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White Supremacy

Yes, the spirit of white supremacy does live on, but its form is not as what has been popularized.

Yes, they have privilege, in every case. At the very least, they have the privilege of existing today with all that is available to them in nations which function better than what was ever previously observed, all things considered. That isn't to say that these nations don't have problems which run the risk of causing them to come apart at the seams, but they still function considering all the wasteful behaviours which are contained within them.

Yes, they discriminate, and are perhaps able to do so more effectively than ever before, as they are able to separate themselves from some of the material realities which, historically, would otherwise be more explicitly inherent.

Yes, they are privileged by the system, in that they are situated such that the maintained workings of certain aspects of the system, particularly those which are not productive and conducive to the real advancement of ideas and technology, support them and shelter them from many perspectives. They are privileged in the sense that they have some of the greatest access to the most formal implements of social change.

Yes, they compromise the creative, physiological, neurocognitive and emotional development of children, even though they promote and engage in new tools which are presented to be specifically designed to cultivate and facilitate such forms of development.

Yes, they potentiate and exact violence upon those with less privilege than themselves. Be it the working class, ethnic minorities, those who are less able-bodied, and those who are less viable in society's wealth hierarchy.

Yes, they aspire to champion a new type of human, whose vector of becoming is a process to which pledge allegiance, and that is of a nature which they believe best benefits them precisely because of how they are situated in the structure of society.

They use the appropriate language to mitigate any condemnation which might be made using the language which corresponds to these aforementioned dimensions of oppression. They promote the weaponization of language specifically because they can continue to evade repercussions for benefitting themselves through these forms of oppression.

How is this possible? How is it that they can utilize the very systems of oppression to their maximum advantage while also declaring that they are at the forefront of efforts to disrupt and dismantle those very same processes?

The truth is that we can never know for certain whether they do this on purpose, or whether it has occurred through a means of indoctrination. That is to say, we know that there are ideologies afoot, which have transformed and matured for centuries, which provide them the means and the rationale for engaging through these dimensions of exploitation, while also claiming that they are doing work purported to address the social features which make exploitation possible.

Stephen Hawking's model-dependent-realism describes the manner in which the limitations of human sensory input and linguistics confer a circumstance whereby we must use models to describe systems of phenomena and their behaviours, and that these these models are not a perfectly equivalent representation of reality, but that they offer some key benefits:

  • They offer the most commensurate representation available
  • They are continuously curated and replaced using logic and reason, and this means they are continuously improved upon

This model-dependent-realism is not simply a mechanism used for formulating a human understanding within certain domains and for specific subjects, but it is a naturally utilized mechanism borne of the human being itself. It is not something that we are choosing to do, but it is a mechanism that describes how the human being functions in our physical Universe.

This also means that it's really easy to permit a great deal of plausible deniability in our assessment of people's perspectives and intentions, and this has given rise to continuously redefining previously conceived terms, such as those which have already been presented to enumerate forms of oppression which many agree have taken place, and continue to take place in our societies.

For the purpose of this discussion, we will be examining the definitions as they have evolved, and the specific manner in which their evolved definitions allow for those who champion them as causes to benefit from their use as per their historical definitions.

Again, let us enumerate those terms:

  • White Supremacy
  • Privilege
  • Discrimination
  • Child harm
  • Marginalization of minorities.