn't disagree. And you know what the panel voted for teh booster? the Advisory panel? 16 to 2 against the booster.

So I'm telling you, there is a chance for dialogue, there is a chance for scientific interchange and we have to make our voices heard. The vaccines not only have our great concerns regarding safety, and I think at this point in tim can be declared generally unsafe. The vaccines don't work well-enough in everyone. And you know what, when I did a TV show with Dr. Drew, I said we've been on vaccine safety for 3-4 months this spring and nobody seems to be batting an eye. He said, you know what he thought? He thought that America was prepared to have unsafe vaccines. That through all this misery and suffering of COVID-19, they were willing to take on the risks of mortality and morbidity with the vaccines, without much alarm. I said "where is the outrage?". He said America was prepared for this, psychologically prepared, and I think he's probably right. But hte very first time I ever mentioned anything on national news that the vaccine might not work, OH MY LORD. It was like a nuclear button had been pushed. ANd it wasn't me, it was Robert Mitchell on Newsmaxx. And Rob took the vaccine, he just happened to say that he thought maybe the vaccines wouldn't work and the way we're commenting on ? They brought Robert Mitchell to his knees. The Hill made Rob Mitchell formally apologize for hinting that the vaccines might not work. Well now the CDC has data, we finally have some data flowing this recent publication just a few days ago, shows the vaccine efficacy as calculated in community populations, showing that Moderna which is very different from Pfizer, 100 micrograms of mRNA, Pfizer is 30 microgramas of mRNA, Johnson and Johnson is Adenoviral vector particles. America needs to know that we have different products. I've been having all these secret phone calls over the last few weeks but one of them I had was with someone very important at hte Federal Reserve and we started talking about vaccines.

And I siad listen you're a data guy, I see you on CNBC, you have 3 mystery products. It's September, we have a winner, we have a loser and we have somebdoy in between. They can't be the same. Even you admit with someone who deals with finances that they're not the same. This idea of take a shot, no. If you're going to mandate a shot, tell us which one is the best. Tell us which one is safest. So any employee is going to mandate a vaccine, ou better say which one. We have to put the burden of proof on others.

The burden of proof isn't on my shoulder, I didn't make these vaccines. Now these data don't look too bad, 92% calculated from the community against hospitaizations, pfizer 77%, J&J less. What's the caveat? they don't have data against DELTA. The delta variant's very different, and they did look good against the legacy varaints. So these vaccines have failed in DELTA. The Delta variant came out of Mashtahara India, when we got to about 25% vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine, it's the most mutated of all the forms of the virus, 7 mutations in the Spike protein, and an additional one called delta plus, the UK tells us there's 20 more spread across the spije protein and nucleocapsid, and now the CDC is telling us through their publications, I could do this whole talk from the CDC website by the way. Barnes and Noble county Massachussetts. Congregate setings that get sick are fully vaccinated. Americans ought to look at this curve over and over again and it's about this time the CDC director got on there and said "you know the vaccines can't stop someone from getting an infection, a vaccinated person from giving the infection to someone else".

This is what emerged this summer. Data from the Mayo clinic, 25000 individuals, very good they know the strains, MOderna holding out at 76%, but now Pfizer at 42%. Isaraeli health minister has pfizer at 39% protection. Remember a vaccine that can't fall sbelow 50% protection and can't last a year is not a viable product on the commercial market. Pfizer has failed as a commercial product and I think that's a very real formed of why Pfizer's not approved for boosters.

Now it's suggested that people voer 65 would take a booster based on dead reckoning. They only had 12 patients over 65 that had taken boosters. Well israeli has a couple million that have taken boosters, no signal that it's having and impact in the Israeli out break. THe Israeli outbreak is bigger than their pre-vaccination outbreak. And they use exclusively Pfizer. here are the data, and you can see here 86 % of the Covid19 cases in Israeli are in fully vaccinated. You don't need to be an epidemiologist to understand the vaccines have completely failed with respect to Pfizer in its use in Israel. The CDC started telling us through May that the vaccines were failing, this report came out over 10000 full breakthrough failures in the community, they had 10% hospitalized, 2% died. They didn't look good. After this report the CDC said "we give up" we aren't going to report vaccine failures, we want to see cycle thresholds that are below 28, they put it on their website that if you took a vaccine, don't get any more testing, but if you're unvaccinated that you should get more testing. They started to make tables, the CDC started to do asymmetric reporting to start to craft a narrative that this was going to be a failure of the unvaccinated, a crisis of the unvaccinated. But the CDC data continued to come in showing us just the opposite, July 26th they had 6507 cases, and you can see here like we have about 19% that were hospitalized and sadly we had 19% who died. So we had a situation where we said wait a minute, full breakthroughs, and they have a stringent definition "you must be fully vaccinated, wait 2 weeks", you know this isn't the universe of cases, btu these are soli dbreakthrough cases. Now we go to august 23rd, holy smokes we have 11,050 full vaccine failures that the CDC is telling America about, sadly 87% of the deaths are over the age 65, 70% of the hospitalizations are over 65, this is failure of the vaccine program, in the group that we really wanted to protect. And nobody has been out front with the CDC, the NIH, the FDA task force telling America's seniors that the vaccines are failing. What are we hearing about the narrative we're hearingh about is Vaccine Children. What about the seniors? where is the prioritization of public health of Americ? It is astounding the ineptitude the willful misconduct of the people running our public health agencies. It's astounding, look at these data. Really? we're going to focus on California children when we have this going on? I mean this is unbelievable, I hope this is being recorded, you know what? record it. I want it. They're gonna come after me, I want it. bring it on.

Now listen, on one sad day this summer I want to say 20 media people and different officials in the United States had an identical talking point that 99% of people in the hospital were unvaccinated. On th esame day. There was actually a collage, including Ron De Santis, said it. Really. Really. How do the hospitals know who si vaccinated? How do they know? Do they check the vaccine cards? Have they checked the first dose, have they checked the second dose? How do they realy know? the answer is that they don't know, because the CDC has said they don't really have a mechanism to know. They don't have a mechanism to know. It is a basically by dead reckoning. Now we have 2 papers, one from the CDC, Havers from the Covid Network, and then we have one from Philmar at the VA, with large-scale data, through June, answer: 23% of Americans with COVID-19 have been vaccinated. This 99% was a propagandized false-talking point tha twas put out by those in a position of authority. False talking-point, the data was never there for this 99%, tis' never been 99%, and for this Delta, this was as Delta was shading in and as Delta continues to shade i this number is going to go up. This graph shows us that our Delta Cuve now is on the way down, it's true it continues to go down, but it was about 2/3 of our pre-vaccination peak. We knew from analyses by Brown and Colleagues from Waterloo Canada that the absolutely reductions from the vaccines were less than 1% from clinical trials. When the absolute reductions are less than 1% it is impossible for a therapy to influence a population-levle number like an epidemic curve, and what BRown predicated was correct, the vaccines have had zero impact on teh epidemic curve, the vaccines were not going to be a solution to flattening these curves, now if you look down below look at red, the mortality has been kept low, mortality is really a function of treatment. One time I was on Laura Inagram, she said Doctor isn't this a more deadly virus, I said what makes it deadly or not is that we have treatment. We have data showing that treatments markedly reduce mortality, so it's not the virus that dictates mortality, it's how we respond do it, and fortunately the early treatment networks, you just heard a state of the art lecture from dr rob, that there's a lot of things that are done to take the edge off the intensity and duration of symptoms, that translates to reductions in hospitalizations and death, but pushing for mass vaccinations have governments have created evolutionary pressures on SARS-CoV2 and people warned about this, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sukarit Bhakdi, Dr Luc Montpellier

Don't vaccinate into a pandemic because we have a high prevalence of virus, it's like having a bunch of staph infections on your ward and putting everyone on a narrow spectrum antibiotic, don't you think you're going to get resistant staph? They warned us on this, they said ths virus is going to figure ou these vaccines and the virus will find a way, wealways had a diversity of strains in COVI-19, by the way, delta has always been tehre, so has alpha so has beta, they've always been there, so we have diversity just like we have diversity in the room here, everyone looks a little different, genetic diversity is what we're supposed to have. What Nisson and col from teh MAyo clinic showed us is that we started vaccinating we got to 25% vaccination, the diversity started to drop, that the number of strains being identified that the CDC was categorizing every 2 weeks started to plummet because we were starting to fool with mother nature, if we sstart to introduce a non-lethal, non sterilizing evolutionary pressure it makes perfect sense that the virus will figure out how to thrive in the vaccinated they said listen this spike protein is mutating, looking for a little binding site, and there's a narrow library of antibodies, maybe just a few dozen with pf Md and JJ, you know what the natural immune system just has a mostnrous library of antibodies, not high titers, but against the nucleocapsid spike protein envelope protein, polymerase, we have ful T Cell capabilities, there's almost nothign like this with the vaccines the vaccines are very narrow, very limited forms of immunity, but in very high titer concentrations, doesn't matte rhiow high the titers rae with Pfizer and Moderna, look a that comformational change antigent escape. Look at what the CDC tells us twe have 99% All delta, that is very unnatural, we are supposed to have 6-12 different strains, we have fooled with mother nature, we've gotten more than 20% of the popluation vaccinated, we have 60% vaccinated, so Delta is here to stay until the vaccines change, because why would it change? Look at how good delta is thriving in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The viral loads are high and the same in both groups. It's clear that the vaccines do nothing to help reduce carriage of the virus. The vaccines do nothing a vaccinated person who walks into this hotel is equally a threat who is unvaccinated and not recovered.

There's a sign there that says if you're vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask, well we should show them these data.

It's incontrovertible the vaccines don't stop the virus from setting up camp in the nose and mouths of those who are vaccinated, so we must pivot to early therapy for COVID19. Within 18 months we've dropped everything in our careers nad we have formulated a very solid approach to a potentially lethally disastrous problem. When we started with this, the CDC sketched out 1.7 to 2.1 american deaths, and if it wasn't for your efforts, about 500 doctors trying to take care of the country, we cut those deaths off right off around 700,000, we cut them in half with 500 heroes in America, and a million doctors sitting on the sidelines. Because we went on pillar number two, early home treatment is the only thing that makes sense, wearing masks and contagion control we did the best we could, we've done the best we could in the hospital, the hospital is a very bleak place, and we've already covered early vaccination. Just managing those who rae sick, that's what it should have alwys been. The acute covid-19 patients should demand early treatment. I will never discriminate against anyone who took a vaccine. I will never allow someone to spill vitriol out of their mouth because someone unvaccinated is in the hospital. Because that person took a smart risk. That person was avoiding death with the vaccine, and if they get hospitalized with COVID-19, that's fine. We get drunk drivers, diabetes, alcoholic. So someone made an intelligent choice, and there's a pejorative statement regarding they're unvaccinated in the hospital? Shame on them. Doctors can't look at me in the eye, because they are so ashamed of what they've done through the course of this pandemic. We gave a very clear, confident and joyous message that we could treat this illness. Our multidimensionl approach has the largest public health impact on reducing mortality and morbidity because we are treating the people who are at risk. Everything lower down has lesser risk, because people don't have the disease. Could you imagine, we're going to lock down 2 people who don't have the disease? 2 People wearing masks who don't have it?
We have to focus on the people who have the problem. As the medical literature had become corrupt, how this will happen will be a story in medicine and to have the strength to get this over the finish line, the first paper was largely with american and italian colleagues we put together the first concepts of how we would use drugs in sequence, the second paper the seniors Zelenko I want to give credit to everyone who roiginated in tehir practice they innovated, they used clinical judgment, they used clinical approach on signals and benefits, used the precautionary principles that this is ap otentially fatal disease, we can't fold our arms and wait for large randomized trials 5 years later and let people die. We can't wait another 5 years for the guidelines that are going to depend on the randomized trials. Really? How many people are going to die? We needed atrauma surgeon running this program. We needed eople who knew how to take care of business, instead of people asking us to wait for randomized trials. I love doing them. I know how to do it. This is not the time for large randomized trials, it's the time for action.

We don't think everyone needs treatment, peopel under 50, mild symptoms, nutraceutical bundle, and they can get through the illness. But if they're presenting with severe symptoms, or people over 50, more than 1% risk of hospitalization and death in my view is enough to do treatment, that's too high, we use drugs in esquence as I've shown here, I can tell you on this slide there are over 1000 supportive studies. People say that when I testified in the US senate the minority said "You don't have enough evidence.". Well that's a game we play in our meetings, where someone tries to approach a new approach, and then the naysayers say "Oh you don't have enough evidence". That's not an appropriate game to play with American lives. With the New England Journal of Medicine I had 6 letters to the editor, and they came in from Duke, Vanesh McGill Brazil Europe, the letters said "you can't treat patients with COVID-19 liek this". And my answer was Yeah Ic an, and I will, and I am, and why don't you join me and help people get through this illness?

They went away in shame. The idea is you're trying to help people compassionately, you're fulfilling your hippocratic oaht, I remember telling Tucker Carlson I have not let a single one of my high risk patients get slaughtered by the virus. And any doctor who has, and there's been a million doctors who have, it's immoral, it's unethical, and from a clinical and civil perspective it's illegal. And I think there's going to be a price to pay, years in the future, for all these patients who have died. You look through the records, and I tell you, the were all inadequately treated.

Why should you use drugs off-label? Because the FDA tells you to do this. There's no approved drug to treat this condition, we're supposed to do this, in cardiology the estimtaess are well over 60% of drugs rae off-label. Only 6% of the time do we have guidelines to tell us exactly what to do. All day long we use our clinical judgment, if ever there was a time to use clinical judgment it was the mass casulaty situation of COVID-19. It really separated th emen from teh boys, the women from the girls, it realy did, and I have absolutely supreme confident that what you have done to help your patients was the right time. And if you use different drug combinations, I talked to one doctor today he said "You can't treat patients" I said what do you tell them? I said "do you give them acall the next day to see how they're doing?" he g goes no.

The term I used, we're in a crisis of compassion, I bet if we just had a phone-call system to call people each day to see how they do, that would reduce mortality. You know why? These seniors go home, they're in their houses or apartments, they know their families can't go by, they know they have a potentially fatal illness, their doctors have nobody to call, until that final moment of panic, then they call. Then the virus spreads, then they go into the hospital. And then they don't make it out. This is wrong.

So this guide, this guide is probably the most important guide ever produced by a society int he history of medicine. This has been donwloaded and utilized and passed around millions and millions of time, and it took Jane ORient and Lead Valid to put this together and it was used because of the complete abject failure of our public health response, we filled a gap, "WHO doesn't recommend" blah blha they could go forever before they recommend treatment, we are filling a gap an we are entitled to do that. We treat a viral infection, and handle the pandemic crisis, this is so important, it's the only way to manage it. It is a potentially lethal problem, we will nevr vaccinate our way out of it, it works, they have shown in Erica Maldy treatment domicaleri group in italy have gone to 0% hospitalizations in Italy, they use a HCQ based program, they got out of their fog, and they are treating COVID-19, it works. Their delta curve is less than a quarter of their pre-vaccination era curve, because they are using it. You've all been to Italy, it's pretty reasonable, Japan is front-lining Ivermectin, Mexico city, Peru, India, crushed their curve, not with the vaccine, btu with early treatment, it works. two good studies brian proctor, vlad zelenko, about an 85% hospitalizations reduction (and death) with multidrug programs, and these are legacy programs, we have better drugs now w e can use in combination.

Bring on the Merckk drug, maybe it works, maybe it's just as good as Ivermectine.

But it's not a single pill that's suddenly going to save the world, that's what the news cycle sounds like. Anything in the nursing home compared to nothing works, even the most modest programs to have our seniors in nursing homes to get COVID-19 and not get a mg of treatment is malpractice. Vaccinating people who have had COVID-19 who have natural immunity is at this point in time, is out of bounds. 20 studies by Jennifer Block, 20 studies showing natural immunity is robust, complete and durable, far superior to vaccine immunity, 3 studies that I have summarized, 6 total, showing that if we vaccinate people who are COVID-recovered, we harm them considerably. We harm them consireably. Spectrum health system in Michigan, grand rapids, just announced thos enaturally immune, Mark Shirky, gave me my natural immunity wrist band. The bottom line is, naturally immune, leave them alone. And if we have a break in this vaccine cabal, ti's going to be the naturally immune, as the vaccinated continue to get sick with COVID-19, the only backstop is natural immunity. So we need to embrace it, your grandma in the olden days, these chicken pox parties, I went to them, nto a bad idea, I got chicken pox as a kid, did I tak ethe vaccine? No, because it's 1 and done. we have to get back to basics, because freedom is at risk, this idea that you can win your freedom back, there has been brutal commentary on CNN, you raen't going to get your freedom back unless you take the vaccine.

Since when are we going to lever freedom based on an ineffective and unsafe vaccine? My new friend, Eric Clapton, as soon as we break medical freedom then we no loner have a choice to decide what goes in our bodies, it will be an instantaneous break in social freedom, and when we break our social freedom, now we have an immediate leak to our economic freedom.

And the whole thing crumbles. This is a real slpper slope, right now. There's probably no more critical 6 months that we're going to see in American history than coming up right now. People are, all over the world, rioting. They're rioting for freedom to get medicine. You got to give them credit, they don't have it there, they're starving them of Ivermectine there, in the UK, and they know something is wrong. The world knows that this is a treatable problem. Our agencies have been fronting everybody in teh world that this is not a treatable problem, guess what these people know because of our efforst, this woman knows that ivermectin works in the hospital, and she's suing the hospital o get ivermectin for her husband. There have been cases after cases of people of inappropriate nihilistic care in the hospital, families go to court and they force the administrators, the chief of staff and the ICE doctors to shamefully start treating patients appropriately. Including, full-dose anticoagulation which they would do for the next patient who had a pulmonary embolism. Including ivermectin which they would do for the next person who has scabies. But, suddenly, if you're COVID-19, you're going to get harmed.

When this started from the very beginning, the commentary was they're superspreaders, they did something, they didn't wear their masks. This has been a game, it's a big game, and it's a game that's costing lives it's hurting people. The public and private outrage over ineffective and unsafe vaccines can not be loud enough. In every conversation, they don't work and they're not safe. Call a spade a spade, we don't have to sugarcoat it. I have given a public consolation.

My experience is, others disagree, that those who are vaccinated, I think they're easier to treat. My clinical experiences as a consolation prize, it may be less severe. But that consolation prize is not justification at all to have another person vaccinated in our country.

We are having censorship of scientific discourse like we cannot believe, one of the modern american heroes is Ron Johnson, because of the fact that he recognized that, you know why he's interested in this story?

Ron Johnson's daughter had congenital heart disease, and she had to undergo 2 surgeries, he said listen these doctors had to make edge decisions to save his daughter's life, they didn't wait for randomized trials, they didn't wait for guidelines, the CDC or the FDA to tell them what to do. They made some damn decisions as surgeons and saved her life. She's like an ICU nurse today. He knows that doctors shuld be doctors, he respected that, he put together a right-to-try program, and I tell you, we need 102 more of him. We need the whole house like him. We need people to recognize doctors need to be doctors ,because this is crushing the lifeblood of medical science right now. I am so activated, I'm down to about 4 hours of sleep a night and I'm so activated because I know this is a turn in history, look at this type of letter I got from :

Suspension and revocation of my license. Well you knwo what, I'm not giving information or misinformation, I'm giving you the data.

This looks like a kangaroo court if I've ever seen one. I just recertified for the 4th time in medicine. Bring it on, I want to talk to them about this. This hunting of American doctors is going to stop, and we're going to put a stop to it, but only not by ducking or bobbing and weaving, but by assuming the authority that we have. This is very important. we have authority as physicians, as the most highly educated and trained and vetted people in American society. We have the authority to go in public and give our analysis of the data. Probably I've had close to 500 media presentations? Maybe 1000? And I don't care, because people are asking my opinion. I don't ask to go on the shows, I odn't ask to eb on someone's TV show, they're asking my opinion, and I have given it. And I have the right to give it, and you have the right to give it, and we have the right to our opinions, it's realy important.

There rae a lot of heroes, not just the doctors, but they're the media people. Media people who are taking risks, they know something is wrong, they know the vaccine program is going bad, and they know that we have to take action. When I was on Tucker Carlson, he started getting pretty animated and you know about the middle of it, and I said "hey you know, Tucker, it's pretty obvious that there has been a suppression of treatment to promote fear, suffering, loneliness, hospitalization, isolation and death, in order to promote the vaccine". And he said "if you don't know who this doctor is, you need to listen to him, because he has authority".

Daystar, the Christian network, have reached 1.7 billion people. When I go on Laura Ingram, that's 2 million. Joe Rogan's maybe 10 million. 1.7 billion people. The message is out there, the people know, I was recently on with Ben Marble, a modern american hero, he founded my free,f ree service, trying to help people get medications to help them get through COVID-19. each one of you, get out there and get out front, you need to do it. We need 500 doctors on TV. This is getting serious. We are being hunted, on July 28th, my former health system who terminated my contract after perfect service, perfect grant record, perfect track statistics, perfect program administration, did not renew my contract, violated all due process, and did not give explanation for it, the end of January the only thing I had done was treated COVID patients an dlead efforts in early treatments, I made no statemnets about the vaccine.

5 days after a very public court case in Central Texas, the Carol Case where a family took Baylor Scott and White to court for poor care in the ICU, and Baylor prevailed in that case and the patient was dead within 2 days, 4 days after that case, the same day Baylor announced its vaccine mandate, they put a lawsuit against me saying that I violated my terms of separation agreement, saying that I was associating with them in the media. And by doing this, Baylor is associating with me in the media, if you google Baylor and Doctor McCullough, all the top hits are the lawsuit, but my wife and I are the biggest donors the physicians to the foundation, I was a student at Baylor when I was at south westerbin 1986, before any of those people were even there, there's an endowed scholarship at Baylor in my name, I'm the most published person at Baylor University medical center, since John Fortran in GI. I have 800,000 profiles on the internet, I have 16 million hits, this idea that they can do this, September 16th, the temporary restraining order, saying I'm restrained to my contract, which I alwyas have been. This is not new news, this is somebody behind the scenes who is provoking something, I think this is a message to the media that this guy is damaged, this guy is tainted. Somebody is funding this writer, because there has been no news from the courts. THere has been no judgment or discovery. This is basically slander or defamation. So Alicia gets to join a broad class of futuredefendants in my defamation case.

If we don't act now, what people say is that we are going to be like Australia. On most days they have more vaccine deaths than COVID deaths. There's something wrong going on in Australia, big time. South Africa is next inline, Europe is next in line.

Something is going on in Australia and they're at the point where they are at a breaking point. They have restricted their fredoms, it can't be about COVID at this stage, it can't be about COVID, it's some kind of mental contagion, some type of psychosis, some type of neurosis, some type of Totalitarian takeover that's going all over the world. Something very dark is going on. And a lot of it is in this book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, Peter Breggin, Ginger Breggin. I was honoured to write on fo the introductions on this. What's going on in the world is not really about COVID, COVID is a platform and event that's been planned, been organized, the vaccines have been planned and organized, some type of very large change worldwide. And when I say something is going on the principles are lockstep, what I mean by lockstep is that everybody is in lockstep, meaning there's some guy on his knees in the Philippines or he won't get his government check, and some kid is going to be on their knees in LA because he can't go to school if he doesn't take the vaccine. This same type of coercion and reprisal is going on world-wide. I've done some things in clubhouse where some people beam in from the Rainforest in South America, and it's in their minds. They don't know who Bill Gates is or GAVI, but it's in the minds of people. This cannot be about money, it cannot. It cannot be about Pfizer, it's not. it can't be about Bill Gates. It's something very very big going on in the world, in mayn ways, in a perverse way, it's a very exciting time to be alive. All of us are charged, I can feel the charge in the room. This book has 1000 references. It gives you the material transfer agreement between Modern and the Chinese for the SPIKE protein before COVID-19 was a problem.

This book, the John Hopkins symposium, they planned how they're going oto get the scoreboard on CNN of deaths and what have you.

We feel like we're fighting a virus, and we arefighting a virus, and we're trying to help people, btu we'r eon a very small plane, there's something going on on a very big plane.

To finish, COVID-19 is a global disaster, pathophysiological is complex, is not amenable to a single drug. Don't die on the hill for Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquin. There's a million different ways to treat this virus, and we have to be creative. The pre-hospital phase is the time for theraputic opportunity. Hospitalization and late treatment frms an inadequate safety net, unacceptable high mortality, patients going down into the hospital get a step down in case, not a step up in case. We got to keep them home.

Early ambulatory therapy with sequenced multidrug therapy, supported by multiple sources fo evidence, very position to risk relationship, reduces the hospitalization and death, more safely temporizes our ability to close the pandemic, lots of people help out, naturopathic doctors have had a huge impact, they've had a huge impact they' stepped up way better than the allopathic doctors. There's opportunities for creativity all over. COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unacceptable safety profile, and they're not sufficiently effective to recommend in clinical practice. Censorship and reprisal are working to crush our freedoms of speech, scientific discourse and medical practice, and now is the time, now is our time. Thank you.