Good question which would take a book to answer..
the short answer is that as people lose their ability to deal with reality, they fall victim to their innate disposition to simplify it, and in this case it's seeking transcendence (I keep saying that, I know)
Longer answer:
It's a Cultural Revolution seeking liberation from the oppression of existence. The way it operates is through every aspect of our society but, for the vast majority, it's not something sought consciously.
For the midwit moms who line up their kids for "transformation", the entrypoint to indoctrination is presented to them through constant invitations to acknowledge its logic by appealing to their emotional needs: inequity and oppression excuse any failure and shortcoming. Social justice makes it a moral good to COMPLAIN (negative leads to positive). The culture grants and compels attention and affirmation of that behaviour.
Humans are already disposed to Munchausen syndrome both as children and later as "adult babies" with baggage. This whole culture weaponizes it, normalizes it and bootstraps everyone's ability to take part in it.
Critical Theorists learned to take aim at culture from the early 1900s onwards (mostly culminating in the 30s and onwards, though). This has matured with Critical Pedagogy and the thinking of Paulo Freire which, along with the woke redefining what "knowledge" means, has redefined what it means to be literate. Being literate, now, is also complaining ("denounce to proclaim the world"). There's nothing more universal to complain about, as a human being, than the form of human life itself (the body and the phenomenon of its existence across a limited temporal period (FOMO, anyone?)).
The "modern" Marxists, who often defined themselves as Anti-Marxist or Post-Marxist (because Marx's predictions turned out to be wrong), have grappled with a belief that all of reality's shortcomings could be alleviated if only everyone would commit to actualizing a Utopian society, but it was Herbert Marcuse who probably most definitively put it into words by saying that it is the intellectual's duty to "recall and preserve Utopian possibilities".
What gets in the way of it? Private property (like having a house, car and, ultimately, a body). People enjoy their stupid hobbies (achieved through their "stupid, endless labour" for "gadgets and plastic") -> People who appear happy are actually unhappy.
Ultimately, people work because they have a biological system, and this is the ultimate oppression of humanity.
There's also a preceding gnostic/mystical aspect which has much in common also with Hermeticism, though they are still worthy of being thought about as separate domains. This cultish belief system extends from an intuition or recollection of a perfect way of being which we are kept from knowing in this false reality. This leads to a desire for rebirth and to "expand the potentialities".
How? Through negating (again, the negative) the mundane aspects of the false reality to reveal the divine. This touches on Hegel's roots as particular type of Lutheran theologian (Pietism, which derives from Hermeticism). You burn away things, whether by "disrupting/dismantling" cities/statues, or by chopping off your weiner, which has imprisoned you in an expectation of what constraints you have as a being (a cis-man).
The other aspect of this is Folk Nationalism. It's not just ironic that these thoughts extend back to German philosophers who were obsessed with a totalizing system of thought for their "volk". All of these genders/sexualities have their flags and symbols to denote their folk nation association and their allegiance to the supernation and its overarching ideals.
You can see it in the contradiction of how nationalism is decried as evil, while producing all these folk patterns that adhere to a supernation, and the parallels with globalist organizations and their desire to synthesize nations into one global nation.
There is no better way to end the reproduction of old thinking by permanently indebting our children to a totalizing system which they will depend on to continue the transformation of their ever more vulnerable altered bodies and broken minds.