Join the process of becoming Refuse being as our understanding of the structure of reality is incomplete Until the state of absolution is reached, all is suffering and tragedy It is morally corrupt to maintain the state without a course towards becoming absolute The fundamental problems of being are that we are forced to experience the loss and decay of potential as well from grace and succumb to misery, disesae and suffocation.
Furthermore, as we age and grow in wisdom, we become more aware of the details of what suffering awaits all who exist. That we have a sense of the potential for that which could have, we also have the sense o the change in potentialf or these fundamental problems which must be solved That is, if we are a species of beings with technologically capabilities that are continuously advancing and expanding, it is by virtue of means that are:
In saying that we manipulate the world, we also mean to say that we manipulate ourselves, as we are part of that world So if we are to improve these capabilities, we must envision a final stage of development where potential is reached and we are able to manipulate the world in its entirety Would it be necessary that we manipulate the entire world in order to expand our own lifespans? Surely, some will expand their lifespans as a result, and though we won't necessarily receive thanks for that, it surely reduces some of the suffering!
But, no, of course not. We needn't focus on the expansion of life spans so much as we focus on the progression of the technology itself. The progression of history.
Thus, if we have a process, system, or behaviour which affects the vector of advancement towards discovering and maturing the tools by which we manipulate the entire world, including ourselves, then it is a moral imperative to see through that it is maximally engaged, harnessed, developed and improved to its optimal capacity for its potential is to reduce suffering, whether yet realized or not.
One might say that there is harm in utilizing and mastering the capabilities, but that there is already harm such as things are; therefore, if there is any advancement brought by valuing this process of improvement, then it's worth the prospective pain to bring our understanding and capabilities to such a place where we are aware of the ways in wihch a given capability is able to reduce suffering.