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Learning Mindset

If the 1000 Brains theory is correct, then it supports the notion that most people can learn most things, and that our inability to learn, especially when accompanied by a belief that we won't be able to learn, is largel a belief problem, and not a genetic one.

Important to reinforce this as it provides fuel to persevere in the moments where one might lose their focus. These points are crucial as they can frequently occur when operating in the growth ranges of difficulty. Those events involving an activity performed within the growth range of difficulty are the precise moments where, if we force ourselves to maintain focus and adherence, we develop what we perceive as innate, second-order skill and ability. Domain-specfic abstraction and so forth.


If the 1000 Brain theory is correct, then it supports the notion that most people cean learn most things and that our inability to learn, especially when accompanied by a belief that we won't be able to learn, is largely a belief problem, and not a genetic one. Important to reinforce this as it provides fuel to persevere in the moments where one might lose their focus.

These points are crucial as they can frequently occur when operating in the growth ranges of difficulty. Those are the moments where if we force ourselves to maintain focus and adherence, we develop what we perceive as innate, second order skill and ability, domain-specific abstractions and so forth.