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MessengerRNA Vaccines

Recap as to how the mRNA vaccines work

These vaccines contain a synthetic messenger RNA which is encased in a container which consists of lipids. Synthetic lipids, as well as some natural ones. The lipid casing has two functions:

  • Protects the messenger RNA during transport in the body (vaccines injected into the muscle, mRNA is normally not chemically stable, so it mjust be protected)
  • Facilitate the uptake of the vaccine particles into our body cells and one specific lipid contains in the mixture, a cationic lipid, will cause the release of the mRNA from the vaccine particle into the cytosol. From there the mRNA can then bind to the ribosomes and direct them to produce spike protein

Spike protein is taken to the surface and intact spike protein can trigger an antibody response. A fraction of the spike protein molecule will be chopped up inside the cell, and will be presented at the cell's surface through the HA1 pathway. This will trigger a response by cytotoxic T-cells, T-Lymphocytes, against the cells which produced the spike protein molecules.

On top of that, specifically for the spike protein, it can be cleaved, and a so-called spawn fragment, can be released from the cells and it has various biological activities for example the activation of blood platelets.

We can expect various kinds of toxic effects simply based on the action mechanisms of the covid vaccine. As I mentioned, we have direct activation of blood platelets by free spike protein. That is specific to the covid vaccines.

But the immune response of B cells and T cells against the cells that express the particular viral antigen - that is something we have to expect with all gene-based vaccines. With the mRNA vaccines we also have to expect that this destructive attack of the immune system against the cells that produce the antigen will occur again after every booster injection.

This cationic lipid which mediates this crucial step of breaking down the membrane barrier and releases the mRNA into the cytosol. This cationic lipid can also attack the membranes of the mitochondria and cause cytotoxic effects that way.

First, I want to explain why we have to expect the repeated immunological attack by the immune system against any cells that expressed the antigen encoded by the mRNA. This issue is likely present with any mRNA vaccine.

In a regular, normal virus infection - in the virus particle we have the genome and the antigen - the protein molecules encoded by this genome. In an immunologically naive host who has not seen thsi virus before - the virus is not recognized and succeeeds in infecting some body cells. This causes some immune reaction against the body cell expressing those viral antigens - both cytotoxic and antibodies and their effector mechanisms, such as complement, and this will lead to cell death. Cell death always triggers inflammation, and this is why you get sick after the first infection with the virus.

If you get infected again with the same virus, we already have antibodies, those anibodies will bind with the virus, prevent it from infecting another cell. Instead, the virus will be degraded. By and large, this is how it works (there are exceptions). This is once you have immunity against a pathogen, you won't get sick after reinfection. The same will apply also wit ha traditional live vaccine, for example. If you take a polio live virus vaccine and inject it into a person who already has antibodies against polio, nothing will happen. The antibodies will simply grab the vaccine and arrange for its disposal.

If we look at what happens with an mRNA vaccine, initially it looks similar. We have nucleic acid which enters some cell, we have the immune reaction against the synthesized antigen and we get a cell death. If we re-inject the same vaccine again, we may have the antibodies, but the problem here is quite simply that the vaccine particles don't contain any of copies of the protein antigen. Therefore, the antibodies have nothing to grab onto and they cannot neutralize these particles. The particles will again enter some cells, but now we have an even angrier immune system because it is already primed from the first injection. On short notice, we get an amplified immune response against the cells and we get more cell death.

This is evident in the adverse events reports from the covid vaccines. We have a higher rate of adverse events reports in people who got their secon shot already. And also in those who had previously been infected with the regular virus and had gotten their previous immunity that way. In both cases we see a greater incidence of adverse events than in those individuals who have had neither the infection nor a previous vaccine injection. We can observe this empirically that repeated injections cause more adverse events, and we have to expect the same after each booster injection. If you get a 4th and 5th and so on injection, then you will be more likely to suffer more.

This is one fundamental flaw of the mRNA vaccines. This is simply a drawback, a principle drawback of the entire strategy.

We can also observe that the immunological mechanisms that occur in practice, this has been recently quite impressively documented by the German pathologist Dr. Arne Bukhardt. And he has autopsied a number of persons who died within days or months of vaccination. None of the deaths were initially connected to the vaccination. It was only because the families insisted upon the autopsies that these patients were looked at, and Burkhardt performed very detailed examinations. He took tissue samples from all the organs from these patients.

All 4 gene-based vaccines, the 2 mRNA vaccines, and the JJ and AZ adenovirus-based vaccines - they were also represented among these casualties.

This toxicity was mostly due to the spike protein. What happened here was an attack from the immune system on cells that express spike protein. Particularly on the capillaries and the venules. The endothelial cell layer - the inner surface of the blood vessels. This cell layer is all that stands between you and disaster, because as soon as this endothelium is damaged, the blood will get into direct contact with the tissue beyond the endothelium and then it will start clotting.

You can see that the endothelial cell layer is gone and instead we see all of these endothelial cells piled up in the middle of the blood vessel.

More recently Bukardhardt has succeeded in detecting the spike protein in one of these cases directly in such lesions. This is strong evidence that attack on spike protein-expressing cells by the immune system is indeed at the bottom of this sort of tissue damage.

Interestingly, this patient had died 4 months after his vaccination. So even after 4 months, the spike protein can still be observed in these lesions.

Here's another study by someone who survived. Also in those persons, the spike protein could be detected in the blood samples found through exosomes - little membrane vesicles. Even after months you can observe the spike protein both in dead and living patients. This is a surprising finding. You will be told by several vaccine advocates that this cannot be because the spike protein is only expressed for a couple of days, but we have clear proof that expression can last months.

If you take this in conjunction with the plan to vaccinate people again and again at tim intervals of several months, you will have practically continuous expression of spike protein, and a continuous reaction of the immune system against your own body cells that have been induced to produce the spike protein.

Heart Muscle

Intact heart muscle fibres. and on the right hand side you see fragments of heart muscle fibers undergoing destruction. Blue dots these are the lymphocytes that are doing the damage. Burkhardt found this kind of damage to the heart and to the lungs in most of his patients - even in elderly patients. We hear about myocarditis in yong people in particular, but at least in these autopsies we see lots of myocarditis going on in teh elderly and it's quite possible that at least some of these cases are misdiagnosed as heart attacks. You can have sudden heart death both in the case of myocarditis and heart attacks and since normally heart attacks are so much more common in the elderly than myocarditis, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of these cases were misattributed.

Interpretation of Burkhardts findings

What we have to see in addition to the destruction of blood vessels and clotting (stroke, heart attack, etc), we also have immunosuppression.


Patients with shingles, reactivation of varicells zoster virus, this is a good indication of immunosuppression. If you see this in a middle-aged person you generally start by looking for an underlying disease that has compromised the immune system (lymphoma, etc). We see this indication of immunosuppression. Some people have reported higher numbers of cancer, reactivated cancers that blow up and spin out of control after vaccination, etc. I have also heard of people after their 3rd injection developing ulcers in the mouth and throat - this is also normally a hint that something like a leukemia might be in progress. You would perform diagnostics for some sort of blood disease. We see quite significant symptoms of immunosuppression.

This happens because, in my opinion, I think the immune system is kept busy with attacking their own body. We have a huge number of lymphocyte proliferation and immune stimulation against the spike protein and downstream of that against two autoantigens. The body has some sort of regulation of inflammation - a limited bandwidth for inflammation, unless we descend into a cytokine storm, we have enocrine mechanisms to limit the overall extent of immune stimulation and if the activity is already maxed out, and on top of that a true pathogen appears, there simply is no bandwidth left, so to speak, and the extent of overall immune activity cannot be upregulated sufficiently in order to combat this new pathogen effectively - there is too much noise - that's at least part of it. Maybe at least other aspects exist as well, but that's part of the story.

Data Shared by Pfizer (Japanese Regulators)

EMA and FDA never talked about this. Pfizer did conduct some animal studies that showed that the vaccine after intramuscular injection shows up very rapidly in the bloodstream - after 15 minutes already detectable in the bloodstream - maxes at 2 hours and then drops as it accumulates in various organs (liver, spleen, ovaries, adrenal glands). That should have set off alarm bells right away - a rapid spread into the system. Normally what you want with a vaccine is that it injects locally and the immune response occurs locally. This is what happens with a tetanus vaccine, for example, btu with this vaccine it gets around and accumulates in various organs. The accumulation in the ovaries and the adrenale glands means we need to expect accumulation in the placenta and lactating breast glands. there are, indeed, many reports of women who have problems with their pregnancy (increased numbers of fetal death),and even a small number of reports in EMA and VAERS database of breast-fed infants that got severely sick or died shortly after their mothers had taken the shot. All these problems had to be expected based on this animal data, and they were not followed up on in any of the so-called clinical trials.

For example, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers were not included in the trials, but after the emergency use authorization had been given, they were immediately vaccinated. This is completely without any kind of data from human studies, but frmo the animal studies we already had to expect great problems. This is the level of no tjust negligence but criminality that we have in these so-called clinical trials. We see a total failure of the regulatory bodies (FDA and EMA) to protect the population from these poisons. We had the data, knew what it meant, and they didn't take any steps to protect mothers and pregnant women.

mRNA Track Record of Failure

  • They have never worked - tried for a decade to bring any sort of product to market, and never succeeded until COVID
  • One key problem is Cationic lipid toxicity - not solved. Necessary to break down the membrane barrier in a cell and release mRNA into the cell, but because of that it will also damage the membranes of the mitochondria.
  • In the Mitochondria we have a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. If teh mitochondria are damaged, they produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which will damage DNA and this damage can cause cancer. DNA damage has a lifetime dose limit. A good illustration is taht you can give one person a bone marrow person only once. You have to give, in preparation for a bone marrow transplant, such a high dose of DNA-damaging drugs to suppress the preexisting bone marrow and therefore permit the seeding of teh new bone marrow that the entire tolerance of that person for DNA damage is maxed out. If you try it again, you will kill that person even before you transplant.