June 12, 2022
Interferon respones were said to be quite different between acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (pronounced) and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. What is striking about this is that interferon Alpha and type 1 interferon as a whole is associate with such a wide variety of innate immune behaviour that it would beg the question of what could possibly be considered broad, comprehsnive and robust if it lacked a type 1 interferon component. It is not evidence of the response in and of itself, but evidence of the many associated factors having been initiated.
There were many friends and associates whom I never expected tobe telling that I could no longer have mor eto do wit, but such is the case se we begin to take our time more seriously. I dno' tbelieve that they were so interested in listening to my ideas as they were interested in observing that they would maintain good standing and feigned agreement with someone whom they believe holds very different opinions and views from them. But do we really?
In my humble opinion, the answer is no. We don't ultimtaely hold different feelings on these matters, it is that the same matter suddenly needs to be treated differently -> being represented by completely different symbols and invoking different chains of propisitions and environments - chains of evaluative mechanisms - not even the same mechanisms, parameters or operations.
Children are perhaps the biggest. Preceding teh current apperance of the child issue is the propensity of some to allow their child's health and well-being to be sacrified for their material success. And how do we know it is for material success? Well it is in exchange for something. IT is certainly not the path to spiritual sucecss. There might be some hope that, for example, in highlighting the medical issues of a child that they might be cured by focsing on the material aspects of a problem it might eb more likely to be resolved, but this is the most charitable interpration, because it assumes zero risk of any detriments incurred by doing so, not the least of which being the tendency of a human to be manipupulate dfor sympathy or a different circumstance through or upon which to be judged.
And really, we know for the simple fact that human babies do learn to manipulate through their crying and whimpering. So empowering that process, rather than simply allowing it to play out within a range of what is considered reasonable, is problematic.
June 15, 2022
Pushing back on many things, but it isultimately the belief in mind to transform through one's expression which is not merely the vocalized or animated expression observed by another, but the instantiated thoughts and conception fo thoughts in mind. We must alwayas give priority to the most fundamental level of environment upon which to cast, strike, place, etch a point of expression. Though we insist that the environment has an ideal form, weknow not whether it may be realized and, furthermore, though the tone struck might not resonate to the extent or satisfasction desired, the correct fundamental placement can always be sought for it is chosen in mind, and to choose correctly in the face of burden develops important skill.
Mind is the ultimtae apparatus, function and instantiated implementation through which limits are surpassed and the unrealized is discovered and acknowledged. It occurs when free movement of focus can take place or is imposd to tak place, even in the presence of force nad constraint. The modern state religions claim to present the means by which to do all that mind does already, while suggesting that mind, in fact, is not able to do those things and that it conversely amplifies and cements the aspects of the system which is responsible for negating such capabilities.
So, then, how do they purport to do what they assume mind cannot? By asking you to question what you believe to be true. But only about those things which the Theory concerns itself with.
June 18, 2022
They ask if those concerned with PRide movements show the same concern for catholic priests and churches as whole.
Their perspective comes from the assumption that traditions are forms of ideology which impose belief systems, such as Catholicism, through grooming which allows those with power to take advantage of others, like children. They have two forms of proof:
That is the analog to grooming chilren into a belief that there is emancipation and virtue to be sought by identifying oneself as Queer, though they might say that Queer is less or even not sexual, as opposed to heterosexual or proto-heterosexual. This is because hetero means has, or having, or aspiring to have sex between male and female, whereas Queer can remain undefined, ro can claim non-sexual/asexual status or a political motivation for opting out of any process that has to do with sex or normative human practices, such as reproduction (which is normal because we still exist). But here is the rub:
So, no matter where the focus of conflict goes, Queerness contends that whatever evokes an expectation of normality or normalcy is harmful and that, since heterosexuality is considered normalcy, and is defined by sexual behaviour, anything that reinforces normalcy is reinforcing expectations about sexual behaviour and that those who raise children without allowing them to become Queer are "grooming" them for a sexual behaviour while also injuring their development and risking catastrophic harm to those kids who would otherwise be empowered to discover a Queer identity which more authentically describes and expresses them
Of course the area of conflict eventually becomes children. People invest in children because they expect that there is a future to be had, and that the future will be like them (like the children whom they believe will learn or adopt some of your characteristics). For anything which becomes a non-starter for someone past a certain level of development, it becomes feasible for those below that level of development. Children are also that which cannot defend themselves.
Some might say "This concern ma seem legitimate, but focusing on it is negative and might breed further negativity". There is truth to this, in that one can never know if things in the world most as per the sentiment one expresses as they exist. The empiricist would say that there are direct cause and effect observations to be made from the manner in which you engage the physical world, and that you cannot make such observations of your feelings/internal state, and that is easier to understand. The next question, then, becomes: "what is negative? Conflict? Is it disagreement? Could there be challenges in this world without conflict? How about progress?
Is there not always something to resolve? I suppose that might depend on what one believes is an ideal state, and what would need to change before such a state could come into being. In this case, we are looking at all of these phenomena through framing the proposition of existence. Do we want to exist? Presumably yes, as we are here, and we find ourselves looking forward. If that takes place at all, then we know existence can be acceptable and that alone is sufficient to meet the threshold of existing vs not existing. Then, what are the moments that we find acceptable? Are they so because we are experiencing something beyond our nature? It is as of yet inescapable, so we must all acknowledge that our natural existence can be acceptable.
The Victim would contend that all moments should be beyond acceptable because:
Were you always powerless to affect teh nature of your existence? Is that not the only interface by which to transform the moment? If there were nothing but one more moment, would you use it to ask why it wouldn't be a better moment, or would yuou attune to that one moment of existence through championing one's curiosity of existence? What is this moment wherein it has come to pass that I am experiencing it?
We, indeed, always fight against a drive to control every facet of existence and being - one which asserts that existence on its own is frightening and that certain assurances need to be made and granted until such time that teh proposition of existence be made more acceptable. But, what is there to be said for a proposal to exist in an environment whose chaos engages us such that we and it are transforming in ways unknown, that there is utility in allowing that to take place, and that there are downsides to giving in to the desire to have complete control. That drive can never be satisfied as its requirements will always change.
Listening to someone claiming to be an anti-Communist caught my attention, even though I had no idea who it was and what sort of background he had, beacuse it seemed to me that if one has such concerns, they might elaborate into:
As you can see, these concerns are prioritizing a means of examining the likelihood that the ideology might be implemented through subversion of the environment to which one is already most familiar. Why is that? Quite simply, it is the manner in which all previous Communist regimes have come to fruition in the past. That is to say, the populace themselves did not notice the ideology being implemented into their society or, more specifically, their personal lives.
The most dangerous, insidious and pernicious characteristic of a collectist ideology is that it destroys independent thought. Independent thought is naturally antithetical to a collective as there is an utmost priority to achieve and maintain uniform thought. Uniform thought is the essence of the collectivist system. So, if you find yourself arguing with people within your system as to which external entity is the bigger threat, you must ask yourself how this conflict and discussion is helping or beneficial to those already in your system and how it might be conducive to collectivist thinking.
It is said that this practice is meant to give them exposure to that which they might not see at home, btu that argument applies to anything, including murder and consumption of that which should never be consumed.
But the general idea is that it makes them more comfortable around "Queer Folk", and gives them an opportunity to have some fun.
Comfortable around Queer - does this mean Gay? No, it doesn't. It means those who express themselves in a way which falls outside of the norm. To be clear, it's specifically a dialectic of normalcy. But is that non-sexual? Because, first, nothing can ever be established as Queer since it will be less Queer or not Queer at all the moment it becomes normalized. But what do we expect to see at Drag Shows?
Dressing and presenting as caricatures of the opposite sex, particularly men as women. Caricatures, how? The most flushed cheeks indicating excitement and arousal. Lipstick does this too. Breasts, to attract men and demonstrate reproductive fitness, except it is not, actually, wide hips to accept entry and bear children, as they cannot. Long, smooth legs that want to be observed and caressed. Why? Becaus they invite access to that which is between them.
Strangely, some figures whom I have admired actually fall for the absurd suggestion that Drag Queens aren't always sexual, or that some might even be asexual. I am not even sure how this idea got started, but he referenced a TV program as being boring, banal and political.
At the margin, what is an asexual sexually reproducing species? It is almost like a protest against being. Someone finds either the proposition of life completely untenable, or they find the social aspects of society to have been so distasteful and horrid that they are explicitly focused on making this sexual grievance a centerpiece of their identity. Sex, as it was, was a distasteful proposition and they will live in a way which makes existence unfeasible for humanity. Whether that is void of sex is ridiculous as the entire context is based on male/female sexual relations.
Demanding that there be legitimate diversity is a trap of sorts, because everyone demands it in their own way. The Neo-Marxists demand that members of marginalized groups be present, and that these members speak in a manner which authentically describes the perspective ascribe to that group as per the Theory, whereas right wingers describ diversity as having conservative voices in places where they are normally excluded, while insisting that these conservative voices include people who are of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. Those are not the same things, and none fot hem really achieve whta should be regarded as diverse, which is simply derived from knowing that every person is capable of having a unique perspective which isn't necessarily predictabe based on their aesthetics.
In other words, you get diversity, the real thing, based on how you allow discourse to be undertaken, because people speak more authentically when thy don't feel that their words are representing their group or that their words are beign used to shame them by virtue of their supposed group affiiliation.
This relates toa quote by Ayn Rand where she states that the smallest minority is the individual, thus you cannot be for minorities unless you are for the rights of the individual.
But perhaps the collectivists see no individual, just persons guided by collective consciousness, ideology and belief who are unable to see themselves for what they truly are, or that they themselves are absolutely not individual becausse they see their identity based on how it connects and organizes them to others.
It may also be that the idea of being ultimately alone brings about angst -> the idea that you cannot ever be certain that there will always be a group to which you belnog, who can advocate for your survival and forgive your moral failure on the basis of needing to keep the collective identity alive.
Again, there is that inkling of an expectation that everyone hopes to someday find immortality and that once it is discovered, the secret can be shared across your groups.
Yes, anything that is not Che becomes right-wing. Any structure, any specification, any static definition. But of course, the mind which insists as such is perpetually fixated on the evaluation of every prospective participant, and evaluating them as revolutionaries or dead mess to be cleared from the page of time to make way for a supposed New Sensibility.
That is itself a process which insists that there can be but one kind of society and one kind of citizen. A citizen who does not produce any distortion or disharmony when placed before my conception, my realization.
And this is why they love children. A revolutionary force by nature, they will rebel against their family and all of society even before I make a modest suggestion.
But to truly prove you are not "Right-Wing" is to simply be open. Accept no demand to conform, and reject the desire to rationalize tyranny. Have no angst about letting your vulnerable parts be exposed, or to realize that one cannot expect all resources to be made available or to be accounted for at any given time.
These so-called leftists have never had to deal with being singled-out as the least structured student in school or classroom, the participant whose head is always in the clouds. They haven't dealt with the bombardment of having too many eggs in one's basket.
That is, the attitude of having your own lane, assuming that roles are pre-conceived, that gifts and talents are inherent, and that things rae as they are and can only be made right when the system itself is purified are right wing modes of thought. They assume that the limits are beyond an individual's control and that these limits are imposed by the superstructure. Only when everyone has purity of thought will the superstructure be able to configure itself in a way which makes the promised land known and defined.
It seems as though there is a desire for chaos and the new, but the imagination for something new is not thre. It seems creative and inventive, but it creates nothing and insists that things will be created in time just so long as we forbid everything unholy.
It declares that a code exists and that all our failures are proof that some among us are not respecting and adhering to the code. Somehow we are to believe that this is an open mind drawn to the creative, but the creative mind is so enamoured with the prospect of creating that it doesn't want to be taken away from its task and its dreams, particularly to focus on something which suppresses its own drive to create.
Fear of the unknown hiding behind a claim that it stands with open arms fore the new. But what is really happening there? Sacrificing children is not new. Fear of being an outcast is not either. And when you have insight into ideological changes
Imagine, for a moment, that you take the identity which culture told you you cannot apply to yourself, and then think about all the characteristics that are associated with it. Then, think on how those characteristics might be ones which you believed could apply to you, but realize that the association between them and your non-identity (forbidden identity) causes an implicit assumption that those characteristics apply more strongly to the non-identity than to you. Now, imagine that you are rejected by that identity, and that you perceived that identity as being believed to be superior to you because it has a more desirable set of more strongly-weighted characteristics.
How unfair, no? What did you do to deserve this? You were simply made inadequate, per the essentialist lense.
Finally, imagine that you redefine the path to association with that identity, proclaim your association and then acquire its characteristics. Now, entertain the idea that you express those characteristics exceptionally well and that it is a moral good and even an ethical duty to claim that identity. You feel that you have new rationales and you, in a sense, have taken revenge on the non-identity as well as life and reality itself. In fact, by moving the standard of reality, you yield universal emancipation to all things.
Unfortunately, it is one's quest to believe they are unique which comes to dods with their need to claim an identity, any identity, that is recognizable. For even though a story might be told of one discovering their unique place and form, it is a story that has always already been told and the ability to believe the story can take hold and be relevant only insofar that it is communicable. In having to be told, the identity within the story must be understandable by those with whom it is shared, and it is only understood when the listener can imagine themselves as embodying that identity or by recognizing that it is something for which an association in the world already exists. This composition has already been written, the song already played. How to be unique an dalso have a form and set of thoughts which anyone believes to be their own?
The pop culture representation of LGBTQ and particularly Queer Theoretical and Trans Activist perspectives is one which assumes an openness to new ideas, shared information and evolution - but what is that really an accurate description?
Surely, seeking transcendence can be seen as the accepting of new ideas, but what if it is predicated on a refusal of biological norms, it also becomes intrinsically a means of destabilizing one's expectations of accountability. There is an aspect of forward progression and change which could be declared as accepting that one can incur the consequences of reality with an expectation that one will be able to handle them and frame reality and existence as something which is preferable to the absence of it. No regret about being, as opposed to no regret about rejecting being.
Back to the structure.
The organism views itself as existing in scopes or tiers of organization and familiarity. That is, your most immediate surroundings under your direct, real-time influence will have the greatest impact on one's sense that reality is stable and able to support your perception and interest.
Describing any level less direct than that of the most immediate surrounding is not so contingent on one's physical experience but on symbols ascribed or assigned, and the manner in which assumptions are made about an unobserved frame. This might be described as additional degrees of freedom or perception.
So, how does one perceive, though as sensible as ever, layers of encapsulation and contextual relevance which one visualizes as extant, but that are not observable physically in a direct sense? Is it a shadow? A fuzzy haze? A warm blanket of care and love?
It is difficult to perfectly conceptualize because they are not entities or things with intent, but they represent a pseudo state with its particular properties and degree of order an adherence thereof. Just as we perceive the sky as being stability in our atmosphere
Child: to have no limit and no base Freedom: to that which allows the unfree to become maximally free. The unfree becoming free Democracy: equity Fascism: That which resists radical change Literacy: access to implements of society Racism: actions and perceptions which benefit whiteness White: Having or being aligned with whiteness Whiteness: property of the dominant group in society Health: that which enables the oppressed to access healthcare or to produce equity so that it can be expected that everyone has equal access to a health program
The cynical view always rejects that anything good exists but further decides that you are not actually in favour of that which you declare good because it is not actually a helpful object unless it can be reconstructed to satisfy the cynic's requirements for the language, using their conceived definition as they'd like it to be conserved.
When you relinquish your ability to confirm and oversee the championing of an idea, you aren't familiar enough to understand that the idea you pretend to be in favour of, or you have no faith in your own ideas.
September 10, 2022
Transhumanism can be seen as any concept of augmenting the human condition beyond that which:
Some would give more deliberate definitions, such as that transhumanism is transcendence of humanity, or what it is the ongoing pursuit of ridding humanity of illness, disease and mortality. Others still focus on the augmentation of the expreience through technology - appendages, neurological interfacing, delegated processing, sensors and so on.
But what does society think? What is the archetype placed in the child of this time? Of the previous generation? Are there differences? What is always present?
Ascending from the current, it becomes the old, dead, antiquated, necrotic and lifeless. Blind and dumb. A firey phoenix-like birth, perhaps an angel with wings, ready to fly.
If we transcend the human form, we transcend its physical limitations, including those of how we come to be created / come into being. Sexual reproduction is now the dead march to the ancient mode of oppression that plagued mankind.
As we cast off the chains of sexual reproduction, we take on a form which includes the best of the old with none of the bad. Man's assertiveness and aggressive power, without toxic resentment of being limited from the gene pool. Woman's desirability, seductive shape, quality of being nurturing to all the universe, inclination to recreational play to enjoy and reflect on all which society protects for them - continuously making all that is necessary sustainable, preserved for their longer-term survival and prosperity - all because you are socially astute enough to be recognize as worthy of keeping for the next generation of life. And you even get to be both (adult and child, and even male and female).
Access to all that might have been kept away from those not yet mature or developed for it to be apprpriate, but able to enjoy it all with no expectation except exploratory play.
The Dialectic ratchets to the left, but what does that mean, and why is the right wing mind partaking? Is it true that the left is open mindedness and openness to social variety (is that the right characterization?)
Let us review the current transformations taking place:
So who is left? Left is acceptance and openness to inquiry. Left is transparency as we each afford opportunity for ourselves to change without making demands of the other, unless one is actively suppressing and attacking / violating another.
Trans needs to throw out any mind that criticizes, demand enforcement from the state, and incur an increase of anxiety against unexplored thoughts that conflict with the adoption of drastic choices, positions and opinions.
It ratchets and, meanwhile, we impose implements which aim to restrict speech or thought which is antithetical to the foregone conclusion of a drastic transition to something which cannot be sought or sustained without major structural supports that are incredibly difficult to maintain without a structure which demands totality.
January 15, 2023
Who are these men? Do they portray themselves as modest females, in order to simply be convincing that they are they opposite sex? No. Not at all.
They are to be extravagant in their expression of the female form. A female that cannot be resisted. A female that won't be ignored. A female that attracts and tantalizes. A female that causes your blood flow to be diverted and your breath to be taken away.
This is accomplished through everything from attire, which is generally made to be risque, to the makeup, which exaggerates the piercingly feminine and alluring eyes, the flushed and aroused cheeks and the big, smoochy lipstick-laden lips that are waiting to be tasted and kissed.
It is in the sway of hips and the swinging of bottoms that a spanking is hinted because they've been so so naughty. The twerking of the hips demand attention and yearn for the rich pleasures of the senses, which is something the transvestite queen insists is to be celebrated.
You might state that your particular drag queen was toned down, but toned down from what?
Why must your favourite ritualistic ambassador through which to teach children of the new world be of a type which need be toned down? Do you eblieve all Drag Queen Story Hours will have drag queens that are equally toned down and in the same ways?
It's quite curious, indeed, that the educators specifically designated or the enlightenment of children are to be ones with a particularly sexual dimension of expression that is, by default, reasonably expected in all other performative scenarios (remember, Drag Queens existed before they became storybook companions for kids), save this one. Can we say with certainty that such is the design? Or is this simply an unexpected factor to be mitigated?
And, depending on the reason for this predicament, would that be considered a shortsight or a foresight? If such a dimension of expression were suppressed, would that not be considered contrary to the purpose of exposing children to an environment of performers who demonstrate the absence of limits and constraints? Or, if this is a reasonable detail to attenuate, should it not be expected that such attenuation would take place to varying degrees (a spectrum, in fact!)? What is the preference of the DQSH advocate? What accountability do they recommend for circumstances where appropriate attenuation is not achieved? (Oopsies, now your child is even wiser than you are).
Because it would be possible to choose any other form of performer or exemplar of a vocation, such as a handicapped athletic champion, daredevil or astronaut. But they simply won't do, thus we need to understand why someone would insist upon this particular specialization, and it is simple: these performers, whether or not it is being presented purposefully and explicitly, hold continuous reference to sexual expression (no, I don't mean the fact that they are human beings and humans are a sexually reproducing species with biological and social expression of sexuality, I mean that these performers specialize in expressing sexuality through their craft). Not only is this known by all adults with any awareness of Drag Queen performance, but these same adults are aware of the ever-present potential for expressions to take place along the sexual dimension before these children.
It is not the stories being read, nor self-esteem, nor the presentation of identity categories in order to ensure the child will not fear or hate such identities. How do we know?
Because the point of drag, in general, is not to present homosexuality (regardless of whether it may be present in the performance). You don't identify homosexuals by their being in drag. In fact, drag performers have often been heterosexuals who simply developed this particular talent and skillset.
The drag performer harbours potential for over-the-top sexual expression. And with that fertile capacity for sexual expression situated right beneath the surface (and sometimes bursting out for all to see), the DQSH advocates can wink and giggle to one another (or to naive parents) about the thin layer of repressed sexual expression which erupt for the children at any moment.
Enjoy the contradiction of both wanting a performer who demonstrates "no limits or constraints" to the benefit of children, while also asserting that this performer will limit and constrain their sexual expression.