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+ 6 - 6

@@ -829,23 +829,23 @@ The connection to what's going on in the woke ideology cannot be missed, especia
 They are simultaneously obsessed with privilege and how the system, which is a manifestation of the idea state in the culture or geist, creates and thus bestows privilege. Privilege is granted by the state. They are obsessed with who has privilege nad how that's unfair, ebcaues the state itself is unfair because the entire structure of the idea, state nad culture are incorrect, and so they agitate culture knowing that that's where you have the most drive to change the entire thing and reorganize who has privilege. That's why they're so obsesse dwith privilege, want people to check privilege, because privlege comes down from the state and they want to reorganize everything so that everything operates according to their ideology.
-Another consequence of the HEgelian thought is collectivism because when the ideas are perfected, everybody must have the same ideas, because they are perfect. All the different ideas which lead to contradictions must have been synthesized. If anyone has different ideas, that's a site of contradictions - if your idea and my ide aare different, we now have a dialectic between us. It has to be synthesized.
+Another consequence of the Hegelian thought is collectivism because when the ideas are perfected, everybody must have the same ideas, because they are perfect. All the different ideas which lead to contradictions must have been synthesized. If anyone has different ideas, that's a site of contradictions - if your idea and my idea are different, we now have a dialectic between us. It has to be synthesized.
-We don't have th eperfect idea, therefore the absolute has not recognized itself unless we all have the same idea. There can be no cognitive libert y in the perfected state. We have to have total collectivism and all think the same - and this will happen by all subsuming our will to the state - giving over our will and duty to the state entirely. Hegelian thought is a massive amplification to a dramatic degree of the powerful collectivist metaphysic underneath it. Collectivism leads people who take it up to try and force a situation because they believe that when there's total conformity to their totalizing ideology, collectively maintained, then we are now near or at the point of the absolute realizing itself. The perfected point where Utopia is imminent. We are all part of the dialectical process moving history forward and we are all in it together.
+We don't have the perfect idea, therefore the absolute has not recognized itself unless we all have the same idea. There can be no cognitive liberty in the perfected state. We have to have total collectivism and all think the same - and this will happen by all subsuming our will to the state - giving over our will and duty to the state entirely. Hegelian thought is a massive amplification to a dramatic degree of the powerful collectivist metaphysic underneath it. Collectivism leads people who take it up to try and force a situation because they believe that when there's total conformity to their totalizing ideology, collectively maintained, then we are now near or at the point of the absolute realizing itself. The perfected point where Utopia is imminent. We are all part of the dialectical process moving history forward and we are all in it together.
 Anybody who has a different idea is both a problem and proof that the absolute hasn't realized itself. So that person becomes a site where the dialectic continues to play out. That means it's nt done playing out, thust he Utopia isn't here. Somebody with different thoughts is preventing the emergence of the Utopia, and they're probably just being stubborn.
 People who don't want to get on board with this, especially when a megalomaniacal man of action have taken control and power - which is totally a weakness of this ideology, because this man of action is always being looked for. That's going to be perceived from within this logic as being against the realization of Utopia, problematic, and in need of elimination/excommunication/marginalization. That's what we see in Cancel Culture, and what we saw under horrific manifestations under people like Stalin and Mao.
-This is another thing: these kind of a mentality (Hegelian magic) is wide open to psychopaths and megalomaniacs who think that they have vision, the ruthlessness, and the capacity to decide what the right side of history actually is (it will conform to their pathologies), and the will install a pathocracy (pathological government). They have the ability to usher this in at any cost. This happens again and again under Hegelian frameworks, and it has lead to a catastrophic movement.
+This is another thing: this kind of a mentality (Hegelian magic) is wide open to psychopaths and megalomaniacs who think that they have vision, the ruthlessness, and the capacity to decide what the right side of history actually is (it will conform to their pathologies), and the will install a pathocracy (pathological government). They have the ability to usher this in at any cost. This happens again and again under Hegelian frameworks, and it has lead to a catastrophic movement.
 Hegel's man of action is meant to come in, in the attempt to fulfill history. History is using him (he doesn't even have his own agency), the man of action, to progress the dialectic and progress history. CRT: "And so the dialectic progresses".
-If he fails in his mission to fulfill history, it still fits into the same mold. History still progresess. He doesn't fulfillhistory, but it progresses. So it's easy to get support from the dialectical left who eblieve in this faith, but it leads into mentalities and tropes such as: Real Communism has never been tried. Because every attempt so far was just a case that wasn't real communism - people forwarded some new synthesis tha wasn't the perfectly synthesized idea, and the contradictions in their attempt were revealed to the unfolding process of history - 10s or millions of dead people? Hitler was a result of this. Communism and its failures. Hitler is a rsult of a Hegelian dialectic being taken up as a faith.
+If he fails in his mission to fulfill history, it still fits into the same mold. History still progresess. He doesn't fulfillhistory, but it progresses. So it's easy to get support from the dialectical left who believe in this faith, but it leads into mentalities and tropes such as: Real Communism has never been tried. Because every attempt so far was just a case that wasn't real communism - people forwarded some new synthesis tha wasn't the perfectly synthesized idea, and the contradictions in their attempt were revealed to the unfolding process of history - 10s or millions of dead people? Hitler was a result of this. Communism and its failures. Hitler is a rsult of a Hegelian dialectic being taken up as a faith.
 So they say real Communism has not been tried because it will only have occurred after the absolute realizes itself, not before. Everything up until that point, whether good or bad, was just the part of the process of making our way there.
-Furthermore, all of the mas deaths through these Hegelian rpojects - these people are just martyrs of history. They aren't a tragedy, they're a victory. 100 million dead? History used them to reveal the contradictions and the ideas that were being ported in that age, so they're not really a loss. History used and discarded them, just as it does to Men of Action. The dead are a benefit under this world view. History, under Hegel's historcism, uses people for its purpose and then discards them. It's just a part of the process. The ends justify the means.
+Furthermore, all of the mass deaths through these Hegelian projects - these people are just martyrs of history. They aren't a tragedy, they're a victory. 100 million dead? History used them to reveal the contradictions and the ideas that were being ported in that age, so they're not really a loss. History used and discarded them, just as it does to Men of Action. The dead are a benefit under this world view. History, under Hegel's historcism, uses people for its purpose and then discards them. It's just a part of the process. The ends justify the means.
 As Hegel had it then, the spirit of the time commanded movement, the absolute marches through history by good roads and bad ones. It's all progress, no matter how bad it is.
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ Liberals and Conservatives, in that sense, have something deeply in common where
 The 3 Gods of the west. the JudeoChristian God and Jeffersonian Liberal God have a God that is - alpha omega I am the I am. Whereas Leftists have a God that becomes through their activism.
-Summarizing that idea again, Liberalsa nd Conservatives with their 2 deities approach the divine with humility - Humble before something bigger than we are which is incomprehensible to us. Leftists don't have this with their Hegelian Deity - the faith is fueled up in praxis, thus they approach the divine with arrogance, as their goal is to brign their own vision into being and make it Lord through their machinations and activism. It's for thi reason that a lot of far-right conservatives identify it with luciferianism or satanism. It's a very arrogant belief to bring about actualization of God through your activism and, compared to the humility of God the Father, or the World as it is beyond and bigger than us, with all that humanity, it's a complete departure.
+Summarizing that idea again, Liberals and Conservatives with their 2 deities approach the divine with humility - Humble before something bigger than we are which is incomprehensible to us. Leftists don't have this with their Hegelian Deity - the faith is fueled up in praxis, thus they approach the divine with arrogance, as their goal is to brign their own vision into being and make it Lord through their machinations and activism. It's for thi reason that a lot of far-right conservatives identify it with luciferianism or satanism. It's a very arrogant belief to bring about actualization of God through your activism and, compared to the humility of God the Father, or the World as it is beyond and bigger than us, with all that humanity, it's a complete departure.
 That's one thing to understand. Ultimately my goal has beent o make clear what's been going on with the Left for the past 200 years - Old Left, New left, Woke Left - which exists in a single current in which Marx is just one species.

+ 33 - 1

@@ -572,4 +572,36 @@ This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Demo
 - Hegel's speculative (Mystical) application, freed by Marx via materialism
 - Woke continuously dialectically synthesize and engage through an Evangelical mode
-## Consequences
+## Consequences
+- History moves through dialecticism, thus impetus towards urgency in its application
+- Anyone who resists inevitable trajectory is evil
+- Conformity/Collectivism -> Statism
+- Woke is both statist and totalitarian
+- Hegel: State the actuality of substantial will of subconscious once consciousness aware of universality
+- Final end has right over individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of this state
+- State is actuality of the ethical idea
+- Truth is unity of Universal and Subjective will; Universal to be found in state (divine idea as it exists on earth)
+- Inalienable rights endowed by creator replaced by privileges granted by state
+### Privilege
+"Critical Theorists are highly suspicious of another liberal mainstay, namely: rights" - Critical Race: An Introduction
+- System, manifestation of State and Culture, bestows privilege
+### Collectivism
+- Obvious consequence of Statism
+- Anyone with conflicting thoughts becomes a site of contradictions
+- In the perfected state, everyone is holding the perfect idea (no cognitive liberty)
+- Conformity signifies proximity to realization of the ideal
+- If the perfected point is imminent, then everyone is either facilitating or dragging the movement of history
+### More Dead? No Problem
+- History uses good roads and bad roads
+- All Communism is not real Communism because history is ongoing
+- 100 million dead are evidence of contradictions being revealed - Progress!
+## Interfaith and Wokeness
+- Formalized effort to reconstruct Prisca Theologia and find Philosophia Perennis
+- Equity becomes updated version of Socialism (Justice => Communism)
+- Public-Private, super-state replaces the Nation State
+- Religions repurposed for social justice yield parasitic interface
+- Cease practicing their own religions; dialectically transformed into Hegelian faith