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+# Introduction
+Any attempt to understand the quasi-religious language of Paulo Freire (The Politics of Education) should compel one to understand the logical structure being invoked. This goes back further than Marx, but it is Marx where the logic is specifically applied to the creation of Man. Paulo Freire's vision for education is to apply tools of the Dialectic, Gnosticism, Hermeticism in the context of a Liberation Theology. This theological framework juxtaposes itself against Christianity ("Be in this world and be of this world").
+To get a good grasp on these concepts, it's important to go back to Marx himself, who formalized this vision.
+- Communism as socioeconomic theory, but Marxism as Theology
+- Extends out of the Rousseau sentimentalist/subjectivist view
+- Modernist religion
+# Voeglin
+## Marx as Speculative Gnostic
+- Speculative process of reflecting on the world vis-a-vis the realm of ideals
+- Man is an aspect of nature with capacity to be changed/created by man
+- Purpose of speculation is to shut off being from transcendent being; being IS becoming
+- Marx insists that the true analysis of man is that of socialist man, and not individual man; only socialist man would have speculative insight
+# Marx
+## A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
+- Criticism of religion is prerequisite to all criticism
+- Church was Hegemon throughout Europe: tear down religion and open to door to criticize anything else
+### Religion
+- Religion is self-consciousness/esteem of man not won through to himself
+- Seek superman instead of reality; religion becomes the self-consciousness/self-esteem of man
+- Man should be the world of man, state, society (man-centered)
+### Gnosticism
+- State/society produce an inverted consciousness (religion)
+- Reality of man is world of man
+- Struggle against religion is struggle against world with religion (sight of oppressed creator)
+- Oppressed have real oppression but fantastic rationale, keeping them sedate and preventing resolution
+### Illusory
+- The illusory happiness of the people
+- Giving up religion causes people to wake up about their real conditions
+- Man should regain his senses and move around himself as his own true son (in place of religion moving around man)
+### Remake the World
+- Task of history to establish the Truth of this world
+- Task of philosophy to unmask self-estrangement (division of labour)
+- Human estranged themselves and created God as tyrant
+- Criticism of Heaven turns into Criticism of Earth
+- Criticizing religion yields the following progression:
+  - Religion -> law -> Theology -> Politics
+### Modern Marxist Perspective
+- Marxist study of history to identify the conditions and agents of struggle
+#### Hegelian View
+- Triad of focus: individual voices, masses trapped in circumstance and the ideas
+- Subjects of history: self-conscious masses whose inherited ideas take new form through leaders
+- Idea -> state -> society -> idea revolution (repeat)
+#### Marxian View
+- History is all of man's struggles in light of conditions
+- Self-conscious masses have ideas and aims inherited from past (understand history -> teleological insight into where it is going)
+- No part of Triad can be active without the others:
+  - Mass without organization and consciousness cannot make history, nor can leader who does not voice the aspirations of the masses
+- Organization built around oppression (Oppression) and demands with a leader who reflects them
+- Subjects are not forces of production or laws, but people under material/spiritual conditions  who seek to change them
+#### Subjects of History
+- Religious tribe (accepting the historical conditions and trajectory)
+- Cause history to create new Man
+The subjects of history are the people who are aware of their conditions, how those conditions arose, why they are oppressive and how these changes can be changed towards liberation:
+* A modern term for subjects of history is Change Agent - someone who is aware of structural forces, the nature of thos eforces, adn the need to make a change, inspiring them to become activists to cause that change.
+Change agent, applied to you rchild at school, is actually one of Marx's subjects of history - updated with new terminology.
+                                                  n
+History, for Marxism, as the object of its theology, is therefore the trajectory of change, asc reated by the work of so-called "conscious" people
+- History is made and progresses, with man as creator (of conditions, the world and himself within that society)
+## Comparison to Christian Trinity
+- Father/Son/Holy-spirit
+- Co-eternal and continuous with one another
+- Inversion of Hegelian Dialectical Theology: Idealism is nonsense
+- "The Idea" or "Absolute" is Man understanding existing world in human terms to create himself
+## Sacred Work
+- Authentic Work
+- Humanizing the world - in which he sees himself
+- Creates history, sees himself as creator of history
+- Work which divides labour is mere activity/animalistic/not fulfilling sacred duty
+- Evolution of work guided by Social Relations, which are what provide context of history
+## Human Nature
+- No human nature except base animal nature/sensuous nature
+- Humanizing the world humanizes himself, thus no human nature

+ 116 - 6

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ That sounds like Aufheben to me!
 Socialist man is a gnostic - he has special insight into the world and how it works. Marx is a speculative gnostic.
 "And now, for the Marxian suppression of questions, it represents, as we shall see, a very complicated psychological phenomenon, and we must isolate each of its components in turn. First, the most tangible:
-- Here is a thinker who knows that his construct will collapse as soon as the basic philosophical question is asked. Does this knowledge induce him to abandon his untenable construct? Not in the least, it merely induces him to prohit such questions. But, his prohibition now induces us to ask: was Marx an intellectual swindler? Such a question will perhaps give rise to objections. Can one seriously entertain the idea that the life work of a thinker of considerable rank is based on an intellectual swindle? Could it have attracted a mass-following and become a political world power if it rested on a swindle? But we we today are enured to such scruples. We have seen too many improbable and incredible hings that were nonetheless real. Therefore we hesitate neither to ask the question that the evidence presses upon us, nor to answer. Yes, Marx was an intellectual swindler. This is certainly not the last word on Marx. We have already referred to the compexity of the psychological phenomenon behind the passages quoted, but it must unrelentingly be the first word if we do not want to obstruct our understanding of the prohibition of questions"
+- Here is a thinker who knows that his construct will collapse as soon as the basic philosophical question is asked. Does this knowledge induce him to abandon his untenable construct? Not in the least, it merely induces him to prohibit such questions. But, his prohibition now induces us to ask: was Marx an intellectual swindler? Such a question will perhaps give rise to objections. Can one seriously entertain the idea that the life work of a thinker of considerable rank is based on an intellectual swindle? Could it have attracted a mass-following and become a political world power if it rested on a swindle? But we today are enured to such scruples. We have seen too many improbable and incredible things that were nonetheless real. Therefore we hesitate neither to ask the question that the evidence presses upon us, nor to answer. Yes, Marx was an intellectual swindler. This is certainly not the last word on Marx. We have already referred to the compexity of the psychological phenomenon behind the passages quoted, but it must unrelentingly be the first word if we do not want to obstruct our understanding of the prohibition of questions"
 Voegelin talking about Marx, particularly his work from 1844 which preceded the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. The first word, if we talk Voegelin at his word, that we have to say about Marx is that he was an intellectual swindler - he was fudging it and he knew he was fudging it. Voegelin has quite the intense takedown of Marx following that - he was cheating people intellectually and he knew he was doing it, so he said "Don't question me". But he says that this is the first word, and I think that understanding Marx as a theologian and not a philosopher is the later word we're going to have to get into.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Breakdown:
 "Man, who has found only the reflection of himself in the fantastic reality of heaven where he sought a superman (God) will no longer feel disposed to find the mere appearance of himself, the non-man (Unmunsch), where he seeks and must seek his true reality. The foundation of irreligious criticism is Man Makes Religion, Religion does not Make Man. (New Atheists pushed this very hard. We don't want to stain too heavily the name of Christiopher Hitchens, but he made this point all the time - paraphrasing Marx - Perhaps due to being a Trotskyite. Complicated view analogous to one of Marx's claims (that religion is wholly Man-made)).
-Why is this complicated? Religion si such a profound influence on the way that Man lives his life thus using the exact thesis that Marx makes about hte progress of history - religion is actually making man, instead of man making religion. If Marx was consistent in his views he would have seen that religion was actually making man (making man Religious) and that might actually evaluate as a good thing (or not necessarily a bad thing)."
+Why is this complicated? Religion is such a profound influence on the way that Man lives his life thus using the exact thesis that Marx makes about the progress of history - religion is actually making man, instead of man making religion. If Marx was consistent in his views he would have seen that religion was actually making man (making man Religious) and that might actually evaluate as a good thing (or not necessarily a bad thing)."
 "Religion is indeed the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who is either not won through to himself, or has already lost himself again".
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The true reality of man is in the world of man, right? So man in himself is the
 "The struggle against religion, therefore, is indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion. Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, an expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
-When you suffer with religion, you've created a fantasy - God, religion, purpose connected to your faith, that suffering has meaning, etc. You have real suffering but you're protesting against experiencing that real suffering. Religion is a thing you do when you're oppressed but don't want to do anything about your oppression. You want to rationalize your oppression and create an ideology which explains why its just and reasonable that you are oppressed, rather than taking the steps to overcome it. It keeps you calm and sedate, even though you're in conditions that shoul dbe painful and intolerable.
+When you suffer with religion, you've created a fantasy - God, religion, purpose connected to your faith, that suffering has meaning, etc. You have real suffering but you're protesting against experiencing that real suffering. Religion is a thing you do when you're oppressed but don't want to do anything about your oppression. You want to rationalize your oppression and create an ideology which explains why its just and reasonable that you are oppressed, rather than taking the steps to overcome it. It keeps you calm and sedate, even though you're in conditions that should be painful and intolerable.
 ## Illusory Nature of Religion
 "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real hapiness."
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ If we get rid of religion, people will realize that they're oppressed and they'r
 Roll back to the beginning where he says "The criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all criticism". Because you get rid of people's theodyssy - their justification for evil. You get rid of their false hope that if they pray or are sufficiently pius that God will deliver them. You get rid of that and put the mantle on people by telling them to unopress themselves. You can only engage in this criticism after you get rid of religion, because religion is the thing that's working as an opiate which prevents people from feeling the weight of horror and oppression.
-"Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain, not in order that man should condinue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, btu so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will think, act and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses so that he will move around himself as his own true son. Religion is only the illusory son which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
+"Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain, not in order that man should condinue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will think, act and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses so that he will move around himself as his own true son. Religion is only the illusory son which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
 Understand that the Marxist theology is Marx setting up man in himself as creator and deity. To throw off God and say "no it's not you, God, but it is ME who is at the center of the Universe. It is me who is the creator, not you, and, in fact, I as a man created you and I know that I created you and could create otherwise, including the kingdom you promised us or the garden you expelled us from with the secret knowledge that I have. The secret knowledge Marx offers is "science". Hegelian view of science which is broader than the science we see being practiced by the scientific method. It's more akin to the science that we are dealing with in the world, today.
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ By creating history in this theology, which is what man does, man is creating hi
 How is this done? Through the Scared Aspect of Work. Authentic Work. The kind of productive work, like creating a table out of raw materials like wood. Felling the tree, shaping the wood, hammering and nailing/gluing it together - whatever is involved in creating the table. Creating something productively through his work, man is creating the world which is humanized and in the humanized world he sees himself.
-THe way that man creates history and comes to see himself as the creator of history and thus what makes man rather than beast, which is the pinnacle of creation, is done through Man's Authentic Work (not labour - which is coopted by someone who is making you do it). Marxism, as a Theology, makes authentic work sacred, and the division of labour becomes fundamentally evil, and mere activity (satisfying your basic needs), is animalistic in base.
+The way that man creates history and comes to see himself as the creator of history and thus what makes man rather than beast, which is the pinnacle of creation, is done through Man's Authentic Work (not labour - which is coopted by someone who is making you do it). Marxism, as a Theology, makes authentic work sacred, and the division of labour becomes fundamentally evil, and mere activity (satisfying your basic needs), is animalistic in base.
 You can see how this works. The division of labour - someone becoming a boss or organizing a company - is the fall of man. Is what kicked us out of the primitive gardens in primitive communisms which existed in all the different tribes was that there there was no division of labour; they had primitive Communism, even though they were estranged from one another, those were individual different gardens and the goal - the end of history - stage 6 for Marxist stages of history (Communism) is when we return to a global garden, where everyone is in the same garden, and there is no division of labour.
@@ -531,4 +531,114 @@ Epistemology to add to the other pieces. Recap:
 - Axiology
 - Theory of society and how it operates
 - Escatology
-- Theodyssey
+- Theodyssey
+Why is there evil int eh world? BEcause of the division of labour (being kicked out of the garden)
+## Wrap-Up
+*Within Marxism we start with the idea that man is incomplete but COMPLETABLE*.
+HE can be completed by realizing first that he can become free by becoming Social Man who adopts Social Theor ynad puts it into practice. Social Man, by putting it into practice, after a revolution, will get to live in a society created by Social Man -> Socialist Society. And, eventually, Socialist Society and Social Man will become co-continuous (in other words spontaneous) and will thus transform into Communism.
+The question becomes: Why don't we have that?
+Lack of Consciousness.
+Why don't we have the class Consciousness? It's because historical conditions limit the range of one's consciousness. Sometimes we hear "False consciousness is conditioned by the heteronomous interests" from Marcuse. Historical conditions range the limit of one's consciousness - this is the heart of the ideas we've been examining in Material and Structural Determinism. There's no need to get into what Structure at the moment, but it's the *Dialectical Synthesis of the collision between the infrastructure and the superstructure which creates the tenuous fibres of how structure actually works. The structure of a racist society, the racial infrastructure (POC), Racial superstructure (Whiteness) which collide with one another, creating a structure of society which conditions how society actually works*
+Structural Determinism: the structure actually conditions people to be able to lack consciousness. In Critical Race Theory you are structurally determined to believe in the White Supremacy ideology and, therefore, have White Privilege and be blind to the realities of racial oppression, whereas if you are a racial minority, you are being brainwashed to accept your servitude. Within Marxism, if you are in the bourgeoisie, you have all these ideologies that tell you why it's natural for you to be on top in society and why it's right for you to exploit other people's labour, or how the worker deserves to be exploited because he hasn't gone to school or hasn't worked as hard as you, and thus doesn't have the "merit" that you have.
+The conditions, the historical conditions of the society that's existing at the time which is along a dialectical process, but not complete, those limit, through Structural Determinism, what it is you're able to be conscious of. The Marxist sees himself as, basically, a step or two ahead in history in bringing everyone forward by raising consciousness.
+This is why they think:
+A. They are a step or two ahead of people
+B. Superior to everyone else
+C. Justified in excluding people from society and even killing people because they aren't coming along and are hindering the progress of history.
+In a metaphysical sense, the historical conditions don't just have material and structural determinism, but they create the limits of subjectivity.
+### The Limits of Subjectivity
+Marxism is a subject-centered view. It centers consciousness as the descriptor of the world which causes the practitioner to have the false belief that the limits of subjectivity are actually arbitrary.
+We live in a subjective world where anything is possible. Marx had said that we are going to transcend all boundaries: "We will get past all natural limitations". For the subjectivist view, it exists entirely in your head. The limits of your subjectivity, which rae the conditioned respone of the historical conditions you live under, are all that you have preventing you from living in the perfect world. They are your own mental block created by the conditions outside of you.
+Marxists, therefore, invert the world and believe that the subjective creates the objective and, thus, in doing that, humanizes it and makes it good through the Work, but because they believe that the limits of subjectivity are arbitrary, they also believe, as an extension of that belief, that the limits of objectivity are also arbitrary. The limits of the objective world don't really exist, which is why they think they can transcend nature, do away with human nature, have transhumanist projects to remake man into something like New Man, New Soviet Man, Socialist Man. They will always try to build this in order to transcend the boundaries of reality itself. Liberation means the liberation from reality - the limitations in the objective world, outside, are actually the products of the limitations of the subjective world inside, which has been limited by the historical conditions limiting your subjectivity. We could live in, basically, unbeliveably perfect metaverses if only we would deny the limits that the historical conditions have placed upon us. We would bring about whatever is in our subjective world in actuality, in the objective world, by us doing The Work.
+Their enemy is Ideology (not theirs, of course, which doesn't exist). Objectivity itself is an ideology - a justification for why we are limiting our subjective range. Why can't we fly? We have an ideology which says it's physically not possible, and the scientists and positivists are exploiting in order to limit our subjectivity so that we cannot transcend our own reality - the ideology of objectivity is part of how we do this. This leads to some of the most narcissistic frames of mind, which they think to be the absence of ideology.
+### Prometheus
+This also brings in a lot of Promethean thought. Marx was obsessed with Prometheus, which you also see in Marcuse later as well. They see themselves as Prometheus, bringing the light/fire of the Gods to human beings to set them free. For the MArxist theology, freeing oneself of subjective limitations expands the real of possibilities. Foucault was also all about this - expanding the potentialities of being by expanding your subjectivity. Getting rid of the Metanarratives (ideologies). Expand the possibility in terms of subjectivity and through the Work, which expands the objectivity.
+The Work (the successful transformation of the world) teaches this lesson to people and lets them believe themselves as creator. And not just any people can be creator - it has to be everybody on the same page all the time. Social Man working for Social Harmony in the Socialist Utopia. Praxis is what is said what achieves this by taking the theory, putting it into action, taking that theory-informed practice and then seeing what's happening in the world and reflecting upon it. The objective is realized when it is, int he end, synthesized with the subjective (which is what Hegel said would be the creation of the absolute) and for Marx that's what happens when Social Man is able to produce Socialist Society. When there is no genuine object out there to dominate any longer.
+This is the religion of being able to turn yourself into creator and you are only an authentic creator who is not a dominating demon creating the division of labour when everyone is working together in the Socialist mindset. Marx holds that man, and his species, are his object. The thing for which he does the Work, out of his Theory-informed subjective understanding, to transform is himself and his species.
+Man and his species are his own object - we must keep saying that to get it to sink in. The Work (productive work that goes beyond meeting basic animal needs), that's informed by Theory, is done upon the object. The Work is therefore to humanize the world and man, the object is an illusion of the subject, who realizes this in the final synthesis, when the object, man himself and the entire species, has been successfully transformed into Social Man and Socialist Society by doing the Work (Praxis and creating more Social Man - brainwashing people and getting them to adopt this theology). In keeping with Hegel, Subject and Object lose their distinction, become the Absolute, and because there is neither Subject nor Object after the Escaton, there is no domination and we are now in the Communism scenario where everybody is equal and doing The Work in the name of the society. Perfect Collectivism. Everybody and everything is subject and object at the same time (Subject-Object). The Work and what the work is being done on become co-continuous in the end, just as Social Man becomes Co-Continuous with Socialist Society.
+Subject Object would therefore be Subjects who realize they are their own Objects and Objects of their own subjectivity. It makes sense when you understanding what they are talking about. It's not possible, but you can understand what they're talking about. This all comes back to the Species Being - the human nature of the will to create, to mould, to shape and to produce through The Work, plus the meeting of your various needs (hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, comfort, etc). In other words, the sacred work of the Marxian Theology is to do The Work which arises from the Will to Create which, in the long run, allows man to see himself as independent and creator/co-creator (Social Man is sort of a Hive Mind because it's comprised of individuals who all have the same subjecive understanding or consciousness).
+### Shaping the Object
+The moulding and shaping process for Marx is not just about making things or making the world around you, but it's a process of spiritual renewal - making yourself and actualizing yourself as a creator. But the actual creator isn't Man as in you/me/a man/a woman. It is, in fact, all men and all women as Social Man (Mankind actualized as the creator of history). Mankind itself is the creator of history. Every individual person is a various facet made in the image of the Socialist God. The transformation of inorganic nature into a humanized world is man's life-activity by which he makes himself in the species objects of his creative powers. Marx places The Work in the place where Hegel had put speculative thought, which is what's supposed to completely redo the world, and Marx quite rightly criticized Hegel for getting that wrong: "Thinking never does anything in the world, but Work Does". Hegel had actually remarked that "Work is what actually creates value", and Marx gives him credit for having observed that.
+This isn't far from the Hegelian Theology, even though Marx claims that it's a total inversion:
+- Hegel: "The last great synthetic step is the sublation of subject and object into the unified whole of the absolute." *The absolute is the primordial subject, it gave birth to the object in the form of the world so that it would have an absolute, abject other against which to compare itself and to understand itself, and when it realizes finally in the end, when the subject realizes that the object it created is just an extension of itself (its inorganic/spiritual body), that's when the absolute/deity actualizes in the realization that there is no difference between its position as subject and the object that is the result of its own creative capacity.*
+- Marx: *Marx does away with the absolute and replaces it with man and himself, so the Deity gets replaced with man. So Man becomes the creator of Man (both as subject and as his own object - at the level including of species - all of mankind is the object of man and his subjective will.), just as we read in the economic and philosophical manuscripts where he dodges the question. Social man has to be transformed, and the entire species has to be transformed into Socialist Man. Doing the work transforms you, but it also transformers others, leading to the entire species becoming Socialist Man. He transforms the world and himself through this life activity until Socialist Man lives in Socialist Society. Through this process, in the Marxian Theology, man realizes that he, in his own nature, is both author and object, creator who creates the world and then himself, thus he is wholly independent.*
+This is like building the garden out of the world - humanizing the jungle of the world, where the world is ultimately going to be society in the end (the whole world humanized. Nature humanized. Various conditions up until that point in history are just part of that process. Anything that happens in the unfolding of that process, such as contradictions in conflict with one another, are all ultimately the result of the division of labour, which came about because of the belief in a difference between God and Man. God is a tyrant/gnostic.
+This image of the Garden is very intentional because the Marx's socialism idea is to build on earth and thus reclaim the Garden of Eden. In part through denouncing God and his condemnation in The Fall as false evil and tyrannical. This is gnosticism - Marx is a speculative gnostic. Man's removal from the garden, because Man created God in the first place, is a self-imposed act based on the idea of creating God to justify the domination following from the division of labour. Man fell from the state of being Social Man to that of being Historical Man/Individual Man who sees other men as his objects. His objective is, through the process of History in the Marxian Theology, is to apply Marxian theology so that every man becomes Social Man and the garden can be reclaimed. Now, not in its primevil state, where the various groups were estranged from one another, but rather where there is absolutely no separation from one to another and it is a global garden.
+In the Garden of Eden, and in any Garden, the Garden is turning the world into something that provides for all your needs. In the Garden of Eden, all of man's needs are provided for him. You are careful, you fear no predators, you have all the food you need to eat, except eating from the Tree of Knowledge is forbidden. In the Garden all work is volitional, liberated, and free and it is the expression of their true nature as species being; their work is all productive work and it is authentic work bringing meaning to him and transforming him into an even better person - actualizing him. Under the division of labour, Nature can no longer supply people's needs because Property Rights/Capital have come into the world as an idea. (belief in Property Rights/Capital are ideological)
+So Marx's idea of the division of labour as original sin is that it alienates man from one another (and nature can no longer provide), in addition to all this other alienation which alienates him from his species being. Since the productive labourer is having work taken from him. His work becomes a torment. Someone else must be benefitting and taking pleasure in his exploitation, and the person who's actually enjoying this torment of making other people work for his own subjective view (not a reflection of That's the conflict part of the Consciousness that Marx want.
+### Ideal
+In that state man is no longer in the estranged state - kicked out of the garden. Not for spiritual renewal through their work. They're working just to be able to maintain means to meet their needs that were their birthright in the first place. They are estranged from themselves by labour and estranged from one another by labour. In other words, the turning of Work into an act of Domination. So Marx's idea of labour as original sin is that it alienates man from one another in addition to all this other alienation which alienates him from his species being, as we've talked about. So, since the productive labour is having hsi work taken from him through this domination and alienates him from it, his work necessarily becomes a torment - which is the toil that you read in Genesis III.
+Someone else must be benefitting and taking pleasure from his exploitation, and this person who is enjoying the torment of making other people work for his own limited subjective view, that's not a reflection of the actualized end of history where everyone is Socialized and in Social society. What you have, then, is that the bourgeois capitalist is a demon who has taken off a part for himself and is no longer reflecting the potential for God. He is, in fact, creating a simulacrum of the creative force to exploit and enslave other men by extracting their surplus value at the cost of their alienation. That's why the Bourgeois, capitalist, straight, white, etc are hated by these Marxian theories. They've taken their own subjective image of what Socialist man could be and created it for their own benefit, separate from the whole.
+This is true evil in the Marxist religion - employing other people, having division of labour, having positions like Priests and Lawyers - because that extraction of surplus value through the division of labour is the extraction of man's capacity to apply his productive effort in the process of societal and self-renewal and transformation. You can't spiritually advance if somebody else has caught you. If you work for somebody else, you are enthralled to a Demon. This alienation of one from another can only be overcome, according to Marxian thought, by raising consciousness that man is in fact a Social Being (a Socialist being) and that, as a Social Being (on the lower level - the product of Social relations that he himself creates and has created throughout history and that these conditions have become perfectly equitable) he will become Just. He will no longer be dividing labour and become a capital-less Social man with a completely different consciousness. By having the right Socialist mindset, Man can be made to see himself as part of the great societal project - Communism. By doing that, man becomes able to overcome his alienation from other men and, thus, free himself from the domination which exists intrinsically as a result of any division of labour.
+# Conclusion
+We have seen the makings of a Theology here. Not only is there an account for Man and his Origins (albeit, a bad one), there is also an account of man's Telos (purpose), an ontology and an axiology.
+## Origins
+Man makes himself through the process of history. What man actually is, that separates man from animal, is that man is able to bring the conscious products of his effort into the world, subject first, creating object, by which he understands and elevates subject and becomes increasingly human in an increasingly humanized world.
+## Telos
+He has a purpose to take this to its complete logical extension and to humanize the entire world and totally himself. To create the Utopia - the Socialist/Communist Utopia.
+## Ontology
+This theology comments on the state and meaning of his existence
+We have an understanding of what it means it means to be a man. A man is somebody who has the capacity to do volitional work and by doing so change the world in accordance with his subjectivity, including a subjectivity acting on other people to change them into Socialist men as well. He is able to change the world in a way that reflects back into himself and allows him to understand himself and actualize himself as he engages in spiritual renewal so that the entirety of his inorganic body, nature, becomes the object of his subjectivity.
+## Theodyssey
+We have an explanation of the tragedies, both current and historical, of existence. Why is there evil in the world? We have a theory of evil, within Marxism - because the division of labour exists and creates domination, and the domination creates material and structural conditions which, in turn, condition the people, leading them to be in conflict with one another. History uses people to move along the dialectic as this conflict plays out, and discard them.
+The tragedies of existence are the result of domination, so what we must do is end domination by any means.
+Domination and the progress of history are the explanation for evil. History, as it will be at its end, after achieving the Socialist Utopia, will allow for all violence and tragedy to be understood as having been necessary to resolve the contradictions in whatever moment of history so that it could have been made to move forward. Evil in the world is either the stupid capitalists who are evil in and of themselves, or it's the result of the limitations of consciousness imposed by the material conditions and social conditions of the time, limiting people's ability to understand themselves as social subjects.
+All of the terrible violence and acts of history are just part of the process of moving history along until the end where we can see who was on the right side of it.
+## Satiriology
+We have a theory of Salvation. Theory, which is dialectical praxis, from the conditions of history, is how man frees himself from this estranged and alienated state. By putting Theory in Practice - that dialectical Praxis, is the Satiriology. We are going to save all of mankind by making all of mankind Social Man living in Social Society.
+It has a vision for the potential conclusion of the current state of existence and transition into one that is fundamentally different and better, which is an escatology. A theory for the end of the world. The end of history arrives when history no longer has to be made, because we have achieved Social Man in Social Society.
+## Axiology
+It has a resulting axiological values program which is that "You have to do the work". You have to participate in this - you have to be on the right side of history. And that axiological values program gives rise to duties of conscience for every believer. Social Man has to make more Social Men and act in accordance with Theory and Practice in all things. This leads to rampant evangelism of the Socialist Faith because more people have to be programmed with the Social Theology so that they understand it and can become Social Men themselves and work toward this heaven on Earth which doesn't require a God - the rebuilding of the Garden.
+## Epistemology/Gnosciology
+Connects them all. Truth is that which moves along the Marxist program, that which extends from Theory. Theory is not just the criterion of truth but its substance.
+The Gnosciology of Maxism is predicated on the belief that that which advances Marxism is true and all else is false. The Axiology turns out to be the same - that which advances Marxism is good and all else is evil.
+Marxism is a full-blown Theology. Who is the God of Marxist Theology? Man perfected. He doesn't know that he is that yet - his subjectivity is limited by the historical conditions taht he's contrained by, but man in himself, totally independent from any other thing, the man at the end of history that is fully synthesized and Social and is to be every man. He only truly exists in that perfected, Socialist society - Communism - which only comes into existence at the end of history, when man Perfects Himself as Social Man who is continuous with Social Society. When all the men perfect themselves to become the perfect expression in practice of Marxist theory, the God of Marxism is then the projection of man into Socialist Man who only exists in the Utopian future that Marxism upholds as a necessary historical possibility.
+How is any of that supposed to make sense? From Marx's discussion of his origins:
+"Don't think. Don't ask me. Now, I say to you, give up your abstraction and you will also give up your question".
+Marxism is a Theology.