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this is some bullshit if you'vw never seen shit like that before then you don't know hwat you are missing because it's one of the best things about being alive being able to engage in bullshit and bullshitting the bullshitters until they realize just how much bullshit some bullshit can be that might cause them or lead them towards a mode of being where they are less able to tolerate bullshit if they won't tolerate bullshit then there's a lower likelihood that you'd have to deal with their bullshit these are how the words expand myt mind and open the channels of new thinking and new pathways to new realities the way this happens is always off the cuff, with a whimsical demeanour but careful preparation you do the work so that you can fly and dream and actually make it happenw hen it matters most but you also need to create those sitautions you have to be willing to expose your vulerability and go for the momeny, at the right moment, andbefore you are comfortable there's no other way to get those moments to manifest unless, in some cases, there's less of a need to prepare or have worked through a component of physical preparedness it might be good to start considering whether or not the mind is able to work through neuromuscular inhibitions without as much physical preparation if,for example, the tension in the tendon which might prevent the full coherence of movement or deep connection with the surrounding tissues how much of this is based jon a need to physically modify the tissue itself, and how much of it is due simply to the motor engram or neuropathway used to cause the action to occur it's likely that there is some sort of a mental fogh which reduces the power potential and accuracy of the ideal engram it might not be readily available and to seek it requires estimated attempts which, through reactive and reflectively informed changes, are made more accurate in terms of their representation of the ideal they transformation towards teh ideal what is required for that is it something which can happen because of a memorization technique or must it be visible only through the utilization of the pathways themselves can we utilize the pathways without having the physical action without producing the physical effect? how can we make that happen reliably without having to undergo resourceintensive sessions which take away your enrgy and time you need that time and energy to actually utilize these skill sets, but if you're relying on the peparation factor each time, then you'5re becoming an expert in preparedness rather than the actual skill which you need to be demonstrating and utilizing if htis is the case, then you necessarily need to ask the question, do I actually have a skill in that preparedness? am I good at becoming prepared? perhaps that much time and effort has been spent to becomign prepared, one has learned hte wrong skillset and it's more of an inhibition and impediment than an actual tuool for performance well that's taking it a bit far but perhaps we can discuss this further later exit