- Cowards who just comply with any social pressure
- People who always seek to align with structural force in order to
- maintain or acquire social privilege
- wield power sanctimoniously
- True believers
- seeking the means to control reality
- strong desire to force their views on others
- makes their perspective/belief true when unchallenged by others
- taking a position bound to threat of force is an easy way to establish that one has correct beliefs
- Distraught Gnostic
- sees possibility that reality can change
- make fantasy into reality
- synthesis of racism - if being racist can transcend racism:
- Then, racism then unreal can transcend to become real
- Double negation thinking/enablement
- Practice of acting or behaving or believing that which one expects will change
- Keep doing what you want, even though it is problematic, under assumption that it presents as a virtue and that it will be negated at a later time
- LIBIDO DOMINANDI -> in all of these cases
- Permit the play of the mind
- Some degree of self-loathing with a puritanical cleansing -> do it first so you won't suffer, and thn you can enjoy power over others