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Transforming the Child

Cultural revolution

  • Seeking liberation -> from? Immediate details are those things which get weaponized in the sense of appealing to emotional needs
    • inequity and oppression excuse any failure and shortcoming
    • Social Justice make it a moral good to complain
    • Culture grants and compels attention and affirmation
    • yields munchausen behaviour
      • something everyone is already disposed to, because we are emotional babies with baggage

Critical Theory

Critical Theorists learned to aim for culture ~ 1919-1930s

  • Theory of knowledge because of dialectically synthesizing what it means to be educated or literate
  • trying to solve the reproduction problem of society -> Why? (#Tension Creates Progress)
  • Marx was wrong (this is why people claim they are anti-Marx or post-Marx -> prediction never happened)
  • Best puit into words by Herbert Marcuse
    • Intellectual's duty is to recall and preserve Utopian Possibilities

Tension Creates Progress

  • Movement with inevitable endpoint Because access to private property does lead to pacification
  • People enjoy their stupi dhobbies (stupid, endless labour leads to gadgets and plastic)
    • People who appear happy are actually unhappy
  • Ultimtaely, people work because they have a biological system
    • this is the ultimtae oppression of the human form (the oppression of subatomic forces)
  • Gnostic/Mystical past -> intuitive recollection of a perfect way of being which we are kept from knowing in this false reality
    • desire for rebirth / desire to expand the potentialities
    • occurs through negating the mundane aspects of reality to unearth / reveal the divine (getting into Hegel's roots as Hermetic / Alchemist (Plebian Pietist / Lutheran))
  • Folk nation => German roots to these philosophies -> obsession with a totalizing system for the folk!

Folk Nation

All these flags and symbols to denote allegiance and membership to the supernation with its overarching ideals

Inconspicuous escapes leave the giant asleep. People try to leave the beast of Marxism, thinking it too obscene to truly become the chosen ideas of our time. Unfortunately, it's not just about the Benjamins! -> This strikes at the very core of what it means to be real or to be a human.

Marxists don't care abotu where things come from, be it money or bodies for the meatgrinder of history. What matters is always the destination, which needn't even be fully elucidated before being chosen as the only true endpoint.

People constantly aim to remember the past if even just as intuition that things should be better. The real wonder is if it is hidden or just never discovered -> Perhaps we have to elevate ourselves to be capable of perceiving it, much in the way that it was suggested that man need to become great enough to be worthy of itself for having killed God.

What of Utopian visions and our plan to realize them? They negate to reveal the seeds of something better. The idea is that we remove all the parts of the world which keep us from realizing how things truly are.

The Utopian is not something conceivable because the language we use is nothing more than algebraic abstraction that we employ to get what we desire, be it food or a position/political advantage.

As the victors write history, the accepted experts or those who have come into power will naturally be involved in defining the terms of the their domain. The self interests are not something that can be controlled for. You either have faith that, below the abstraction, we still mean the same things, or that we have no desire to understand one another at all. There has to be some balance between faith in the shared reality and our potential to see the same things independently.

Clearing the Mind

There is always much to involve oneself in, as the proposed affairs of the day are endless and the proposed ways of thinking about each are exponentially more (or each an infinite set in its own rite), but the truth is that one must simply be primed to be thinking and not reacting. That is, we may be reacting in the sense that we are thinking and communicating based on what is presented before us, but we needn't be reacting in the manner to which we are being baited.

This follows descriptions of Hegel's wizard circle, navigation of mass line narratives, the dialectic attacks as described be Stephen Coughlin, and so on

Always consider: propaganda, source bias, verifiability, and, perhaps most importantly, the degree to which an interpretation is able to both stand as credible and comprehensive about something while also being completely irrelevant or misleading.

This is especially obvious when new information is being utilized or when information is being used in a new way.

Clearing the Debris

March 1, 2023

It must be both courageous and glorious to fight a war, yes? So many of the baizuo he-hims seamlessly support this was by whatever means are available, even suggesting that every Ukrainian must certainly be enthusiastically do their part in the ongoing struggle against the most notorious, villaneous dictator who only cares for genocide, and nothing more.

Do we really need for things to be this childish at all times? How much of this support and interest has been potentiated through the Hollywood and Marvel Comics entertainment empires? From Indiana Jones to Quentin Tarantino, to Hydra and I'm sur ethere are plenty of other examples, these theme-sharing offerings provide plenty of symbolic programming by which to affect powerful influence, suggestion and rationale for the disregard of significant loss of life in pursuit of an ideal, and you can literally see the aging it induces in taking young minds and hearts and forcing them to work within new constraints for far too little reward.

Puberty Identified

March 17, 2023

Non-consensual puberty has laughably become a real issue and it's interesting to note that the majority of queer and trans activists who make its mitigation a priority aren't taking the critique to its ultimate logical conclusion:

  • really, the issue is that no on consents to having a human body and, surprisingly, this hasn't yet been a major focus for them, at least not in terms of the first-order material laden throughout their demands and arguments.
  • but what else could it be to consider pubert as non-consensual?

The puberty seems as though it is part of the social conditions creating an expectation of how you must be or what you must become, but that only works if your biological transformation would not be the same should no other humans be present. But, no, the general types of changes and the characteristics associated are generally the same, and might even be more pronounced in a circumstance sans-society, if all else were to remain equal.

That is, if you were born in a vacuum, teleported into an environment where you had access to necessities in the same abundance as would otherwise be the case, you would, over the course of a temporal period, undergo the transformation of puberty. This is not something that you would negotiate with the environment and make some sort of decision about. It would just be a consequence of the actual structure of your physical existence sustaining itself through that particular temporal period

How We Got Here

March 2, 2023

Indeed, the precipitating event to realizing this was discovering not only pedophilia in middle school libraries, nor even the fact that teachers, activists, and even some parents were aggressively fighting for it to be available to children, but the fact that more of the voices busying themselves about the issue were even speaking of it in light of its pedophilic and pedophilia-normalizing aspects. Let us enumerate the failures:

  • perpetuating normalization of perhaps the most destructive sociocultural values or practices in terms of its effect on psychology and society
  • broken communication
  • construction of varying, completely separate narratives which convey isolated realities
  • abandonning prioritization of human skill development
  • glorification of self-obsession, comiseration and narcissism

High Level Thoughts

  • Those who push this believe that it can change the world by changing minds
  • Exposure to gay people? No - not enough of an explation / Homonormative
  • Children identifying as teh demand for systemic change and control
  • Children being queered to discontinue something unwanted
    • ensures old will be negated, rather than ensuring addition
  • Proportion of people seeing reality as space to move and create vs people who are rejecting reality outright (not palatable)


The first step is that those people are joyless and feel isolated. It is difficult to derive from certain types of jobs. One's relations within the closest familiar circle may be the only authentic relations one believes themselves to be engaging with, and thatwill have distinct challenges which should very well be expected to induce more sress.

Is that tv-bred cultulre, the individuals are TV-chip-fed into a state where they are continuously invited into an alternate reality where predicates can be made true without reason, much less sound critical reasoning. Here, particular ideals can be modified and one's emotional attachment to certain understandings or beliefs can be can be increased. Ultimately, when confronted with concrete reality and without the digital reinforcement, the desire to have one's suppositions reinforced, and acknowledged becomes ever-greater.

That is the friendly entryway, but with many partners with which to commute


We know that we represent objects from the world most especially from their function. How could we map this, physiologically?

  1. How it fits into the hand and what the hand does with it (pulling a trigger, for example)

  2. How it changes our life experience - your activities - changes what activities one expects to be performing

  3. Changes your expectation of how others are interfacing with one another

  4. Sentimental associations to activities and environments with their associated sets of objects which thesmelves can be recursed upon

  5. How it changes your life experience (activity x replaced with activity y)

Image generated in visual cortex:

  • recall of associated memories
  • evoked as snapshot of emotional state and corresponding interfacing of the body
    • The significance of that occurrence created the associated or corresponding symbol. So do the archteypes that are connected. Then, we have all the cultural programming, both deliberate and happenstance - and often done in such a way or simply of a nature where it is impossible to discern one vs the other


But then let's bring this back to the covidist perspective and the public health narrative which is only seeming to finally change its tone out of sheer necessity to not completely lose all credibility.

Covidist Symbols

Jonathan Pageau


  • The most obvious defining element and a connection to the other is through a rejection of our shared reality
  • There are already things I completely took out of rotation
    • Some movement patterns come more easily enthused

The COVID symbolism has been plentiful. From Bats and Soup to test kits, social distancing, masking.

Positioning for Austerity

Anything to make it seem more obvious that we are herd animals. For so many, it awakens an automatonic mode of consent. They employed so little effort for sure-fire rewards and a sense that you have done the minimum to have become qualified for whatever social entitlemenets there are to be claimed.

Even if nothing is officially declared, you are positioned to implicitly receive whatever was standard for the social circumstances of the time. You are likely able to continue to at least discover what is standard, or what everybody assumes is standard, what is avaialble through happencenstance and what is afforded to those in the most advantageous positions.

And so, yes, we are saying it again: When resource distribution changes, incentive structures change and anyone concerned about honesty, truth and faitness must do all they can to understand how things are affected accordingly, or they will soon be swept out by those changes.

Those who tried to stay ahead of the crowd, in terms of their own wealth and placement in society, are undoubtedly struggling with the moral dilemma of understanding that resources should be universally available to all, while also recognizing that one has an unfair advantage (though they may believe it earned through doing "the work").

Set Identity

When they declare "a child's identity is set (or fixed) from the time they are 3 years old", what they are really saying is "I have the power to ssign any child their legally acknowledged gender identity so ong as they are at least 3 years old". So long as they are able to get the child to produce any indication that they are consonant or congruent with their suggestions.

Social Unit

Laughably confused about what constitutes a fundamental social unit? At the surface, it seems like some form of lunacy, but one must remember that we are deaing with a world view where there is no fundamental nature of Man. We are also dealing with those who are defining a social unit as part of the only society that they believe to be legitimate -> a socialist/collectivist/communist society.

That is, the current society is not conducive to allowing humans to understand their social nature; it gameifies scarcity and compels humans to dominate one another - forcing them into an ideology and false consciousness.

So when they say fundamental social unit they mean, of course, a unit as it relates to the commune where everyone is the same family, because they have the same mind and participate in the same totalizing system which puts the edification of socialism above the needs of an individual, because it is assumed that well-being cannot be attained except through socialism.

You might insist that there is a human nature which presents itself in the smallest possible social unit that would be expected to occur in primitive society, but they reject this and say that you are limiting numbers arbitrarily, and that social tendency and survival would supersede any other factors.

Predatory Practice

March 31, 2023

Forever we must be vigilant, especially when the smiles are being stretched oh so wide. Everyone likes to have a good time but you can never be totally sure as to why someone is having a good time - it might be at your expense!

Like the groomer teachers, for example - so pleased they are not simply (?) because they are helping you learn skills, or because they are improving their own skills through teaching you, but because you are their hope. You are a force which has the power to liberate them. This can be through different means, but they needn't have an understanding of the details so much as the the faith that it is present.

Exceptions and Rules

The exceptions are comprehensible because of their relation to the rule. Even if one of them happened to be really common, it's going to be described against the rule, and the rule explains the overall system being studied

Here's an example that trans/queer activists like:

You have "male" and "female" which are just like 2/13 of the possible types along a "gender spectrum". (as an aside, I just want to point out how painful it is that this table is trying to describe gender through only talking about sex. It should trying to make the case for a "sex spectrum").

The system of sex is as a developed strategy for reproduction, with 2 strategies. Male and female describe them.

Everything else here is a description of something as a deviation/complication/dysfunction relative to the strategy. On their own, they don't describe anything