The victim knows the path to enlightenment, but needs for you to be the one to hold up the lantern and bear witness to their ascension.
If only you had held it up sooner. Then I wouldn't be suffering. Now it needs to be equity, because I am already operating at the normal level, the resting point of equitable calibration. In fact, I would make a great example of exactly where things should be, if not for the fact that I am actually enjoying a little less than what is fair. That this has not yet been rectified is a form of violence, and I have every right to be hostile and belligerent. If you don't understand, it's because you enjoy too much from the current, problematic circumstance - it's time for you to stop being so greedy.
You have too much, but you are so unwise that your decisions (which are out of your control) doom you to squandering the value of your own resources in a destructive way which, tragically, causes harm to the innocent. Now that you know, however, any continuation can only be explained by evil.
The lever of manipulation always lingers with every move, revealing constant opportunities to repent and ask for forgiveness, and always an ascription which uobts your faculties and intent.
So the victim goes on to enjoy the ways in which those who embody all that they hate, have erected themselves using the ideals that the victim has chosen to identify themselves by, thereby obfuscating all of the aspects of themselves that are otherwise worthy of the types of criticism that the victim should be most fluent in disseminating. Why?
Is it a form of projection? Does the victim believe that all of their criticisms of the world are true because they can imagine themselves harbouring the positions adn sentiments that they describe of their hated foe? If the foe can master the values upon which these criticisms are made, thent hey can embody the right values using the right types of demonstrated procedures.