In considering potential for violation of the Nuremberg Code.
POEC Document:
Overview Report: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Government Responses. It is a timeline of the Canadian public health measures enacted to address Covid-19. Its document ID on the Commission’s website is COM.OR.00000002.pdf. I have attached it to this email for your convenience, and will be referring to some of its sections as I make the case that the vaccine mandates violated the Nuremberg Code.
- CV-19 vaccines initially not eligible to be approved
- Approved through Interim Order from Minister of Health
- Amendments made to Food and Drug Regulations which incorporate elements of the Interim Order, allowing for continued use of CV-19 vaccines
- CV-19 vaccines defacto approved before trials taken place
- No Phase IV trials conducted, therefore no study of long-term effects
- Most people are not farmers and do not have the means to produce their own food
- Mandating uptake of vaccines with the threat of loss of employment
- Without incoming, humans who cannot feed themselves or their families can starve and die
- Loss of income inhibits development of children in affected households
- Loss of access to resources and facilities of society creates a class system and imposes hierarchical structural force on human beings