Paulo Freire - Learning to Remake man
The Politics of Education - broke him out into the North American education scene (magnum opus was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which hadn't had the same impact by this time). This book got a favourable review in Harvard Educatoon review and had been Championed by Henri Giroux, who was Paulo Freire's chief evangelist. Set the stage so it would be taken up by hundreds of marxist educators.
Successful branch of the long march through the institutiosn whereby the Mraxists could infiltrate the key cultural pillars, like education, to lead into everywhere else.
Social Workers
Attempt to send them to re-education criminals instead of police
Role of Social Worker is to raise a Critical Consciousness in those they intervene with.
- Trauma informed education
- Social Emotional Learning - justfiied on the back of Trauma-informed education or care
- Trauma-Informed Care: Started in 2001 to deal with an issue in medicine/psychiatry where people who were traumatiezd needed special treatments - instead of hitting psychological triggers have a rape or something like that.
- Mushroomed into something that was not like it used to be: taken up by activists and educator-activists - shift in education into a from in which Trauma-informed care fits perfectly.
- Logical model of Freire: education is for awakening a consciousness to a just and equitable world - Freierean Model
- Pop-psychology: basd on scientology - revaluation counseling -> plagiarizezd ersion of scientology written in theterms f pop psychology. Henry Jakins ? Devotee was Herbert Marcuse's 3rd wife - totally into his nonsense (marcuse's)
- This is the milieu in which all this trauama-informed nonsense cama einto being -> social workers who took up the Freirean charge in this work.
Becomes Religious
- Becomes less about education and becomes more religious
- Chapter 8 - The Process of Political Literacy
- Education is the process by which to achieve political literacy (its new purpose, in fact)
- Demonstrates that the theological/ontological model of Marx is actually being used in this way because that is the accurate interpretation of it (distinct from post-modern and neomarxist)
- point of education for Freire is a political education - which is to say, a Marxist education
- Education should teach political literacy
- Not easy to make sense of the role of this
- Political Theory -> Marxist theory. Only one vaild way to understand politics because Marx believed he had found th one truly scientific of history. All others suffer from ideology - captured by the dominant modes of thought, created by the bourgeiousie to maintain their power.
- Marxism arrives from a gnostic consciousness/scientific concsiousness that was "crucial" for understanding how to seize the means of production of society and man in the world around you to go forward to a Utopian vision.
- Freire's Utopian character of education
- Wissenschaftlizur Socializmus - everything else is a mytholgoy that the ruling class tells itself to keep itself in power and everyone else down
- Marxism is the only legitimate poliitical theory so educating in political literacy is really only educating in Marxism
- Ideologies are mythologies that the Bourgeiosie write for themselves, tell themselves, convince those of the underclass of etc. Just stories to justify dominance
- Justify dominance OF THE SYSTEM in which they happened to be dominant -> this removes agency
Scientific Study
- Real material conditions that Marx alone had discovered
- Politics is "downstream" from economics and society/man/everything is downstrea mfrom economics and material conditions
- Marx appropriated Hegel with 2-tiered lizenschaft
- Hegel: verstand (science) underneath vernunft (higher level reason)
- Hegel created the idea that we have to understand the world but we have to be able to contextualize those facts and see, in a sense, the wholistic picture and pieces within context of the whole
- Vernunft: Hegel's speculatize Idealism
- Hegel's Dichotomy is what Marx used to create WissenschaftLicher Socializmus - scientific socialism
- We still have to study the world, but the study has to conform to mrxist theory which is the true reaso - everything else is contaminated by ideology and vested interests
- people don't know what they are participating in because what they defend is a mythological representation fo whot hings work which they call the "system", but that system happens to benefit them
- Scientific Socialism wherein you assert Dialectical Materialism to change the material cnditions in a dialectical process
- The one true understanding of Society - all other political theories defend a system
- The true avatar of what is left wing. Everything else is Right wing
- You must continue to be a revolutionary
- Right wing is everything bureaucratic, sclerotic, necrophiliac
- Constant, perpetual revolution (you can't know the end)
- If you know the end that you have in mind, then you become right wing
Dialectical Evolution
- Hegelian thought - dialectical faith of leftism
- Hegel's idealism wasn't good enough for Marx, who transformed it into Dialectical Leftism
- Hegel had right/left branches (his followers)
- Hegel created Scientific Gnosticism: Gnostic cults (serpent in the Garden of Eden, whispering in language assumed to be Science), but Vernunft is the gnostic high-level understanding
- Marx takes the dialectic and turns it from idealist to materialism - Rejects speculative idealism -> politics no longer running downstream from ideal, but from Material Conditions
- Freire takes this and says "no, they run downstream from Cultural conditions"
- Only scientific of politics follows from this dialectical interpretion: Marxist dialectical materialism is the only true scientific study, and educating for Political Literacy (educate for Marxism)
- Marxified version of education to push Marxist theory
Culturally-Relevant Education
- We are now using Identity-based cultural theory of education to push Culturally-based Identify Marxist Theory. Race Marxist theory of education pushing CRT. Same exact model - borderline plagiarism (Freirean object put into a Race box).
- The real point of social & education: Awaken the Marxist
- Generative Words/Concepti ppdd