Immigration Law Office Meeting
- titles have definitions -> definition of Computer Systems Analyst
- they will look at job duties to see if it meets up with the definition
- they will choose their own definition and my job offer has to be in sync with it
- National Occupation Classification(Canada) or Foreign Affairs Manual(United States)
Chief Finance Officer / Chief Accounting Officer
- in that situation the CFO is not an "accountant" but we understand that they can be the same thing
In my case, however, the title needs to fit more specifically
- Computer Systems Analyst -> distinct definition. Don't deviate from this - many people trying to squeeze Web Developer to fit this title
- declare that the experience is equivalent to education
- Trustforte (we should verify we want this company)
- - Free consultation via phone number:
- - Applying for TN as Computer Systems Analyst
- They're invested in me
- they are flexible
- Pardon does not apply in the US
- Need to sort out waiver issue RE record
- Pardon -> influential but not binding
- No opinion on this at this time without seeing
- - Section under which we were convicted
- - Sentences received
- Good news: not ineligible
Focus should be on the waiver
- Recently, new way of applying through E-Face
- Results in a couple weeks
- Takes time to put documents together - letters of reference
- once submitted, result in 2 weeks
- complication: possibility of salvaging the job offer - do we have resources to focus on gathering documents for waiver immediately, and get application tied to the TN application:
- - If no job offer, just wanted to shOP (theoretical) - why give waiver? What US citizen benefits from that? No one
- - Chicken or egg -> drug waiver vs job offer
- Can be done quickly - 1 week + 1 week for appt
- Pay premium for rush service
- TN - 3500 dollars
- Waiver - 4500 dollars (8000)
- ~500 dollars per dependent for TD visa
- Confirm classification with employer
- Get criminal record documents
- Before submitting application, everything is paid
- Waiver application
- Job application next
- Need to be smart with application -> criminality for drugs, which is annoying. Violence is easier
Guidy's company does the full application, not just drafting of letter
Root of escape by officer
- - Why do you have to go the states?
- - Good reason for that:
- no reason to apply for it without something to follow
- better to do it together