People's activity, no longer connected to the things they produce, and the inscription of social relations onto a product
People fail to see that certain social structures (relations) are established and sustained only by their own actions (classical social constructionism focuses on this side); thereby, the bond between the product and the producer is broken
"The opponents of our method and theory – bourgeois scientists, and Syndicalist or Anarchist doctrinaires – are in accord in urging against Marxism the accusation which men like Guyot, of vulgar political economy, levelled of old against Socialism in general: they say we are guilty of an attack upon the individual, of an attempt upon liberty."
So anyone who opposes these guys, their ideas or their methods are automatically captured by "capitalist ideology", as evidenced by the fact that they disagree! It demands obedience and elimination of free thought, as one must be certain to not put forth an expression which conflicts with the pronouncements of the theory!
"we hear vituperation against “the Socialist tyranny,” against “the future slavery,” and, above all, against the “suppression of individual liberty” – of capitalists!"
Indeed, all those who would preserve individual liberty, be concerned about collective enslavement or a tyranny which describing itself as Socialist would specifically be capitalists! Having such concerns MAKES you a capitalist because otherwise you would be eager to advocate for and help realize Socialism.