The field of perception is that which is most real to the human.
Seek those having belief that it is worth having perceived than not.
We believe it valuable because it is irreplacable. If mine is, then yours must have the same potential. If I believe I can ignore your field of experience and replace it with a meta repesentation whose specification benefits my worldview, then I am enslavings you. Forcing you to pay a price -> dignity, harm, debt, pain, life -> as part of a transformational process which benefits me.
They do it for the children, and the elderly. For that poor suffering soul that they, thankfully, never have to see the face of. Whatever they do, it's always for someone who desperately needs it, but never for themselves. Of course not - their needs, like yours, should always come last, and to suggest that this isn't precisely how they're operating is an admission of hate. Somehow it appears believable both that can experiment with something new and predict the outcome with whatever data happens to be available.
They make what seem like reasonable claims, or pose sensible questions, as though they are open to learning truth and employing reason, but their profiles cause one to evaluate their biases and this, ultimately, causes many to be percecived as dishonest, bad actors. This appears to be the norm in today's discourse, a change from where issues layed a decade ago. Back the, though things were polarized and partisan, there was still a sense or expectation that...
Embracing self-loathing and distancing the self from all traditional or conventional symbols of one's culture. Surely if I have not succeeded, it means that my culture has failed me. Furthermore, if my culture committed horrible atrocities, I can assert that my culture only pretended to lead to success in order to hide its evildoing, thus I can excuse myself even more for my failures as I was set up to use failing methodologies that were toxic to me, compounding my victimhood and making my own plight that much more difficult.
Seeking, searching for a new paradigm. We imagine The future as a configuration of state, a frame in the reality of tranforming details, forms.
Locality -> a place not here but that can be conceived of, even if no specific environment. It might simply be the notion of an emotional state which is not the one being expressed at the moment of contemplation.
Visual -> it would seem that there is a visual construction or mode of constructing. It might be too abstract, and it might depend on many variables: a) ingested materials -> food, psychoactive compounds, things that tax the system b) previous experiences
Feeling incomplete? In the sense that more needs to be known..
The altruistic victim
I claim to feel others' pain more than you are capable of, because I simply can't stop thinking of my own pain and fear. Any others' plight simply reminds me of my own.
I'm simply not able (nor is it necessary) to realize this redirection, as I am aware of the subject at hand, and my overall sentiment.
Being made to think of my own suffering when someone reveals themselves to me is not selfish, it is evidence of my empathy.