We treat humans with dignity and respect. We treat them as though we imagine them to be capable of understanding us. The assumption that the human could hold the same belief, or that if they hold a different belief that we ouselves might not just understand why, but might have even come to hold that same belief had we seen the same information or had the same experience. It is not even that this might always be the case, but simply that it is possible, and that this possibility is extremely essential. This might have to do with the limitation of inference and confirmation in the field of perception, in that though we can not confirm the experience of others, we know that they cannot confirm ours. If we must contend with the prospect of proving it valuable to assume it possible for one to believe it plausible to understand me, and if it is plausible, it is because I myself can imagine perceiving it as plausible. The best strategy to fulfill this is through also believing that I can fulfill the requirements of what expectations are implied by one thinking it plausible to understand me -> to believe it makes my behaviour demonstrate it. exit