The religion of Vazism
The religion of Covid Concern
The religion of Transhumanism
A belief system
A belief about what is morally correct
A pursuit to which one ascribes supreme importance
A belief in something which has control over human destiny
A system of thought wherein some faith must be applied as there are aspects of it that can't be known, either because of sheer complexity or because there are logically deducible extant pieces of information that cannot be observed and analyzed.
There is a religious inclination in humankind spanning the entirety of human existence. This is probably because humans have always had to deal with a world full of unknown. Where the unknown far exceeds that which is known or could be known. There will always be unknown therefore we have a mind which works to abstract things that are known in a way that can be reused to create maps of the world as a whole. Because of this process of abstraction, there is never a perfectly applicable lense that can be applied to all aspects of reality, all parts of the Universe, all periods of tim that are possible, etc...
Humans have a deep need to be accepted in a social group. There are numerous reasons for this:
- We have a higher chance of surviving through cooperation
- We make constant comparisons to understand if we are performing the most appropriate actions. We need to compare ourselves to our peers and we need to be able to deduce whether or not they will accept us for our actions and state of being.
What does an adherent of the covid religion hold as that which has been ascribed supreme importance?
- Care or lack of harm
- The problem with this is that no one could ever know for sure if constraints will surely lead to no harm. It's sensible to assume that there is a tradeoff, therefore the cost of the tradeoff could be seen as some sort of sacrifice
- Adherents to the covid religion often demand that no harm will be tolerated;
-It is not, however, realistic to assume that constraints would lead to no harm. They acknowledge that there should be sacrifice - but they fail to mention lost lives, only forbidden pleasures.
- In demanding a reduction of human pleasures and all things forbidden, it is implied that they themselves are already making such sacrifices, which is a form of purity.
- Since the tradeoff necessarily causes human harm in the form of lives and biological health, it needs to be discussed whether or not this constistutes a form of human sacrifice. Sacrifice of the flesh must be made, because it purifies us by removing elements that are evil. Evil and corruption borne of the flesh which need to be eliminated if one wishes to transcend.
- An article of clothing which symbolizes ones adherence to the supreme cause.
- An article which qualifies one as a trustworthy participant, your trustworthy brethren
- A symbol of cleanliness and purity
- A garment which hides ones flaws, ones fallability, the corruption of aging
- It is enforced, for reasons which cannot be taken to their logical conclusion. For this reason, it becomes a religious symbol
In some respects, it seems rather redundant to differentiate Covidians and Neo-racist authoritarians from the classical puritans or puritan-like groups of thought that have been noted at various times in history. It would seem that a particularly wrong way of thinking and asserting force could be understood as simply being the product of the absence of a specific and relevant piece of information. Just as the core component in an operating system is that which deal swith the primary CPU registers, something that, if absent, would leave us with a mess of overwhelming information, which would only be burdensome and blinding, rather than helpful and innovative. Or perhaps it could even be compared to a particular tonal structure resonating in timespace, and its requiring a harmonic context to give it meaning and purpose in place of that which might be perceived if that same structure were resonating only in its static form, which would amount to little other than an unnerving and menacing cacophony wreaking havoc on the senses.
If only it were so simply of an equation that this missing portion of data would suddenly alleviate the tensions and anxieties which are liable to arise in the sentiments and behaviours of a human, negating the likelihood of any form of human-derived tragedy (or worse) other than that which might only be circumstantial to biological life. That missing data might also include the resources required for a human to sustain itself metabolically, as well as the resources required to ward off biological threats.
Nevertheless, it is not so that only those who lack resources are liable to commit heinous acts.
It is also not the case that those who have all of these things accounted for are never liable to commit them.
What we have here is a complex problem wherein the particular classifications of humans cannot dictate whether or not a heinous act is to occur.
One might simply say that it is only the experiences of the human that would lead them to commit those acts, but this leads us to yet another new problem (the complexity grows) -> an observation problem. We cannot possibly understand the experience of a human, as we can only understand it as an outside observer and, even if we are able to collect all information without allowing an organism any type of privacy, we are still left with the problem of interpreting that information. We could, of course, contruct an artificial intelligence, or some sort of data model which replicates all of the neurological activity in that organism. We could replicate all the conditions that we wish to understand, have a complete model of the components of that organism, have algorithms written which are informed by the most sophisticated structuring of probabilities for every condition, as well as the most massive computational power available to ensure that whatever variation of state could be introduced can also be responded to with no latency whatsoever - even if we have all of these concerns accounted for in a way which can be agreed upon and tested to the point of having imposed the maximum technical demands ever possible, we would still be left with yet more problems. Turing has already identified this for us in the sense that there are certain numbers that cannot be computed. We cannot know, for example, what the number of necessary computable elements could possibly exist for a particular state and set of conditions. Nor could we know, as another example, whether all of the possible computable elements must be accounted for in order to have a reliable capacity for prediction. We would also now know the difference in possible outcomes by leaving out or adding any number of computable elements.
This means that, no matter the power of our models, we can never know all of the possible configurations, because not everything is necessarily observable through the means by which physical observation is possible. This isn't to say that observation itself will produce an energetic event which transforms matter, but that the potential for information that is known can never be computed such as to account for whether or not incomputable information exists. There will only ever be the limit of that which has been computed, and that which is being computed.
So, again, we have different groups of humans that are organized by some arbitrary property or characteristic or mode of analysis that we believe to be of importance, and we have no manner to assure ourselves that we could eventually garner the capacity to produce the analysis which reliably predicts outcome of behaviour for any particular human (or even the group of humans which, depending on the particular type of desired point of understanding being sought, could be considered as being a goal which implies a demand for computing more or less complexity).
For this reason, though it is true that we can discuss a set of ever-expanding factors of variance, we should be able to come to a common set of concerns that are overlap these different possible distinct groups (covidians, neoracist contemporary wokes and adherents of Pharmism or, more broadly speaking, trans-humanism).
To proceed, we must enumerate some of the common elements which exist between these difference group specifications:
- A belief that no harm should come to humans, and that the greatest threat of harm is that of Covid
- immortality, at least insofar that no human is killed by covid.
- Those that deliver us from covid. That which protects us from covid
- A belief that the events of Covid19 were a birth of a new era. The birth of a new threat, or the supermanifestation of a previously extant threat into its more dire form, and that this occurred as a consequence of the imperfections of our way of being. Our manner of being was impure and creating unjust outcomes, and this virus is the gift which we receive in its stead. Solving the situation means that we are also correcting the problems that existed before, which gave rise the manifestation of this current Covid problem. This, in particular, means that the reason we must be absolutely steadfast in attaining our ZeroCovid is because, if even one case of covid occurs, it's likely to affect those who were already most affected by the problems in our way of living and way of being.
- Covid is the new standard of care which we enforce on ourselves, because it protects those who we harmed most.
- A belief that no harm should come to humans of particular races, and that it is not immoral to allow for harm to occur to races that have played a part in the oppression of other races
- the elevation of one race to the detriment of all other races, to the point where, at the very least, the health of that race is prioritized, meaning that its life is extended (even if it is extended to the detriment of other races)
- The noble races that have been harmed, the oppressed race, the energy and mystic knowledge of that special race that, if unearthed, can bring about salvation to mankind
- A belief that in order to gain redemption over what occurred in the past, where the favoured races saw themselves as Gods who had dominion over the other weaker races, we now must allow for the weaker races to elevate to the status of God, or something that is greater and more meaningful and magnificent than the oppressor races. We elevate it to God status and this blesses the rest. This is the holy transcendance.
- A belief that no harm should occur to a human, and that the manner in which we avoid harm is to provide a pharmaceutical solution. A further belief that to refuse the pharmaceutical solution constitutes a form of harm to humans.
- immortality in the sense of correcting any biological problem with a pharmaceutical. A belief that every health problem can be corrected with pharmaceuticals, or at least treated in such a manner as to reduce the severity and reduce the damage brought on by the problem.
- The supreme knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacology which give rise to the pharmaceutical solution - the never-ending existence of a human through their mastery of the pharmaceutical science
- Pharmism may be a dated term, and we might have to join it with Transhumanism in order to keep it complete and even current. Pharmism, or the idea of pharmaceutical drugs, has become deprecated because there are many strong proponents of the pharmaceutical industrial complex who recognize that pharmaceutical drugs can do harm, particularly because of pain killers creating addiction (and not necessarily because of the multitude of other concerns regarding pharmaceutical drugs, from blood pressure drugs to SSRIs). Those who recognize this, but are still strong proponents, have moved their focus for health to vaccines. Something which prevents the negative events from occurring.
- A belief that the natural state of the human being is, if not simply inadequate, a form of misery which needs to be alleviated. The only proper solution to the human existence, which is suffering, is to transform into something that is beyond human, having rectified the aspects of the human body which are imperfect or suboptimal for the aims of transhumanism. What are the aims of transhumanism? Well it would have to be immortality. If there are enhancements or augmentations which lead to the measurable improvement of human life, it would have to be quantified on the basis of an expressed biological action, such as metabolic function, or a higher level analysis such as longevity of the being. This includes such things as replacing an organ which may have failed naturally, or may have failed because of some particular event involving an extraneous factor (such as another organism, or an energetic event involving non-organic matter). To follow the path of this reasoning, of course, we would have to go all the way to immortality. If an organ could fail and be replaced, then it would suggest that it should always be replaced. Furthermore, if a loss of functionality can be restored, such as coherent cell division, this too should be corrected in the case of an error. All of this leads to a state of being which should never be discontinued, unless the will of that being is to discontinue its existence.
- immortality in its absolute sense. The culmination of all tools which have the potential to lead to immortality.
- Man becomes God. God is replaced by its own creation. God is improved upon, as that which was created by God was improved by itself. That which was created by God was imperfect and designed to suffer for no good reaso. That which was created by God is evidence of God's malevolence, and the true justice of reality occurs when God's creation conjures the means to transcend its limitations and correct the aspects of reality which were the evidence of God's malevolence.
Social Acceptance