If you want to earn the trust of anyone in life, be truthful and be transparent. DO the right thing for the right reason and don't owrry about the rest.
FIrst do no harm - certain medical schools don't require the hippocratic oauth anymore. Because it's all going to be amazon and whatever being your doctor with a robot, and it's just a recipe/algorithm.
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. How many umedical colleagues are unwilling to crack an article or look at the data. I invite them - I get criticized all the time - I reserve the right t obe wrong, btu I'm alway reserivng the right to have a conversation. Should never shut down the debate. Bring your data and articles.
To shut us down and censor us - that tells you that there's something wrong
When a new drug is experimental, all adverse reactions should be proven to be caused by that agent until proven otherwise.
SPike is toxic and induces disease. It stays in the body, not in the arm, and it circulates.