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Cutting Kids

Yes, slice the racism off those kids. Surgically remove the racism from them. Make it unmistakable for all to see, so there could never be a single doubt.

They're committed to demonstrate a desire for acceptance that they'll collapse association of mind and body and replace biological proficiency by delegating accountability through ideological certainty.


Why expect that one might unearth the fortune of existence in the mastery of what unfolds before them?

That is, what is feasible to engage regardless of the degree to which a social infrastructure is edified and developed to maturity. If all else fails, with nothing more than modest biological capacities through which to move and survive. With no assistance by state and no support of peers. Just any inherent potential to develop a faculty for this realm. One conscious window to existence, one teleological endpoint - a single terminal yielding perceptual frame.

If there were nothing more, would one accept the entire premise as farce? Incoherent experience resolving purpose as expression of rejected being.

If that is the one terminal endpoint to existence, with no more known of it, then is perception not purpose? Accordingly, any formulated abstraction is composed in non-primitive terms with significance assigned per direction of the terminal's operator.

There can be no other cause or beholden entity beyond that which is known.

Thus the expression in that frame and its realized meaning are all composed through assignment of experience to reality, made through laws of the system and sentiment applied in perception.