They claim that oppenness and progress is predicated on acceptance of progressive initiatives which promote progressive ideals, but they insist that they already know what those are, and this is, in actuality, an indication that they are closed.
The true drive of the left, and a lot of progressive pursuits, is instrinsically bound to the pursuit of new ideas, and the capacity to entertain and contemplate disparate/numerous/unknown ideas, and the capacity to entertain and contemplate disparate/numerous/unknown ideas, especially if they are presented in such a way which challenges your preconceived notions of the world.
And this leads us to a conumdrum: Creating Algorithms to evaluate political bias. *There are some means by which to do this, but the methodology would only be marketable as a tool for those who expect the currently framed conceptions of our culture to - what would these be?
How would we compute the true political score as per values and congruent predispositions that are most likely to champion them?