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What is the true nature of the challenges that face us? Are they circumstantial? How much are we a part of that circumstance? Do we, perhaps, create our own challenges? Might there be less of a challenge if we were not aware of ourselves and planning to subvert ourselves for the type of gain which, for we ourselves might be a regression, or at least the pursuit of which is a regression for someone, especially the actor/actress in question

Are the challenges a resource problem? Might they be a distribution

Is it a system problem or a personality problem?

Why even ask the question about what sort of problem it is? Is it a search for a systemization of a problem? Is it so that since there are systems of any kind it necessarily follows that any undesired behaviour which can be posited as being a "problem" has a systemically traceable cause for its effect? Could not the undesired behaviour manifest themselves through manipulation unseen? How many examples do we have of a sort of transformation of information, representing as behaviour, for which the source is completely untraceable through a frame of perspective for which, in spite of any limitations that might be bound to it, is a perfectly reasonable frame from which to perceive the system in question, whether it be the only frame from which to have a perception, or otherwise be a frame for which comparable frames are logically deduced to be sufficiently inferior such as to not expect it to be absurd to consider using the primary frame for observation.