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Groomers 2


  • Grooming mentality
  • Destabilizing identity in a politically actionable away
  • Lead to transhumanism in the sense of Donnah Harroway's conception of a genderless, raceless, collectivist cyborg manufactured and programmed to have particular affinities which replace identities. Thus allowing a cohesive, political affinity which applies universally to all entities.


  • Use hi-tech medicine and infrastructure to plug humans into a semi-digital world

Groomers 2

  • Problematize innocence to destroy it
  • Contemporary form of sexual liberation movement
  • Comprehensive Sex Education and Social Emotional Learning
  • Destabilize and disregard structure of reality if it supports supposed power dynamics and hegemony


  • Destabilize through sexualization to make manipulable
  • Young will hate the old generation
  • The revolution proceeds off the back of destabilized identities
  • No expectation for normal behaviour - achieve authentic expression

Interrogating Innocence (2018 Julie C Garland)

  • Exclusionary practice

Queer Futurity and Childhood Innocence

  • Assuming asexuality and proto-heterosexuality yield contradictions
  • Emphasize sexuality within children's education
  • Asexual children (presexual) is heteronormative thinking
  • Counter this by emphasizing sexuality

Queer Childhood

Eve Sedgwick

  • Bringing up your kids gay at odds with childhood innocence
  • Suggests that colonialism and slavery have corrupted our theories about childhood development
  • Our ideas about childhood innocence are interwoven with white privilege i.e. Childhood innocence is racial innocence and naivety, which demonstrates one's privilege

Queer Futurity 1

  • References Eve's work as initiating consideration of childhood as a site of heteronormative intervention
  • Cisheteronormativity is their bourgeois property or white privilege
  • Assumes that heterosexuality is being artificially impressed upon the children to indoctrinate them (Iron Law of Woke Projection)

Standard M.O.

  • Conflate normativity with morality
  • The more unique and distant an identity is from normal, the greater the capacity for moral judgment
  • Assumes variation is morally relevant

First Impressions (Limitations)

  • Denies broad acceptance of homosexuality
  • Marcusian lamentation that acceptance nullifies propensity for change
  • Empowered by the fuel of catastrophisized minorities who demand revolution
  • Target children to have them believe that mere inauthentic acceptance has been insufficient
  • Exacerbate alienation as a revolutionary force: "It's always open season on gay kids" - Eve Sedgwick

Homonormativity over Heteronormativity

  • Advocates strategizing to increase likelihood of gay outcomes
  • Equates normative upbringing as a desire for non-gay outcome
  • Characterizes 1980 DSM-3 removal of homosexuality as erroneously celebrated (does not signal liberation)
  • Considers Gender Identity Disorder as incorrect realignment of Queer identities with heterosexuality
  • Contradiction of criticizing stabilization of homosexuality while criticizing addition of destabilized category (Gen. ID Disorder)
  • "loving reparation" of "figure" of "child's queer body" whose gender unreasonably "catches" "mother's femininity" or "father's masculinity" which "were not the first shadings of gender"

Eve's Recent Remarks

  • Rethink, reinhabit the child with attention to queer character
  • Potential for metrics allowing "sideways growth"
  • Child is both limit and hope for Queer Theory
  • Child is dense site of meaning for queer sociality/alienation
  • Stable identity = limit, Alienation = hope
  • Homophobic culture anxiously depends on reproducing heteronormative future

Sexuality for Revolutionary Potential

  • Early Childhood Education should not resist attending conversations on politics and sexual subjectivity Your immoral motive for not doing what I say is precisely why you must do what I say
  • Palpable nervousness and discomfort when childhood comes into contact with sexuality Childhood innocence seen as hegemonic narrative to be disrupted and dismantled
  • Arguments RE childrens' sexualities stabilize queerness as identity rather than preserving a site of collective contestation Queerness should not be stabilized, but something to collectize around, even if it's childhood sexuality

Hannah Argues to Queer ECE

  • Child development theories are destructive if not attuned to possibility that children are or will become queer
  • Damaging expectation of childhood innocence represents child as figure without complexity
  • Insistence on childhood innocence injures development and might
  • Treat every child as though they might be queer to maximize growth
  • Assumes everyone develops into what they're supposed to, regardless of disregarding developmental psychology and destabilizing identity growth
  • Forge conversation between Queer Theory and Childhood Studies to complicate assumptions about sexuality and a predictable future
  • Remove structure of problematic developmental psychology -