What is it to be Freirean?
Henri Giroux's Introduction for The Politics of Education
"Within the discourse of theologies of liberation, Freire fashions a powerful, theoretical antidote to the cyncism and despair of many left-radical critics. The Utopian character of his analysis is concrete in its nature nad appeal and takes, as its starting point, collective actors in their various historical settings, and the particularity of their problems and forms of oppression. It is utopian only in the sense that it refuses to surrender to the risks and dangers that face all challenges to dominant power structures. It is prophetic in that it views the kingdom of God as something to be created on earth. But only through a faith in both other human beings and in the necessity of permanent struggle.
The notion of faith that emerges in Freire's work is informed by the memory of the oppressed. The suffering that must not be allowed to continue. And the need to never forget that the prophetic vision is an ongoing process; a vital aspect of the very nature of human life. In short, by combining the discourses of critique and possibility, Freire joins history and theology in order to provide the theoretical basis for a radical pedagogy that combines hope, critical reflection and collective struggle.
It is at this juncture that the work of Paulo Freire becomes crucial for a radical pedagogy. For in Freire we find the dialectician of contradictions and emancipation. In freire's work, a discourse is developing that bridges the relationship between agency in structure and discourse that situates human action and constraints forged in historical and contemporary practices while also pointing to the spaces, contradictions and forms of resistance that raise the possibility for social struggle."
Marxism, education and religion
To exhibit traits that trace back to or derive from or are similar to Paulo Freire's ideas about marxism, education and religion Freirean refers to the work, ideas and impact of the Marxist Brazilian Paulo Freire, who claimed to have devised an innovative model of education that, in practice, retools education into a form of Neo-Marxist thought reform (aka Brainwashing).
The Freirean theory of education could also be called one of two things, which were the titles of his two most important books: A Pedagogy of the Oppressed, or A Pedagogy of Hope.
It is more important to call Freirean Pedagogy a Pedagogy of the oppressed than one of hope, because the hope referred to is specifically Critical Hope - which is a hope that MArxism will work this time, through sufficient consciousness and critique. As such, Freirean refers to the Marxist educational ideas which form the backbone for Critical Pedagogy as it emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, largel following the work of Freire's greatest evangelist, Henri Giroux.
Of note, Freirean ideas have had tremendous currency in educational circles, with Freire being the third-most cited academic author of all time. In his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed occupying pride of place in every college of education in North America.
Before continuing to describe the Freirean pedagogy and, among others, of Freire's ideas, it is important to note that Paulo Freire wasn't merely a Marxist, or an education theorist, but was also a dedicated religionist. Freire was deeply steeped in liberation theology, which is Marxism posing as Catholicism.
It is in this context, the religious context, that Freire's is a pedagogy of hope, which would more accurately be described as a pedagogy of Faith that relentless critique through perpetually deepening critical consciousness can deliver the liberated Marxist Utopia (Hebrew 11:1 - Hope and Faith - critical for understanding what Freire did and why he was so influential).
Faith is a particular kind of hope - this is the keystone that Freire dropped in so the bridge can stay up to provide a way to cross from a problem of reproduction on the Marxist side of the landscape to the woke nightmare that's allowed them to attempt another cultural revolution throughout the west, which is very advanced in the US.
Breaking down Freire's ideas has to take place on two levels: Broad and Specific. Freire's method is very specific and must be detailed as such, but it is only properly comprehensible as an application of the broad strokes of his religious Marxism.
Freire is a theologian - the great revivalist of the Marxist faith, which had been burning down since the 2nd half of the 20th century. Marcuse had lit a fuse into racial minorities, but the Soviet Union was collapsing and it looked like China was opening up and becoming more modern, even in its social relations (we were wrong).