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Real Change

The Essence of Change

Real change instantiates from within and moves outwards, perpetuating and propagating through society and reality. The integrity of the expression is modulated as it passes through each junction.

Appreciating Change

Real change might seem to come from setting the right conditions, but it is never fulfilled until the new action of creation takes place. Just as it is with incorporating a function into a model, or a model into a simulation or computation of any sort. We cannot know any of its value in predicting or improving decision capacity unless we also create it ourselves. We can look at comparisons of functions and gauge whether one might have been more successful and gain a great procedure for discovering and comparing the functions that are possible, but we cannot ever come to appreciate the considerations of such a function until we implement it ourselves, for otherwise there is no real incentive to consider what is computable and what might was previously regarded as not having yet been computed, rather than what is useful to be computed, and these are very different things.

This also coincides with the advice of making things to gain the mindset of someone who wants to believe they are seeking solutions. We can be in roles which seem to serve the capacity of creating solutions, but util you etch out a real solution, you are simply a problem finder, or even a problematizer. In fact, your solution will destroy some things, and you should feel the cost and pain of that destruction, if you are to understand what precisely is being solved.

It brings me back to Elliott Hulse and his reminder to do hte thing or the work that's in front of you. It might sound as though any work can do, and that could include dehumanizing work, administrating at a death camp, arresting the innocent, and so forth, but I think that the correct example would have more to do with Jordan Peterson's recurring reminder to clean your room. Doing the work of addressing what is most directly in one's own life means doing those things into which one one has the most insight, the greatest acuity, the highest intrgrity, etc.

Knowing that they are the things which have the greatest impact in terms of affecting the trajectory of who you become and what is brought into being, through transparency with oneself, as opposed to doing things about which one needs to be partially blind or thoughtless concerning the aspects of their consequences.

To etch out a construction in full detail is painstakingly toil and coax it through every point of progress until, finally, it fulfill sits specific intention, and that this can be verified in its physical interfacing with its creator. Can one plan and construct an advice/policy with such detail or degree of completion? It would be more likely to contain incomputable numbers or placeholders for which one is not expecting to perform the computation.

Religious Extremism

Religious extremists demand the policy which would enforce the actions one believes must be performed in order to respect one's God.


Sustainability demands the actions which respect the fear of a concern and which are the standard for living a good life.

Do those who aim for the doctrine of sustainability see the path and the means of reaching their sustainble world? Not in the engineering sense, but along the lines of preventing the actions of wasteful humans. Those sorts of humans who are not concerned with devoting themselves to the cause are most certainly yielding influence.

If only they could be educated, they would understand why it is in their own best interest to do these things which we will force them to do. In the end, everyone will be happy we took the route we did -> the route to which I have been demanding, and if it is all done correctly, they will most certainly have a better life to enjoy.

As was stated, the means of how are quite simply, political and material force.